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Shared Generic Fantasy World Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/22(Tue)05:27 No. 25930 ID: bbe66b

A Boy and His Goblin m/F

Sulka sighed to herself, “To think that I’ve been reduced to this,” she thought.

She was sitting in a tree, scoping out a farm to raid.

“Raid, ha! Who am I kidding. I’m going to steal a chicken so I don’t starve,” she mumbled.

It was a nice farm, she had decided, at least as farms go. She had seen a number of them, and even led an actual raid on a plantation once.

She had watched long enough. Everyone was out in the field, or attending to other livestock. The chickens were unguarded.

Hop out of the tree, a quick dash, into the coop, grab a bird, snap goes the neck.

Out again, around the corner, over the bush, into the boy-


Sulka found herself laying on top of a young human.

“Ow! What in the world?”

It was in situations like these that it paid to be the brightest goblin in the clan. Elder had always said her common tongue was exceptionally good.

“Hush. I don’t want to hurt you, boy.”


Daniel was bored. He was bored of living on a farm in general, and bored of weeding in the specific. Which explained why he was hiding in the tree stump instead of doing chores.

The chicken coop exploded in noise suddenly, and Daniel leapt up. Was it a fox? Maybe a weasel? Whatever it was, it would be a spot of excitement. He hurried towards the coop.

Daniel became aware that he was flat on the ground. His chest hurt, and something green was on top of him. He couldn’t remember falling either.

“Ow, what in the world?”

The green thing moved, and Daniel felt the cool of metal against his throat. With a subtle turn of the wrist, the boy realized it wasn’t just metal, it was a blade.

“Hush. I dun wanna hertz yuze, boi.”

Daniel blinked. “You don’t want to hurt me?”


“That’s good, I don’t want you to hurt me either.”

The goblin, for that is what Daniel realized it was, narrowed its eyes. “Den dis will be real easy. I is gettin up, you is stayin still and not noising. I no kill yuze, yuze say you saw fox when grownups ask.”

Daniel swallowed. “We need those chickens.”

It nodded. “We all needs food in our bellys. How old yuhz, kid?”

Blinking, it took him a moment to process the unexpected question. “Thirteen.”

The goblin snorted. “I fauwt clan warz by that age. Hmmph. Humans grow slow. Lesson for yuhz, little boy: shit happen.”

It tapped the knife against his neck twice as a reminder, and then sprang off into a sprint.

Daniel lay there for a few minutes, both slightly stunned by events, and also desperate to be seen as following directions, should the thief still be around. Finally he got up and ran to his father, out with the cattle.

“Pa! A fox took one of our chickens!”

“Don’t be daft boy, no foxes round here for decades. Go bother your mother if you can’t be bothered with chores.”

“Fine then, a red fox-shaped chicken-fairy stole a chicken. I don’t care if you believe me, but don’t say I didn’t tell you when Sis tells you there’s a chicken missing.”

Pa turned and looked at Daniel. “You saw it then, did you?”

“Heard a ruckus in the coop and went to investigate. Saw something red dash into the hedges, and when I followed it was gone. I counted the chickens and one’s vanished.”

Pa sighed. “No foolin’?”

“Swear Pa.”

He spat into the pasture. “Just what we need. Go talk to your uncle Joseph. He knows a thing or two about traps. Since you don’t like weeding, it’s your new job to stop this thing, fox or not.”

Daniel tried to hide the look of horror on his face. This was not how he thought this would go. He had to stop a fox. That was actually a goblin.

“Uh, yes Pa. Now?”

He glanced at the sky. “No, not enough light. Wait till tomorrow morning, it will take your uncle a while to teach you. Oh, and take some cheese to him in trade.”


Sulka munched happily on the plump, roasted bird. She would have to avoid that farm for some time. The boy would probably be too terrified to tell on her, but it was best to be cautious. She licked the juice running down her lips and reflected.

She should have been more cautious before trying to become chieftess of the clan. Sure, she was the smartest, and she was strong, and fast, and nimble. But Chief Boggin was bigger and stronger. She should have waited another few years. He’d be older and slower, she’d be older and in a position of better strength politically…

It was pointless to think about now though. Maybe in several years she could come back with a show of force, but it was hard to think of how she’d do that when it was all she could do to get a chicken away from some farmers.

She took another bite and looked into her campfire in thought.


Daniel smiled. He had to admit, it was a pretty good trap. He knew exactly where it was, and still it was almost impossible for him to see it.

Of course, it had taken three weeks with his uncle to get to this point. And practicing constantly at home. Thankfully no more chickens had gone missing while he was away. His father, after admitting that there was indeed a missing chicken, had said he’d move the cattle in a little closer, and had his older sister keep a closer eye on the coop while Daniel was away with Uncle Joseph. Perhaps that had done it.

Or perhaps the goblin had moved on.

Well, the traps were set now, and Daniel was now in charge of the coop. Feeding, egg collecting, everything was his to do. No one else could see his traps.

Daniel wondered if the whole thing (minus the goblin, of course) wasn’t just an elaborate way of getting him to do chores. His Pa could be cleverer than he gave the man credit for sometimes.

Still, better than weeding. He smiled. Sis had to deal with that now.


Another two weeks had gone by, and Daniel was growing bored again. It was time to check the traps, feed the chickens, and check for eggs. There hadn’t been any excitement other than a pig standing on Pa’s foot and nearly breaking it.

Daniel realized he could hear muttering near the coop. He quickened his pace.

There it was! The goblin was hanging upside down from his rope-trap. He ducked behind a tree and studied it. Despite, or rather, because it had been literally on top of him last time, he hadn’t really gotten any good idea of how it looked.

What luck! He could see the gleam of its knife on the ground, just out of its reach. Daniel frowned, he hadn’t even thought of that. If it had kept hold of the blade, it could have easily cut through the rope. It was about four foot high, a foot and a half shorter than himself and wore roughly sewn hemp clothes. The boy held back a chuckle as the odd kilt-like bottom garment had succumbed to gravity and displayed a bare green ass to the world. Daniel’s eyebrows rose. The goblin had twisted in the wind, and it wasn’t an ass facing the boy now, but a mass of black curls several feet above a furious face.

It was a girl!

There was a burst of activity from the goblin as she tried stretching for the knife, but it was nearly a foot away from her fingers. She grumbled in what Daniel assumed was Goblintongue, before taking a deep breath and bending at the waist. She grabbed the rope and tore at the knot for several seconds before falling back down and gasping for breath. That position had to be extremely uncomfortable, Daniel thought. She was almost folded in half, and fighting gravity.

Daniel stepped out from the tree and approached. “You just had to come back, huh?”

The goblin flinched, then growled. “Yuze! Yuze a basterd, and yer mum’s a hoar! Let me down!”

“I don’t think so. I don’t want to hurt you, necessarily. But I still don’t want you to hurt me. And I think that’s what will happen if I let you down right now.”

The goblin was still growling and now was squeezing her fists as if she could choke him through will power.

“Why don’t I just move this away first?” Daniel asked.

He wanted to be nowhere near those arms, and he could imagine her turning the rope into a swing. He grabbed a rake leaning against the chicken coop and lay it on the ground. He lined it up with the knife and kicked them both well clear of her reach.

Walking around the furious goblin, he picked the blade up and studied it. Fairly sharp with a wicked point, he could tell she kept it well maintained. Daniel knew how to chop vegetables and skin game, but Pa had always said a weapon you didn’t know how to use was more danger to you than your foe.

Daniel looked around for the old oak. It had a hollow about twenty feet up that would be perfect for this. One toss later and the knife was out of sight.

The boy turned his attention back to the goblin. She was still grumbling in another tongue, though Daniel imagined he knew more or less what she was saying.

“You didn’t hurt me when you could have, so let's get things straight. I’ll let you go if you promise to leave and not come back. No more chickens. Otherwise, I’ll have to get my Pa. I don’t know what he’ll do, but I don’t think you’ll like it.”

She paused her swearing. “... That all? I go, no come back?”

“Yes.” He got closer. She didn’t seem to care that he could see her crotch, and he realized he was staring, but couldn’t stop.

She looked around once more, as if to find some solution, but sighed in resignation. “Fine. I go. Yuhz wins. Let me go.”

This was the point Daniel had been dreading. He was going to have to get well in range of her to let her down. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and walked forwards.

Nothing struck out at him, and he opened his eyes. There was the loop around her ankle. And there was her cunt, just a few feet below. He swallowed. It was well within reach, he could see her lips through the hair. Daniel’s hands started working the knot, but his eyes were not on his task. His pants felt tight.

“Herry up.”

“Sorry, I made the knot too tight.”

“... Yuhz made? Gude trap for little boy. Gude knot.”

“Um, thank you?”

Finally he got the knot loosened. “Almost done. Get ready, don’t want you to hit your head.”

The goblin’s arms tensed, and he undid the knot. She fell onto her arms and rolled gracefully before springing back onto her feet.

The two looked at each other.

“Yuhz teach me lesson this time, little boy. I dunt like getting teached.”


She walked up to him. “Is okay. I teach you another. With fists.”

“Wait, wha-?”

She leapt on Daniel.


Daniel had known the knife was just as dangerous in his hands as in hers, but as the two hit the ground with her atop him again, he realized things were different this time.

A few seconds in, he realized this wasn’t fighting. This was wrasslin’. And having wrassled with a sister, a dozen cousins, a rambunctious uncle, a few pigs, and another dozen schoolmates, at least half of all of the above older than him, Daniel knew a few things about wrasslin’.

He smiled. She didn’t like lessons? Too bad. School was about to start.


Sulka had underestimated the boy. He knew how to defend himself like this, and though she was better, his size and weight were enough to keep her from a decisive win.

He grabbed her arm and suddenly she realized he had her in a hold! The little shit!

Sulka had had enough. No more holding back, it was time for the dirty tricks. She ran her free arm down his pants; he’d yield after she squeezed his balls a time or two.

Her hand grabbed and squeezed.


The two froze. For several seconds neither moved.

Daniel gave a little moan finally.

“Little boy… no so little, hmm?”

Daniel hissed as she ran her hand along his shaft.

“Yuze lucky. I wuz aiming for balls.”

His eyes shot wide.

“Hush, yuze. I’m thinkin, yuze not need dat lesson on fists. I’m thinkin maybe I teach yuze diffrent lesson. It bin very long time for me, yah?”

The boy took a deep breath. “You mean… um.”

“Yuze and I make the peace. We have the fuck. We both like. Scluthen huk kehndüt ghaak… Um… No bad feelinz, ya?”

Daniel felt her hand hit the bottom, pause briefly, then start going back up.

Growing up on the farm, the teen knew about sex. It had been his responsibility last spring to make sure the ewes were all mated by the ram. And it was not as if the bull or stallion were particularly shy about their erections. But it would be years before any of the girls around would be interested in him like that.

“Will that, um, work? I mean, a human and a goblin?”

“I no get fat with baby, but the fun bit still wurk I think. We find out?”

Daniel swallowed. “Yes.”

Sulka grinned.


They had started with her undressing. She only had a shirt and the kilt, though she had bound her breasts, despite being rather small (at least compared to the women Daniel knew.)

She stood over the boy and let him study her, fighting the urge to rip off his trousers. She knew he would be curious, and she would have to take care not to scare him off. Humans were soft, both literally and metaphorically, Sulka suspected that sex between her people was more violent than most humans would appreciate.

Daniel’s eyes roamed her figure. She was not a beauty by any stretch of human standards, but he couldn’t see anything particularly objectionable. She didn’t seem to have any body hair other than the armpits and her crotch, where it was dark black and kinky.

Her skin was similarly tanned as his own, only in shades of green rather than pink or brown, with her breasts a pale creamy green, contrasted sharply by her nipples which were much darker. A small circle around each nipple was of an intermediate shade.

“You dun looking? Move to next step now?”

Daniel wasn’t finished, but if he could watch her stand like that for eternity it might not be enough, so they might as well start. “Yes.”

She carefully peeled his clothing off and sat on his stomach.

“Touch. I no get mad.” She grabbed his hands and pulled them onto her chest.

Her skin felt noticeably warm, and he gently squeezed her breasts together. She let out a short moan as he took her nipples in his fingers and toyed with them.


Daniel gripped harder and followed directions. Sulka took a deep breath and ground her cunt into his stomach.

The teen let go of her breasts and slid his hands down her body. Her skin was smooth but had an odd rubberiness to it, and he squeezed her asscheeks harder than he meant to, feeling his fingers sink deeper into her flesh than expected.

“Gud!” Sulka grabbed his hands again, squeezing one even harder into her ass, and dragging one between their two bodies, shoving it up against her cunt.

He could feel her lips sliding along his palm, slick with her excitement, and he pushed a finger between them. She bucked immediately, and he felt his finger slide inside.

“One moar!”

He pushed another finger in, and Sulka humped his fingers, grunting and muttering in her native tongue. She rode his fingers hard, even as he pumped them back and forth. Suddenly his fingers were squeezed tight as she hissed, and he watched her back arch and feet curl up as her eyes squeezed shut.

Her cunt let his fingers go, and she took deep breaths as her eyes opened.

“Gud boy.” She fell forward, laying fully on him. Despite everything they had done, Daniel felt his face flush again as he stared into her eyes just two inches away.

Her head dropped, and he felt her lips on his. Then a tongue shoved his mouth open and suddenly they were taking turns tasting one another’s mouths.

A few eternal minutes later she leaned back. “It time.”

Sulka slid back and grabbed his shaft, lining it up. The tip of his penis touched her lips before she slammed down without ceremony.

His cock was engulfed in a tight wet heat as the pair moaned together in appreciation. The two stayed motionless for a time; Sulka’s cunt flush against the young teen’s abdomen. Daniel was overwhelmed with the new sensation while Sulka took a moment to enjoy being filled. She had been right- whether he was large for a human boy she knew not, but his cock reached all the spots any but the largest mature goblins would have.

She slid herself nearly off of his cock before driving down again, then moved her hips around in a circle, as if trying to stir her insides with his cock.

Daniel gasped again as she started bouncing up and down. Every stroke brought pleasure, and his mind grew numb with it. He reached up and dragged her down to him as his hips started to thrust without his consent.

Sulka gasped as the thrusts started, suddenly her breasts were against the boy as he took charge. Her ass made a slapping sound each time they connected, steadily speeding up, as they reached a lust-fueled frenzy. She grabbed his head, thrusting her tongue into his mouth again.

Daniel had a hold of her hips and started pounding harder as he came, spraying his cum deep inside of her. Sulka moaned into his mouth as she felt herself filled with heat. Though they had only been at it for a minute or two, the kinkyness of having a young male of another race gushing seed into her womb set her off again.

Sulka’s cunt rippled and squeezed in an attempt to milk every last drop of jism out of the boy as the pair lay in a shared orgasm.

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/22(Tue)05:28 No. 25931 ID: bbe66b

Daniel panted, “That was… hah, amazing.”

Sulka looked down at him and grinned. “Ya, not bad for yuze first time.”

She sat up, then stood, a last tingle of stimulation firing for them both as his cock slid out. “Well then. I need go somewhere and git food. Yuze wash up gud, yuze smell of fucking.”

Daniel watched as she put on her clothes. An idea struck him. “Ah, wait here, I’ll be right back!”

Sulka watched curiously as he hopped up and sped away.

By the time she had rebound her breasts and gotten dressed, the boy had returned.

“We’ve got two roosters, and we all hate this one. Always trying to kick and peck everyone.” He held the dead bird by the neck.

The goblin grinned. “What about yuzes Poppa?”

Daniel smiled, “We seem to be dealing with a really clever fox.”

Sulka smiled back, leaned up on tip toes and kissed him. “Yuze gud boy. I’m Sulka.” She scrambled up the oak and grabbed her knife before jumping back down.

“I’m Daniel.”

“Thanks Daniel. Had gud time. Nice cockerel too,” she said with a wink as she briefly fondled his scrotum, before grabbing the rooster and taking off.

Daniel stood there, still naked, and pondered what he was going to say to his Pa.


Daniel tossed the bucket of slop into the pig trough and sighed. It had been a month and a half since Sulka, the chicken stealing goblin, had last entered his life. As “punishment” for losing the rooster, he was now taking care of the pigs as well. It confirmed his opinion that the whole thing was his Pa’s way of getting him to do chores.

Ever since she had run off with the rooster (and his virginity), his thoughts rarely left her. Despite having made her promise never to return, he kept hoping she would come back.

Another two buckets of slop later, and it was time to collect the eggs. Heading over to coop now was a challenge, as he had to remember all the trap locations he had laid out.

“Psst. Daniel.”

The lad spun around.

Sulka landed in front of him with a mischievous grin.

“Sulka, you’re back!”

“Ya. Dun worry, not here for fud.”

“That’s good I guess. Have you been well?”

“Ya, doin very gud. Found small lake with gud fish. No more thieving, built a small hut.” Sulka reached up and messed Daniel’s hair. The teen normally hated that sort of thing, but her hand was warm, and made him think of their last meeting.

“Oh, great! …Um, actually I don’t know anything about you. You didn’t have a house or something before?”

“No, I just move in area. Here, sit. I tell story.”

The two leaned back against a tree as Sulka explained how she tried to become chieftess of her tribe, her failure, and eventual expulsion from the tribe.

“... and now I know yuze, and have small hut next to fish lake.”

“Wow. I’m sorry you got expelled, but at least things are getting better now.”

Sulka shrugged stoically. “Ya. Not hungry, not cold. Bored though.”

“Couldn’t you find another tribe of Goblins?”

“Could maybe. Nearest other tribe are weeks North. We beat them gud in last tribal war. They not so happy to see me, I think. Most humans not happy see me. Could go to big city. ‘Multea-cul-tural’ there. Humans and Dwarves and Elves and Goblins and what all.”

“Closest thing that could call itself a real city is Winterhaven, or so my Pa says. It’s two weeks by horse to the East.”

“I no have horse. I no steal horse, or lawmen cut Sulka’s throat.”

Daniel nodded, you could save for years and not afford a riding horse. Their farm had a cheaper draft horse, and it was a point of pride to his parents. Most made do with a mule or an ox.

“So, I stuck here for now. Maybe something change. Only problem, boredom.”

“Ha, well, you won’t find any excitement here. You’re the only interesting thing to happen in years.”

Sulka looked over. “Oh? Yuze bored too?”

Daniel looked out at the farm and sighed. “Very.”

“Gud. I feeling in a teachative mood. Yuze wanna learn?”

His head swiveled round, a wary look evident. “... Depends on the lesson, I guess.”

“Ha! Gud. Yuze learn more sex, ya? Use mouth.”

Daniel leaned over and kissed her neck. “That not meant as order, but good idea. Mmmh.”

The pair fell on the ground and started pulling off each other’s clothes whilst kissing, sucking, and licking the newly uncovered skin.

Sulka pulled back after a few minutes. “That good start. Now, yuze know that this,” she squeezed his cock for emphasis, “goes in here.” She lightly smacked her cunt, then pushed a finger in and moaned.

“But we not animals. People be creative. Elves be really kinky, so I hear. Anyway, we can do other stuff. I show.”

Daniel gasped as Sulka opened her mouth and licked up the length of his penis. As she reached the end, she slipped the crown into her mouth and ran her tongue around it. Daniel’s hands clasped at the dirt as he felt his cock slide farther into her mouth. One wonderful moment later and his cock was cold again, open to the air.

“Good, yah?”


Sulka smiled and made his cock disappear into her mouth again. Daniel moaned as suddenly her nose was against his skin, and his cock went even farther into her mouth. He watched her plunge two fingers into her cunt and felt her groan through his cock, rather than hearing it with his ears. He suddenly realised that some of his penis was down her throat as he felt the end of his shaft squeezed.

That was too much, his seed shot down her throat, Sulka continuing to moan. After every couple of shots, she would swallow again, trying to tug his penis a little further down, and enticing his balls to empty out even more.

Finally, they seemed to run out, and Sulka pulled back, sucking down a huge breath of air.

“That was, I... wow.”

“Very gud.” Sulka was still breathing heavily. “Now your turn. Use tongue, lips, fingers on me. In me. Bad news, cunt is trickier than cock to please. Pay attention and you will learn gud. Make ladies happy, they want make you happy, yah? Is true with me at least.”

Daniel looked at her cunt. He wasn’t sure he really wanted to lick it, but she had just swallowed his cock. And it had been… he didn’t know how to describe how amazing it had been. He supposed it would only be fair.

He leaned down and licked the length of her slit. It was already moist, and had a peculiar taste. It wasn’t awful, but he couldn’t say he cared for it much. Then again, he couldn’t imagine that his jism had been all that appetizing for Sulka either, it had come out of his cock, after all.

He licked the length again, then pressed further in, trying to get his tongue inside. A moment later, he found the entrance and slid in. Sulka grabbed his head, she was running her fingers through his hair, but it seemed to Daniel that she was restraining herself.

He pressed his tongue as far in as he could and probed around, earning some appreciative noises from above. Pulling out, he ran his tongue along the ridge of skin surrounding her hole. As he got to the top, Sulka hissed, and her fingers tightened in his hair. “Yah, good. That spot important. That best bit!”

Daniel pulled back slightly so he could see. The two ridges met together in the middle and formed an odd shape. Sort of like the ridges of an ear, only not, of course. He squeezed his hand in front of him and tried pulling the ridges apart slightly so he could see better.

“Mhh, ya. See dat little nipple? Suck it.”

He could see something akin to a nipple. He went in and tried sucking it into his mouth.

“Ah, yah!” Her legs were suddenly wrapped around his head. “Harder, yuze not hurt me.”

Daniel opened his mouth a little wider and really sucked, pulling in the nub, and the upper ridges. As he had noticed previously, the skin stretched more than he would have expected on a human.

“Ungh. Put fingerz in!”

Daniel’s head was starting hurt a bit from her legs, and he could feel her body writhing around. He quickly followed directions and pressed two fingers into her cunt as far as he could. He moved them around inside for a few moments, before realizing that they would probably be more like a cock if they were going in and out.

“Malark tig farhsi! ZIG! ZIG!”

Daniel took that as approval, and kept going.

After what was probably only a minute, but felt like ten, Sulka started shaking, and the pressure on his head slackened. Unsure if he should stop, he slowed down.

The shaking lessoned, and eventually Sulka moaned. “Yuze stop now. That good.”

Daniel realized they were both panting. Had he been sucking her that entire time? He must have been. He licked his lips and made a second discovery: at some point his chin and mouth had become absolutely covered in Sulka’s juice.

He licked his lips again. It wasn’t that bad, all things considered. Much better than brussel sprouts. He wiped the rest off on his sleeve.

“I wunder,” Sulka panted between breaths, “if all humans so good at this, or yuze speshul.”

Daniel grinned. He lay down next to her and pulled her on top of himself.

“Hey, wait, I need rest.”

Daniel reached around, hugging her and cupping her breasts.

“Me too. I just wanted to feel you.”

Sulka considered his floppy cock, pressed against her rear and shrugged. “Yah. Sure.”


They lay like that for some minutes, catching their breath at first.

“Yuze right. This nice. When yuze say yuze want feel me, I thought yuze meant...” the thought drifted off before ending with a grunt.

“It just… felt right. I wanted to hold you. Like my parents.”

“Hm. Humans stupid at stuff. Goblins stupid at other stuff. My ma always say poppa was dragon wizard. Ha! Pull other leg, it honk! Still, I feel like not fit in. Tribe act stupid, I say, ‘That stupid, this way better.’ They no hear. Argue.”

Daniel didn’t really know what to say. He hugged her tighter.

“I was gonna take over tribe. Make better. No stupid. Everyone happy. It no work. But maybe for better ya? I get out. See world. Get… ‘per-spek-tiv’.”

“I hope you find it.”

“Well, I no get it lay here.” She stretched, rubbing herself over his body and stood up. “It been good.” She looked around for her clothes.

Daniel sat up. “Are you coming back again?”

She turned and grinned. “I dunno, I promise never come back. Already been bad girl once.”

Daniel snorted. “You’re welcome anytime. Just stay away from the chickens.”

“Dunno that too. Yuze got tasty cockerel. Fill me up… Both ends.” She licked her lips.

Daniel frowned a moment before it clicked and he blushed.

“I try come soon. Maybe we do other thing than fuck.”

Daniel nodded. “Sure.”

Dragon's Den Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/22(Tue)05:31 No. 25932 ID: bbe66b

The eye opened.

He had been asleep for days. Well fed. Content. What had brought him out of slumber?

An ear twitched.


Something was in his domain. But what was stupid enough to intrude? A dumb beast? But even the stupidest of sheep or goats knew the scent of a dragon meant death.

He listened, lungs- large enough to stuff a man in each- slowly, silently going in and out, the only clue he lived.

Mhh. It was no dumb beast. This intruder moved with purpose. It knew what lay within. Where there was a dragon, it stood to reason there was gold, yes?

The dragon grinned. Today would be interesting.


Ingred snuck through the tunnels.

“This is fine,” she thought. “I’ll sneak in. He won’t wake up. I’ve stolen bones from guard dogs before, how hard can it be? One step at a time. Calm. Focus.”

She navigated the tunnel without a lightsource. This wasn’t particularly remarkable, as dwarves could see in the dark.

There was a sharp bend in the tunnel, and as Ingred rounded it slowly, she found herself before the trove-room.

Wall to wall, the floor was covered in loose coins, with the occasional gemstone sprinkled about. Mostly gold, though plenty of silver as well. The trove wasn’t too choosy though, as Ingred could see the occasional copper piece, almost like a spice, contrasting against the others.

There was not, however, a dragon.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this...” she thought. Ingred walked forward, up to where the trove started. Walking on the coins was clearly a bad idea. She was good, but the coins would definitely make noise. Perhaps the dragon was out, but that was a big assumption.

She froze as something pressed against the back of her head and stayed there.

“Hello there.”

She heard the voice in her head. Dragons’ mouths weren’t capable of speaking all the languages they wished to learn. Almost universally, dragons knew simple spells that allowed them to telepathically broadcast their voice.

“Go ahead and turn around.”

Ingred did so. If she was going to argue, it would be over something more important.

The dragon was behind her, the tip of its tail now pressed against her forehead.

“And what brings you here, girl?”

He was thinking to her in Dwarven, though with an odd accent. Now that she could see it, she realized it was probably male from the shape of the snout and size of its horn, and quite young- for a dragon.

Not that that made things any easier- a six-month-old dragon was as dangerous as a bear. This one had seen at least two decades pass.

She swallowed. They both knew there was only one answer.

“Tales of riches.”

“Well, I think you found them,” the dragon said with a grin.

“They seem to be claimed.”

“Ha! Yes, they are at that!”

“Well, seeing as they’re claimed, I don’t seem to have any business here. I should probably be going.”

“Really? I wouldn’t say that.”

That brought Ingred up short.

“You intruded into my cave. I can’t have everyone just coming in whenever they want, leaving with impunity. I’d never get any sleep. I admit, you’ve been most polite, but I don’t want to imagine the chaos a group of goblins could get up to if they got it in their heads to steal some of my horde.”

“So… does that mean I can leave without impunity?”

The dragon grinned. “Clever thing, aren’t you? Turn out your pockets, let’s see what you have. Maybe you can just pay your way out.”

Ingred winced, but did as asked. It was extremely unlikely that her possessions would be enough.

*Hisss hisss hisss hissssss!* “Ha ha ha!” The dragons’ laughter rang in her head slightly after it rang in her ears. “Thirty-five silver and a few dozen copper, along with a days’ rations? Most amusing little dwarf. I almost feel like gifting you a handful of gold and escorting you out, just for the sheer brass balls you show in this attempt!”

Ingred closed her eyes. This wasn’t going well. If she was lucky, maybe she could convince him to just take for a hand or foot.

“If you have nothing else, we must decide upon a punishment… What is your name?”

There was a pause before she answered. “Ingred. Ingred Coppervein.”

“I am Lundar. No grandiose title as yet. All in due time. But I digress, we have a problem. You have no possessions I want, and as I am full, your body has no use to me.”

Ingred opened her eyes. It was rare for a dragon to show its hand so early.

Lundar paused, as if in thought. His eyes looked her over, calculating. “Actually… that’s not quite true.”

The dwarf gulped. This was not a good line of thought.

“My stomach is full, but I still hunger. Yes, this will do. Strip.”

“Wha- what?”

“Come now, you don’t have the scent of a virgin. Your payment for leaving is to pleasure me. You will probably even enjoy it.”

Ingred could tell that Lundar was becoming aroused by the idea, as his penis slid out from a previously invisible slit. She’d been around plenty of livestock growing up, and slept with men of a few species, but she’d never seen a cock like that.

“I- I don’t think you’ll fit.” It was still growing. As thick as her wrist for most of the length, and as long as her arm. “Uh, I know it won’t now.”

“I promise not to injure you. You don’t have much choice, either.”

The dwarf nodded and started stripping. This was the price of failure. If she came out of here without any major injuries, she was ahead of the game.

“On all fours.”

Ingred complied, and cut off a shriek as she felt a tongue shoot between her thighs, breasts, and up against her cheek. It suddenly retracted, leaving saliva along its path and rubbing its entire length against her groin. On top of everything else, it was textured roughly like a cat’s tongue, only moreso, due to the size.

“You’re lucky I’m full, Ingred. You taste lovely. I suppose I have room for dessert though.”

The tongue flattened out, becoming wider, and Ingred felt her entire chest stimulated as it slid forward, then back, running at least two yards along her pussy, asshole, and inside both thighs.

The feeling was stunning, like nothing she’d ever encountered, and she turned to look back and gasped.

Lundar’s bottom jaw was on the ground, between her legs. The teeth of his upper jaw were an inch or so above her buttocks, and his snout stretched out to above her lower back.

The view down the throat of a dragon struck her viscerally, reminding her of the time she spent several seconds looking down the wrong end of a crossbow after a business disagreement. Despite the bottom dropping out of her stomach, the tongue wouldn’t stop sliding between her legs, and Ingred couldn’t fight the electric sparks her crotch sent throughout her body as it did so.

Her situation hadn’t changed, she would have to hope he was telling the truth, and wasn’t hungry. Ingred decided to fling herself into the sex and get as much as she could out of it.

It was almost as if Lundar could sense her indecision vanish, as his tongue lengthened once more, losing the girth. “Time for my dessert, Ingred.”

The tongue slid along her asshole and towards her cunt. A little effort was needed, but it easily managed to get inside. Ingred shivered and arched her back as it filled her as completely as any cock ever had, then let out a moan as it rotated inside of her. The tongue paused for a moment, the textured side upside down, before it spun back the other way in a complete circle. Not finished though, it continued in one fluid motion to pull out of her entirely, every bump and ridge rubbing against that special spot deep inside that always drove her wild.

It wasn’t fully out of her before her muscles tensed, a small orgasm playing across her body less than two minutes in.

Then the tongue went back in.

It had barely left her before it surged back, shooting forwards all the way to the end of her passage in one go, wider than the first time, the grooves more pronounced.

Ingred fell forwards limply, face against the ground, shuddering. Her ass twitched in the air as the pleasure raced through her body. Lundar chuckled, and very slowly pulled his tongue out.

“Perhaps that was your dessert. Take your time. You clearly felt that.”

Ingred tried to make an affirmative noise, but it came out as a moan. Her everything tingled, and she alternated between laughing and trying to catch her breath.

Lundar’s eyebrows furrowed, before deciding it was just a strong reaction.

It took several minutes, but Ingred got herself together again and sat up.

“Good. It is my turn now. On your knees again.”

His cock was right in front of her face this time. She turned around quickly, trying not to think of how it would fit inside.


Like the tongue before it, Ingred felt the cock slide between her thighs, across her stomach and between her breasts.

“Dear Folgrit below! I say again, that will not fit! You said you would not hurt me.”

“No, I said I would not injure you, and I will keep my word. I’m afraid it will hurt though, at least at first. And enough will fit for my purposes. Squeeze your breasts.”

Ingred brought her arms up and pressed her breasts together, realising as she did so that her upper body was being held up mostly by the cock beneath her.

“Mhhm. Yes!” Lundar clearly approved, sliding the head of his cock back and forth between her breasts, the base of his cock grinding against her nub.

Ingred spat on her breasts. This was actually pleasant, and despite her worry for the near future, the steady rhythm of the giant phallus as it slid back and forth along her body was almost hypnotic. It was warmer than she was, and the feel of it rubbing against most of her front was more erotic than she would have ever dreamed.

All too soon it ended, however, and Ingred couldn’t help but ball her hands into fists as his penis slid all the way back, and waited right at her entrance.

“Do try to relax. I’m not putting the entire length in. Shout if it helps.”

He pushed forward.

The head was three inches long, and nearly as girthy as the base of a Dwarven cock.

Ingred screamed.

“Not much further now.”

It was smaller after the head. Not by much, but it was noticeable.

An infinite moment later, the tip hit the end of her cunt.

“There. That’s clearly as far as I can go, yes? The worst is over.”

How foolish, to think that the tongue was filling. It may have filled her like a cock, but this. This was filling.

Ingred looked between her legs. Only half of his cock was inside. Maybe less. She became distracted as it slid out, letting out a quick yelp of pleasure. Lundar made a purring noise, and a small jet of fire leaked out his nose towards the ceiling.

It went back in again. Quicker this time. Then out. Ingred’s world became one of extreme opposites, unimaginable fullness, before being emptied. Alternating at an accelerating rate, the world collapsed to just a few things.

Full. Empty. And the magnificent transition from one state to the other and back.


Lundar smiled as he drove his member into the small female. She seemed catatonic, from over-sensation no doubt. He was getting close himself, he hadn’t had a chance for release for quite some time.

He felt her clench down in orgasm again, and he let out a roar as he plunged in a final time, his hidden testicles pulsing as they pumped out his seed deep inside her.

He let out another curl of flame towards the roof as he kept throbbing, a second, third, and finally fourth surge of seed actually pushing Ingred down his cock as her womb and cunt ran out of room for the thick liquid.

“That was incredible… Snuggles?”

“I take it that we’re finished with the role-playing?”

Anonymous 19/01/22(Tue)16:56 No. 25933 ID: b9cce0

Good shit! Right up my alley.
You don't have a site or anything with more stories, by any chance?

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/22(Tue)20:09 No. 25934 ID: bbe66b


Not really. I've kept all my stories, but most of them are old and shit or unfinished.

So, theoretically, these two stories (and another one I'm working on) will be connected when they all get together and form an adventuring party. There will be erotic DnD style adventure and hijinks.

I say theoretically because at this rate, I'll get it done around the same time Martin finishes writing GoT.

If you look around here though, you can probably find some of my old stuff. Mandragora Girl shouldn't have fallen off yet. Maybe Mile High Exploding Metal Sausage as well.

Anonymous 19/01/25(Fri)10:17 No. 25938 ID: 9481a9

Absolutely amazing storytelling! I'll be honest the beginning of the boy and his goblin had me so entertained I kinda forgot this was an erotic story. The way you wrote Sulkas dialogue was very clever and really helped imagine her accent.
The erotic scenes were well paced and the details describes was just enough to let the imagination fill in the blanks.
I genuinely want to hear more stories of boy and gobbo as well as more stories in general from you! Bravo!

Ethereal 19/04/04(Thu)06:13 No. 26030 ID: 8e6e98

The boy and the goblin was a great story, more would be nice.

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