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The Hunter pt 1(?) Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/22(Tue)05:21 No. 25929 ID: bbe66b

MF Dubcon Beast(ish) Generic Fantasy Setting

I finished setting up my tent and let out a sigh of contentment. I had a few more hours of light left, and the first stage of my camp was nearly ready. Over the next day or two I’d have to set up workspaces for butchering and skinning, but I’d gotten a basic latrine, tent, and firepit set up.

It would do for the few months I would spend in the area hunting. I would have loved a cabin, but that was just asking for nosey gamekeepers to start asking questions. Like, “have you paid taxes on those,” or, “Don’t you know it’s illegal to hunt deer on the king’s land,” or my least favourite, “Does this sword in your gut hurt?”

Such is the life of a poacher. Don’t worry, it’s not actually that dangerous if you follow a few basic rules. Such as no permanent dwellings. I was in a valley owned by a lord of advanced age, no longer interested in hunts. He had few gamekeepers or wardens on his payroll, and those that he did have weren’t the type to pull steel over a few skins.

I set up a pot to boil. I’d do something easy tonight, it had been a long hike out here. Porridge, made sweet with a bit of honeycomb and some dried fruit.

I continued to busy myself with arranging firewood, and bedding and so on, when I heard a cry off in the distance. It was the direction I had set a few rabbit snares earlier, just for eating rather than the pelts, but much too loud to be a rabbit. I frowned. Rabbit snares really didn’t catch anything substantially bigger.

I shrugged and strung my bow. I figured I had better investigate. I strapped a large butchering knife that I’d used a few times against boars (and few more times against people) and a few arrows before taking off.

I had set the traps not very distant, figuring that I’d set new ones after a few days once I’d scouted the area better. Something was making a racket, and was definitely larger than a rabbit.

I finally came upon the scene, to find a faun struggling against the wire of my snare which had wrapped around her hoof.

Now for any of you who aren’t hunters, druids, or scholars, let me pause briefly and set a few things straight. Satyrs are furry, goat legged men. Fauns are furry, goat legged women. They are the same species, and aren’t a race of people, being in my experience, at most as clever as a trained hound. Most people will never encounter a faun. They are skittish, and although technically omnivorous, don’t hunt, and are prey to anything bigger than a fox that’s fast enough to catch one.

More people will have met satyrs, unfortunately. The vast majority of the time they are skittish as well, and hard to find. But sometimes, just as the lowly grasshopper will transform into the locust when brought together in great numbers, satyrs in an area will become ridiculously aggressive towards anything male, and attempt to mate with anything female.

I’m sure you’ve heard comical songs in a tavern about the satyr and the pilgraming nun. Or the satyr and the young maiden, or… well. The reality is that while satyrs will only get aggressive when many are together in an area, they don’t travel in packs. And a single satyr is only a danger to children and the very elderly.

There’s good money to be had wiping out a maddening of satyrs. But I never wish for the work, it always comes after the funeral of a young boy, or the tears of a bewildered young girl.

I unstrung my bow. I didn’t know what faun tasted like, and I wasn’t about to find out. I’m sure some lands would have found the idea prudish, but I don’t like eating anything that looks like me. Makes me feel like an orc.

I’d have to free her somehow. She was thrashing ineffectually, panicked because the wire I used was thin and strong, probably hard to see. She probably wasn’t going to make this easy for me either.

As I got closer, I realised just how much like a human she appeared from the waist up. I had seen fauns a half dozen or so times before, but always at a fair distance. If you came across one behind a bush, you really might not be able to tell the difference.

Well, other than most women don’t go around the forest without a shirt.

Suddenly her attention jerked towards me, and she froze for a moment. I stopped, hoping this might be easier than I expected. “Easy there. Just want to get that off of you.”

She bolted, scrambling across the ground, only to jerk to a halt a few feet away on the other side of my snare from me. Her thrashing increased.

I let out a sigh, and approached her as I would a horse. “Easy now. We’re going to get through this. Please let’s not make this an ordeal.”

I bent down towards her leg, hoping to loose the knot, when her other hoof flew into my shin.


Suddenly I was on the ground, mostly out of surprise rather than actual damage. Then she was on me, or rather I on her, jerking and heaving and trying to shove me into the ground. Despite having fists, she didn’t seem to understand punching, for which I was most grateful as I grappled her in a bear hug.

I lay there for a minute, holding her down despite her struggles as the sharp pain in my shin dissipated, and I took stock of the situation. The faun was built lean, and smaller than myself, and I could comfortably pin her down for some time like this.

We had both ended up face down, and as my shin finally quit complaining, I began to pay attention to other parts of my body. To be specific, I had a breast in one hand, and a lightly furred ass and tiny tail grinding against my groin in her attempt for freedom.

If I let her go now, we’d be right back to where we’d started. Or, I could let her continue to unknowingly hump me until she was tired enough that I could free her without further injury to us both.

Sometimes being noble demands sacrifice.

This was not the first time I’d been away from civilization for months before, nor would it be the last, but I’d never given any thought to laying with beasts. I’ve no doubt there is truth to the jokes about shepherds, but I always found female company all the sweeter for its absence.

As I felt her nipple trace a small circular path in my palm, and my manhood continued to swell, I reevaluated a number of assumptions.

The struggles were slowing, though I wasn’t sure if that was due to exhaustion or if she could tell it was futile. I moved my hand, tweaking her nipple. She kicked the ground again, and let out a bleating noise. My other hand slowly shifted downwards, across her stomach, past where her skin turned to fur, between her legs.

My fingers spiralled around her cunt, drawing closer, a doomed ship headed for the maelstrom. She let out another bleat moments before my fingers found her lips. It was not a woman’s cunt, but it was not so strange as to be unworkable.

Slowly I worked a finger in, and determined I would need to arouse her more before anything else went in. Her right cheek was against the ground, and I leant forward until I could look into her eyes.

They were a light hazel, but they didn’t have normal pupils. They were elongated, like that of a grazing animal. She let out another bleat as I continued fondling her, but it was cut off as I claimed her mouth with mine.

I felt her body stiffen beneath me, but I continued on. I was slightly worried she might bite, but after a minute, my tongue found its way safely between her lips. As I kissed her, I kept my thumb rubbing above her cunt. I wasn’t sure if she had the same nub as human women, but it probably wouldn’t hurt.

I paused for breath, and the faun panted breathily before letting out another bleat. My finger felt much slicker, and I decided to add another. Her hips jerked towards me as I slid my middle finger in, and I took it as a sign to start thrusting them in and out.

A few minutes of this had us both dripping wet. The faun had stopped trying to escape by now, caught up in mating as I was. I let go of her breast and haphazardly tried to pull down my trousers. Somehow I managed, and rolled her over. She stared up at me, and I leaned down to kiss her again as I rubbed my cock against her mons.

She surprised me by kissing me back. It wasn’t skillful, but it was clearly intended. I took hold of her breasts again and lined my cock up. I moaned as I slid in, and the faun tensed up, biting my lip hard enough to bleed.

Her small frame made for a tight fit! We both gasped as my balls pressed against her tiny tail, and her fingers gripped my back tightly. I bent down and sucked on a nipple as I started thrusting, setting up a steady rhythm. Her slick warmth kept sucking me in, and I could almost feel my balls swelling up, ready to let loose after their months of inactivity.

I can only speculate on normal satyr/faun mating, but perhaps she too had been without for some time, because only a few minutes after starting, she started bucking her hips into me, before letting out a loud bray, and clamping down on my member. I couldn’t move in or out, but her cunt pulsed so rapidly it seemed to milk my cock, and I emptied myself into her immediately.

We lay there, my seed gushing into her at first, then just the two of us breathing heavily. She was still trapped under my weight, but she didn’t seem prepared to flee without a bit of a rest. I slowly recovered myself, and let my hand travel down her leg, blindly groping for the steel wire I had used to accidently catch this marvelous creature.

My hand found it, and slid around to the slip knot. I managed to loosen it, and slide it off her leg, still sucking idly on her nipples as we rested.

I was getting ideas, however. One quick fuck, while highly enjoyable, didn’t seem to be enough for my libido.

After several minutes, I got up carefully, hoisting her up over my shoulder in the process, sure to have her legs firmly in my grip so she couldn’t reach me with her hooves. Once I was sure of my grip, I set off back to my tent.

Anonymous 19/01/23(Wed)23:38 No. 25935 ID: ba0138

More, please.

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/24(Thu)05:10 No. 25936 ID: bbe66b

It's not over. Don't hold your breath though, I'm juggling a few balls at the moment.

Anonymous 19/02/04(Mon)16:18 No. 25952 ID: d08663

Moar! In due time of course.

Anonymous 19/04/14(Sun)16:53 No. 26050 ID: b169bc


moar. ish? Nanaki/Yuffie Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/09/04(Wed)06:23 No. 26267 ID: bbe66b

Not related. But it's something I wrote, and I don't want to make a new thread.

As the fire faded to coals, Yuffie Kisaragi sighed and snuggled deeper into her sleeping bag. What had started out as a chance encounter to rob some fools had turned into a fun adventure, and then a mission of justice, and now they were trying to save the world.

It turned out saving the world cost a lot of money.

“We need fuel, food for the chocobos, and materia. Not to mention tents, potions, elixers, and funds for better equipment. I swear every town we visit has better, and more expensive arms and armor than the last,” Cloud explained to the team. “We need to defeat the Weapons, and to do that we need to get better. We can kill two birds with one stone by splitting up into groups and killing monsters.”

That had been almost a month ago. And had she been grouped with Cloud to go into exciting places full of treasure and adventure? No, of course not. She and Nanaki were exploring the valleys somewhere south of the Chocobo Sage, fighting monsters and using the proceeds to buy greens and nuts.

Yuffie sighed. Sometimes she wasn’t sure why she was even here. Everyone treated her like a kid even though she kept up with them just fine. She could handle herself in a fight, and could find treasure like no one else! … Except Cloud, but he broke all the rules somehow.

The warmth from both the sleeping bag and the stew in her stomach made her smile and stretch. The sun was down, and she could barely see Nanaki on the other side of the fire by the light of the coals. He was curled up in a circle, apparently unconcerned by the cold.

“Cloud breaks all the rules,” she thought to herself, closing her eyes. She wished she could break a few rules herself, and not the usual ones about theft, either. Her hand slid down her body, finding its way into her khaki shorts and under her panties. Slowly teasing herself, teenage thoughts of just how Cloud could use his ‘sword’ on her played in her mind.

A loud sigh from Nanaki brought her to a sudden stop, and Yuffie opened her eyes to watch him roll around, facing away from her.

With a frown, the young woman waited a few agonizing minutes as cicadas and other insects filled the silence of the snowy forest. Confident Nanaki had finished getting comfortable, fingers quickly found their way back inside of her slick heat.

A low rumbling growl rolled across the clearing, freezing Yuffie again.

“Must you really? This is the third night in a row!” Nanaki snapped.

She blinked, the words hitting her. “You- you’ve been... listening?”

“I can’t help it. These ears aren’t for show.” Nanaki sat up, taking a deep breath and looking at her.

Yuffie knew her face was crimson, and what was worse was he could probably see her in this light. The light from the dying fire reflected off his eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Nanaki paused, “I thought you’d be satisfied after one or two nights. I didn’t want to make things awkward.”

“I’d call this awkward!” Yuffie answered back immediately.

“Well it’s not easy listening to you do that... Smelling you drive yourself to completion several times through the night.”

He stood up and started pacing. Yuffie swallowed, she thought she could almost see a contour between his legs. “Then take care of yourself as well.”

Nanaki’s pacing stopped. “Not all of us are blessed with hands.”

Yuffie’s mouth dropped. “Wait, are… You’ve never… orgasmed?”

Nanaki growled in frustration. “Once or twice. It’s exceedingly difficult without a partner. I’m not the last of my species, but there aren’t many of us, and I’ve never met the others. I don’t really wish to discuss it.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t want your pity. Just restrain yourself until you can do it in private.”

“Really, I’m sorry. I don’t think I could stand it.”

Nanaki snorted. “You’re human,” he said, as if that explained everything, before continuing. “It’s different for my species, but it doesn’t make it… easy.”

Yuffie’s eyes had been tracking the bulge - half hidden in shadow - between her friend's legs all this time. She slid slightly out of her sleeping bag and sat up, licking her lips in nervousness. “Perhaps I could help then.”

Nanaki flinched. “That’s not funny.”

“I’m not joking.”

The insect orchestra filled the silence for agonizingly long seconds.

“We’re different species.”

“Yes. I’m the kind blessed with hands.” She pulled them out of her sleeping bag, and pumped one back and forth in the universal gesture.

The glint in his eyes grew wider, and she could make out his tail swishing back and forth energetically, almost aggressively.

“You’re young.”

“Not that young. Anyway, aren’t you pretty young for your kind?”

“...That’s relative. We can live vast lives unless cut down early.”

“That’s a long time to go without. I want to help.” She slowly unzipped the sleeping bag.

Nanaki’s nose flared, and he blinked several times. “I… fine.”

Yuffie grinned, and pumped a fist in the air. “Awesome! Come over here. This is going to be great.”

Moments later she was on her back, both elbows propping her up, a cock inches away from her face.

“Wow.” It was red, six inches, perhaps a bit longer. It looked pleasantly girthy, and she couldn’t see much detail as the firelight slowly continued to die, but it glistened in a way that she suspected it was wet. She could make out a flared head, and a bulge near the back that wasn’t his scrotum.

She could feel his breath on her thighs. “I- I don’t know what to do like this.” Nanaki admitted, looking down between her legs. “I’m not even sure if I would normally lick my mate.”

“First of all, we’re in the same boat. My limited experience with boys isn’t going to help me much with this,” she said, running a finger along his length, drawing a pant out of the large cat. “So, we’re on the frontier of knowledge. Tonight you’ll lick. I’ll tell you what works.”

With that, she spat on her hand, lay back on the ground, and gently grasped Nanaki’s cock.

“Ah, that feels sublime.”

“We’ve not even started. C’mon, I don’t feel a tongue,” she teased.

A strong, wet sensation scrubbed across her lips, teasing her clitoris the entire time, and the teenage ninja couldn’t help but let out a gasp. “Yes, that works! More of that.”

Yuffie gave a pump with her hand, and felt a purring rumble travel through her pussy and up into her stomach in response. Another pump, and the tongue slid back over her again.

More pumps, faster and faster.

More licks.

The two grew more excited, feeding off the other’s actions, Yuffie panting and Nanaki jerking his body, humping her hand even as she stroked it.

A second hand was added, the tongue slid inside…

Yuffie let out a moan, and her whole body shook. Nanaki tried to press his cock into her hands, but her grip failed.

The big cat stepped back, and looked down at the young woman, her back arched, eyes closed, head rolling from side to side.

After several seconds, Yuffie opened her eyes and breathed deeply. “I- I guess you won.”

Nanaki raised his head, “Oh? I didn’t know we were competing.”

Yuffie smiled. “Well, you still won. Give me a minute and I’ll give you your prize.”

The ninja sprang up and stretched. The air that had seemed cold an hour or so ago at dusk now seemed refreshing, her body felt so warm. Her breathing returned to normal, and she reached out, running her hand over Nanaki’s face, pulling his chin up to look her in the eyes.

“You want to thrust. You need to thrust. I could feel it.”

Nanaki looked away, appearing unhappy with the answer. “... Yes.”

“It’s lucky you’re the winner then, huh?” She slid down onto her sleeping bag, and stuck her ass in the air in an obvious invitation.

Nanaki stared, clearly torn at the offer. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Are you saying that for your sake, or mine? Because I know I want this. I’m pretty sure you want this. But if you want, I’ll use my hands again to finish you off.” She finished her sentence by reaching between her legs and spreading her pussy open.

“... Fine then.”

Yuffie watched over her shoulder as he advanced upon her. He was tall enough to simply walk over her, and Yuffie felt a shiver run up her spine as she felt his chest fur rub against her back. A feeling that amplified as his cock slid between her thighs and rubbed against her abdomen, almost reaching her belly button.

She reached back and grabbed his hot cock. “Back up a bit… Slowly at first. All right, there!” she exclaimed, positioning it against her wet pussy.

Nanaki pressed forward as slowly as he could, but a feeling of fullness seemed to rocket up the young woman’s quim. Her head snapped back, letting out a moan as he slid in all the way up to the large bulge.

“Are you alright?” Nanaki asked between pants.

“It’s… great. Just, give me a minute and you can really go.”

“Good. I’m not sure I can refrain very long.”

Yuffie could feel his muscles tensing, holding back. She took several deep breaths, quickly trying to perform a ninja technique to relax her muscles. Under the circumstances, it wasn’t a great success, but the heat from her belly seemed to flare even hotter, and she felt ready.


Nanaki slid out immediately, and in no time at all she was full again.


He pistoned in and out of her, over and over again without stop, without even slowing down.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh! My! God! Yes! Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes-”

Not only was he filling her with every thrust, but the lump was pressing against her clit, sending pulses of ecstasy through her body. She slumped forward on one shoulder, face against the sleeping bag, and reached back, rubbing herself as he slammed into her again and again.

Seconds stretched into a minute, then two, and Yuffie lost count of the small orgasms she’d had, when Nanaki let out a roar, shoving even harder against her.

There was a moment of pain, and she collapsed as hot fluid erupted inside, pulling the cat down on top of her. Nanaki moaned as he felt her pussy twitch, trying to milk all the seed out of his cock. His claws dug into the earth, trying to push forward with each shot of seed, despite there being no more room to progress.

After another minute, his balls finally stopped sending out seed.

“I- hah- had better not find my- hah- stomach inflated after all this.” Yuffie panted, slightly muffled by the sleeping bag.

“Sorry. It’s been several years. I didn’t expect to be quite so… fecund.”

Yuffie twisted her head to the side, taking a few breaths. “It felt like you shot a gallon of jizz into me. How aren’t we swimming in it?”

Nanaki smiled. “Hardly. Half a cup at most. And we’re in a mating lock.”

Yuffie blinked, and slowly ran a hand back, gasping at what she felt. “That… you knotted me?”

The cat’s eyebrow raised in confusion. “Knotted? I- maybe? Is something wrong?”

Yuffie tried to pull away, but quickly stopped, wincing. “Humans don’t… lock.”

Nanaki’s mouth dropped open, and there was a pause. “Oh.”

She snorted. “Yeah.”

“Are- are you all right?” Nanaki asked. He felt her gently feel around their joining.

“I think so? Ask me in the morning. I’m probably going to be sore.”

“I’m so sorry. I knew this was a bad idea.”

She laughed. “Are you kidding? That was amazing! In a couple of days when my lady bits stop being tender, you’d better be up for another round.”

Nanaki blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah. Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.”

He sighed. “I- don’t think I can adequately describe it. Thank you so much. I’d be honored to mate with you again.”

“Great! Now, how long are we going to be stuck like this?”

“Ah. About an hour or two.”

“... You’re lucky you’re fuzzy, and a good fuck. C’mon. Maybe if we turn on our sides we can curl up to sleep. You’re warm enough.”

“Right. Sorry.”

“Hush. It’s a learning experience.”

Anonymous 19/09/30(Mon)22:00 No. 26379 ID: f5b8a5

So any plans on continuing The Hunter?

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/10/01(Tue)05:17 No. 26380 ID: bbe66b

My muse is all over the place, and I'm going back to school. So... maybe? I want to. but no concrete plans.

Anonymous 20/04/15(Wed)11:40 No. 26694 ID: 1a8aa9

I’ve read this yuffie/nanaki story before. How long ago did you write it?

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 20/04/19(Sun)05:01 No. 26702 ID: 44bf56

A few days before I posted it here?
Sorry, you must be thinking of something else.
I have posted it on a my mother's fax machine, but only after here.
Unless someone's posted it on a elit site without telling me.

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