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The Greenvale Fraternity Jacqueline Madison Gibson (Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:16 No. 22839 ID: 249c7e

Over the past 3 years my life has changed completely. I was down on my luck and had almost lost everything.
I will soon be 40 years old. They say life begins at 40 but my new life began 3 years ago when I was 37.

My name is Jacqueline Madison Gibson or Jax for short, I was raised in a loving family with my older sister Vanessa. My parents have both now passed away but I have always kept in touch with my sister.

I fell in love with a guy when I was 25 years old and we were together for 12 years, we got engaged but never got married. We split up after I found out that he had been having affairs with other women, he left me for a 26 year old who he had been seeing from work.
He also left me in debt and I had to sell our house and my car and other things to cover it.

So at 37 and with nowhere else to go I moved to live with my sister.
Vanessa (Van for short) is 3 years my senior, we are very similar in looks, both of us are about 5 feet 5 inches tall we both have dark brown hair that some times looks black and we both share the same deep brown eye color. We both take after our mother and neither of us has ever been slim, but we are not fat either, we call ourselves curvy lol. At the time I was just over 200 pounds and had been on a diet for what seemed like forever.

Vanessa is married to a really smart guy called Rod who works in scientific research and they have a son Peter (Pete) who is now 15 years old. They own a really nice house just outside of a small town in a nice quiet area.

Moving in wasn’t a problem as their house had a guest room with adjoining bath above the garage, I even had another small room in which I could store what was left of my stuff.

I got a part time job as a cleaner to help pay my way and one of the houses I cleaned was only 2 streets away and I became friends with the woman who owns it. She comes into my story later.
I also helped out around the home, cleaning, cooking and doing the laundry. I was also managing to save a little money.

Life was good living with my sister, her husband and my nephew. I could spend time in my room when I wanted or spend time with them in the main house. We would go out some evenings as a family or I would stay home with Pete if Rod and Van wanted to go out for a meal or with friends. We would also go to church most Sunday mornings.

Things were perfect for about 8 months and then one Monday evening after work my sister came to my room and told me that there was something she and Rod needed to talk to me about.
She seemed so serious that at first I was worried. It turned out that Rod had gone for a promotion at work, they hadn’t mentioned anything just in case he didn’t get it. It turned out that he had been successful but it meant that they would have to move.

I was worried that I would have to move out because they would need to sell the place and that I would be back to square one but my worries were unfounded, because as it turned out the company he worked for would provide a house for them to live in and the job he was going to be doing may only last for 3 or 4 years depending on the success rate of the research.

What they wanted to ask me was if I would consider staying in the house and looking after it while they moved away and also looking after Pete as they didn’t want to take him out of school because his grades were good and this was where all his friends were.
I didn’t even need to think about it, and I readily agreed. They would of course come back to visit as often as they could maybe once a month for a weekend.

Pete came home from school and we all sat around the dining table as his mom and dad explained things to him. I thought he would be upset but he was really grown up about it which I thought was pretty cool for a boy who had only turned 13 a few weeks before.

The day came when Van and Rod had to go, so Pete and I drove them to the airport and said our goodbyes with hugs and kisses and ‘see you soons’.
I drove home with Pete in the passenger seat and we chatted about his Mom and Dad and stopped off for Ice cream on our way home.
Pete had inherited the dark hair and brown eyes of our family, probably about medium height for his age and a little awkward and shy sometimes.

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:17 No. 22840 ID: 249c7e

The next few weeks went by without issue and I spoke to Van and Rod on the phone a few times.
Pete seemed to be missing his parents a little but at least we had each other for company. One thing I noticed about Pete was that he didn’t really seem to have and friends. He was very clever just like his Father but I think he was seen as a bit of a geek at school.

My sister had told me that if I needed to borrow any of her clothes then she was fine with it, and as we have always been about the same size I knew her clothes would fit me.

This ladies and gentlemen is how it all started !

It was Friday just after lunch, I had done most of the house work and laundry and I was in my sisters bedroom putting some of her clothes away when in her bottom dresser draw I discovered a dildo.
It came as a bit of a shock as I have always thought my sister to be very straight laced and to be honest a bit of a prude.
I just couldn’t imagine my sister using it on her self, ‘maybe she used it on Rod’ I thought, and gave a bit of a giggle.
It was at least 8 inches long and bright purple with a small appendage that stuck out about a quarter way up from the base.

To this day I don’t know why I smelled it, but I placed it under my nose and sniffed. It smelt clean, knowing my sister she probably cleaned it after every use. I turned it on just to see if it would work or if the batteries were flat. It sprang into life and began to buzz.
I had never used a dildo before and I suddenly felt very naughty and turned on at the thought of using the same dildo that had obviously been inside my sisters vagina.

I looked at the clock and it was just past 1pm so I lay back on my sisters bed and switched the dildo back on. I rubbed it between my legs through the outside of my jeans and it felt so nice I let out a small gasp of pleasure. It had been so long since the last time I had had some real sex. I undid my jeans and pushed it down between my jeans and my panties so the tip was vibrating against me through the thin material. God I was turned on. I put the dildo down on the bed and stripped my jeans and panties off. I picked up the dildo and brought it to my naked pussy, I began by just rubbing it on my pussy lips and it felt awesome.

I lent forward and watched myself as I brought the buzzing tip to my wet hole and slid the purple shaft into myself. ‘Oh God’ I moaned as I began to fuck myself with my sisters sex toy. I quickly pulled my T shirt off over my head and unclipped my bra to let my tits free then I lay back totally naked on my sisters bed and began to enjoy myself.
With my right hand I squeezed my tits and nipples while my left hand pushed and pulled at the dildo inside my pussy. Pushing it in as far as I could and feeling the appendage buzzing against my clitoris, lifting my hips off the bed and burying as much of that purple plastic cock up me as I could.
I have never been the quietest while having sex so I was probably moaning and gasping, oohing and ahhing out loud and I tend to get louder the closer I am to orgasm.
Which explains why at that moment Pete walked in.

I watched the bedroom door swing open and my nephew step inside. I remember shouting ‘Oh God, shit, oh oh oh fuck, Pete, Peter oh mmm fuck’ or something along those lines and trying to grab my T shirt off the bed next to me to cover up my tits.
But Pete had walked in at the exact moment that my orgasm had started and while my right had was trying to grab the T shirt my left hand was still busy pushing his mothers dildo in and out of my pussy.

He had a full on view of me, his aunty. I was totally naked my legs were wide open and my pussy with a purple dildo sticking in it were on display for him. He probably only watched me for maybe 15 or 20 seconds before I was able to get my breath and tell him to get out.

He closed the door behind him as the last of my orgasm shook my legs and body.
I was mortified, my nephew had seen me pleasuring myself. What the fuck was I supposed to do. And why the fuck wasn’t he at school.
I was shaking as I quickly got dressed. I put the dildo in the dresser draw and quietly tip toed out of the room.
I looked all over the house but Pete wasn’t there. I was sure I hadn’t imagined it so he must have left the house.

It was nearly 6.30pm when Pete came home, I shouted him from the kitchen but he went straight upstairs and into his room and I didn’t see him for the rest of the night. I went to bed worried about what the hell I was going to do, how was I going to explain to a young boy what I had been doing. It took me ages but eventually I dropped off to sleep.

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:18 No. 22841 ID: 249c7e


I woke on Saturday morning still wondering what the hell was going to happen. I went down stairs in my gown and fixed breakfast for myself and Pete. I shouted him but he didn’t come down so I went upstairs and knocked on his door.
‘Pete’ I said as I knocked ‘Do you want breakfast’. I got no reply.
I knocked again ‘Pete, I’m sorry about yesterday, can I come in’. This time I heard a quiet ‘yeah’ in reply from inside the room so I turned the handle and opened the door a few inches so that I could look into the room.

Pete was sitting in front of his computer, probably doing his homework I thought. He always did his homework on Saturday mornings then he could relax over the weekend.
‘Can I come in’ I said again.
Pete turned in his chair, he was still in his pyjamas ‘yeah sure’ he said looking sheepish.
‘I’ve fixed some breakfast for you’ I said with a smile.
‘Thanks but I’m not really hungry’
‘Oh ok then, how about a glass of milk’ I thought things were going quite well and then he said ‘sorry about yesterday’ and looked down at the floor.
I took a deep breath and then gulped ‘how come you weren’t at school’ I asked trying to change the subject.

‘Mr Lomax let me go early so I could work on my science project’
‘Oh I see’ I said ‘How’s it going’
‘Just done some more work on it’ he said gesturing towards his computer.
‘Great, well done’ I sounded so lame.
‘I thought you had hurt yourself’
‘what?’ I said
‘yesterday when I got home, I heard shouting from upstairs you sounded like you were in pain. That’s why I opened the door, to see if you were ok’
‘Oh right, I see’ I felt myself blushing and I could see that Pete was blushing also ‘Well forget what you saw yesterday’ I said ‘and I’ll forget that you walked in, ok’.

Pete looked at me.
‘I’m not a kid you know’ he said
‘Yes I know’ I began
‘I know what you were doing’ he said still looking at me ‘you were masturbating’
I didn’t know what to say, all I could think off was to say I was sorry.
‘Things aren’t gonna get weird between us are they’ Pete asked.
‘Look lets just forget it shall we’ I urged.
‘There is nothing wrong with masturbating you know Aunty, I masturbate’
‘Too much information Pete’ I said, holding my hand up and trying to put an end to the conversation. ‘Just forget what you saw ok’ I was getting a bit annoyed.
‘But I saw you yesterday when I walked into the bedroom’
‘Yes so you saw me’ I snapped angrily ‘I was naked on your moms bed doing myself with her dildo, I’m sorry you saw me so can we please put a end to it, lets just forget it ever happened’ I turned on my heel and walked back down the stairs and to the kitchen where I made myself a strong coffee.

The weekend passed without incident, Pete accompanied me to church on Sunday morning and we talked and chatted. Nothing more was said about what had happened that Friday afternoon. And things seemed to get back to normal.
I did the housework while Pete was at school and went out a few days to do my cleaning jobs and to buy groceries and stuff.

The following Saturday morning Pete said he was expecting a friend to come over in the morning. It was a bit strange because like I have already said Pete didn’t seem to have any friends, but in a way I was pleased for him.
An older boy turned up about 10.30 am and knocked at the door, I answered. I opened the door to be greeted by a blond haired boy with a big smile ‘Hi, I’m Tom I’m here to see Pete’ he beamed ‘I’m helping him with his project’
‘Ok come in’ I said opening the door wider, I shouted up the stairs to Pete that his friend was here. Tom came in passed me and bounded up the stairs two at a time. I didn’t have the heart to shout him back down and tell him to take his shoes off.

Tom left after a couple of hours and again Pete and I had a normal weekend. The following week was also fine and my sister and her husband would be back for the weekend.
Pete and I drove to the airport and picked them up, the weekend went so fast and I could tell that Van and Rod had missed Pete. They asked him about his school work and his science project and they asked him if he was getting along ok with his aunt Jax. My heart skipped a beat at that point but everything was fine.
We dropped them off at the airport again and I treated us both to ice cream again on the way home.

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:19 No. 22842 ID: 249c7e

I woke on Monday morning to find that Pete had already left for school, he was gone really early but I figured he may have stuff to do so thought no more of it.
I showered and dressed and went down to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. I was making an instant coffee when I saw an envelope on the table. It just said ‘Aunty Jacqueline’.
I opened the envelope and inside there was a short letter and a CD. I read the letter first, it said.

Dear Aunty Jacqueline.

I am really sorry for this but I really need your help. I am afraid that if I just asked you then you would say no.
That thing I saw you doing on Moms bed a few weeks ago, I really need you to do it again for me.

Before you say no please look at the DVD, just put it into the player and it will start automatic.
If you agree then this DVD will go no further but if not then it is out of my hands and Mom and Dad and other people will find out.


‘What the fuck’ I thought holding the disc in my hand. I walked through to the TV room and put the disc in the player.
The screen stayed blank for a while and then came up with some graphics that said my name and the word ’MILF’ after. I am not innocent in the ways of the world and I knew what it meant.
Then the screen cut to a movie of Pete’s room. I was standing in the doorway in my robe and we were taking about the dildo incident. The little fucker had recorded me with his webcam and you could hear the whole conversation. The last thing you could hear me saying was ‘Yes you saw me yesterday, I was naked on your moms bed doing myself with her dildo’ and then the movie cut off.

I sat in shocked silence.
The screen was black for a few more seconds and then up popped a picture of me. It was a bit blurred and low quality but you could tell it was me. I was on my sisters bed, naked and fucking myself with her dildo. Pete must have taken a picture with his cell phone, I didn’t remember him doing it but I might have been trying to grab my T shirt at the time.
Again the screen went blank. I thought it was over but another movie started up. This time it showed a print out of the picture I had just seen, it was resting on what was obviously Pete’s bed, the movie was shot from above.
I guessed what was going to happen next but again I was in for a shock. What I first thought was Pete’s hard penis coming into view on the left of the shot was joined by another penis appearing on the right. Both were erect and both were now being jerked by hand.
I sat there stunned, I wanted to switch it off but I just had to keep on watching. After what seemed ages but was only about 3 minutes the penis on the right started to ejaculate over my picture. About 30 seconds after the first penis the second one did the same.
The movie faded out with both cocks hanging limply over my now cum covered picture.

Again the screen went black and the my name appeared yet again followed by the words ‘The hottest MILF in the world’.
I re read the letter and then sat looking at the blank TV screen for what seemed ages.
My shock turned to anger ‘that little bastard’ I thought. I didn’t know if I should jump in the car and drive down to the school and demand to see him, but then that would have made a scene. I was furious but also a little frightened. After all the picture of me and the recorded conversation was very damming.

I couldn’t decide what to do, so I went back through to the kitchen and made myself another coffee.
I returned to the TV room and sat on the couch sipping my hot coffee.
Again I re read the letter, it left no doubt what he wanted from me and it was obvious he had told one of his friends what had happened, after all who the hell did the second dick belong to from the movie.
I grabbed the remote and pressed play and watched the movie again. The conversation between myself and Pete was clear and you could easily identify us both as the picture quality was pretty good.
Then the still picture of me with the dildo in me showed for about 10 seconds then the second movie began.

I had a suspicion that one of the cocks in the movie belonged to Tom, the young man that had visited Pete on the Saturday morning. I lent forward trying to see if I could identify which one was Pete. I must admit I laughed a little when I realized I was trying to work out who was who from looking at their cocks. One of them must have been Pete’s and the other was probably Tom’s.
I watched again as one of the dicks ejaculated over my picture closely followed by the second. I tried rewinding it and watching it again with the volume turned as high as it would go.
The cocks appeared on the screen and the boys began to jerk themselves.
I could hear their heavy breathing as they rubbed themselves.

When the first boy started to shoot his stuff I heard him grunt, I wound it back and listened again, it didn’t sound like Pete. I waited until the second penis began to ejaculate and heard a voice whisper ‘oh yeah’. Again I wound it back and listened, I was sure the second dick belonged to Pete.
I watched until the end and then took the CD out of the player and put it and the letter back inside the envelope. I went to my room and put it under my pillow at first but then changed my mind and put in one of my shoe boxes in my wardrobe.

I tried to do some housework, but my mind was obviously on other things. I wondered what the hell I was going to do. What could I say to Pete when he got home from school.
I went back to my room later that afternoon, got the CD from my shoebox and put it into the player in my room. I switched the TV set on and watched as the movie began.
I watched it all the way through, began watching it a second time but got so frustrated that I took it out of the player and threw it in the bin.
I sat on the edge of my bed and I felt tears coming to my eyes, how the hell had this happened, what was I going to do.
I took the DVD back out of the bin put it back in the envelope and put it back into the shoebox.

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:20 No. 22843 ID: 249c7e

I sat in my room and waited for Pete to get home from school. Normally I would be busy preparing a meal for us both, but I just lay on my bed staring at the ceiling trying to stop the tears I felt like crying.
I didn’t hear Pete get home, I think I must have dozed off. I was woken by a knock on my door.
‘Aunty Jacqueline, are you in there’ I heard Pete’s voice from the other side of my door.
I got up off my bed and flung open my door ‘what do you want’ I said flatly, trying to keep the anger from my voice.
‘Um, erm Um’ was all that Pete could manage to say.
‘You want to know if I got your envelope do you’ I seethed ‘you little pervert, and your little pervert friend’
‘I, I, I’ Pete stammered.
‘I read your letter, and the answer is no’ I fumed ‘I watched the little movie you made and I watched you and your friend doing that sick thing over my picture. How could you Peter, how could you do that’.
Pete was red in the face and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish but no words were coming out.
‘Get to your room and stay there’ I hissed.

I had expected an argument, I expected him to shout or to try and explain what he had done. I even expected him to try and black mail me into doing what he had asked in his letter, but what I didn’t expect was him to burst into tears and collapse to the floor right in front of me.
I stood holding my door for a moment looking at my nephew as he curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably.
I looked down at him and felt so sorry for the things I had said, I was his Aunty after all and I did love him.
I knelt down and touched his hand ‘Hey Petey’ I said ‘Come on don’t cry’.
‘Don’t call me Petey’ he sobbed ‘I’m not a kid anymore’.
‘Ok, I’m sorry, but come on stop crying huh’
I helped him to his feet and half carried him to my bed, I sat him down and got him a tissue to dry his eyes and blow his nose.
‘I didn’t mean to shout’ I said ‘its just that we both agreed we would forget about what happened in your Moms bedroom, and I really didn’t expect you to tell anybody about it’.

Pete dried his eyes with the tissue but I could see the tears were still welling up in his eyes.
‘Look, what would your Mom and Dad say if they knew what was going on’ I said.
‘Are you going to tell them’
‘Well no, of course not’ I said ‘But I cant do that thing you asked me to do in the letter, it just wouldn’t be right’.
‘Why not’ he asked.
‘Well for one thing you are only 13 and I am your Aunty and also I am much older than you’.
‘You’re 37 aren’t you’
‘Yes I am’ I nodded.
‘37 and red hot’ he said with a slight smile.
‘If you say so’ I said feeling a bit flustered, no one had ever called me red hot before. ‘who was the other boy in the film’ I asked.
‘Oh, that was Tom’
I had guessed right then.
‘He thinks your hot as well’.
‘Does he now’ I said.
‘Yeah, that’s why we did that movie for you. As a tribute’
‘Tribute?’ I asked, not really knowing what he meant.
‘Yeah, like on the internet. When a guy likes a picture of a woman he does that then sends it to her as a tribute’
‘Oh I see’ I said ‘And you’ve seen that on the internet have you’
‘Er well, no, well maybe, kind of’ he mumbled
I gave a little smile and said ‘Come on lets go fix some dinner’.

As we fixed dinner I asked him how his day at school went and we chatted about his Mom and Dad and stuff. We sat at the table and ate our meal.
‘Pete’ I asked ‘It is only you and Tom that knows about what happened in your Moms room isn’t it’
Pete looked down at his plate.
‘Oh shit Pete’ I said putting my head in my hands ‘Who else knows’
‘Tom’s cousin knows as well, but that’s all I swear’
‘Who the hell is Tom’s cousin then’ I asked.
‘His name is Judo’.
‘What kind of stupid fucking name is Judo’ I snapped.
‘I don’t know, that’s what he is called’
‘And how old is he’
‘16, I think’
‘Oh Jesus Christ Pete, and how old is Tom’
‘14, but he is in the same year as me at school, they kept him back a year’
‘Have they seen the picture of me as well’ I asked.
‘Well Tom has seen it because me and him we…’
‘Oh yes I know that, but what about this kid Judo has he seen it’
‘I don’t know, sorry’
‘Oh God help me’ I said ‘do you know what will happen if this gets out Pete, I could be in serious trouble you know, serious trouble.
‘Yeah, I know, I’m sorry’
I sent Pete to bed and then opened a bottle of red wine and drank the whole bottle but it didn’t make me feel any better about what had happened.

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:20 No. 22844 ID: 249c7e

The next morning Pete and I didn’t speak as we had breakfast and then Pete went off to school and I went to clean the house of the woman who only lived two streets away. Her name is Patricia but her husband and her friends call her Patty. She asked me if I was ok as I seemed a little quiet. I told her I just had a bit of trouble at home with my teenage nephew. Little did she know at the time.
I was home when Pete got back from school. He seemed brighter and even had a smile on his face.
‘Aunty Jacqueline’ he shouted as he came down the hallway and into the kitchen ’Aunty Jacqueline’
‘Yes, yes, yes’ I said, moving some pans on the stove.
‘You know all the stuff that’s happened, and I’m really sorry for’.
‘Yes dear’
‘Well I think I have got it sorted out, well yeah, I think’
‘Go on’
‘I spoke to Tom and his cousin Judo today, his names not really Judo you know, its just that his Dad is called David Owen and he is called David Owen Junior so is kinda D O JU mixed up’
‘Get to the point Peter’
‘Oh yeah, I spoke to them today and they are coming over later to clear everything up’.
‘What’ I shouted nearly dropping one of the pans ‘why the hell did you tell them to come around here’
‘Because Judo said that he wanted to talk to you to clear everything up’
What will be will be I thought, exasperated.

The door bell rang at 6.30 and Pete went to answer it. I sat on the couch in the TV room and waited for them to come through.
I recognised Tom straight away, the blond haired blue eyed boy who had come over on the Saturday morning. My eyes flicked to his crotch as he walked in and for a moment I remembered watching his penis ejaculating over my picture. I closed my eyes and swallowed hard.
‘Please sit down’ I managed to say with a little catch in my voice.
The older boy was obviously Judo, he was taller and had brown hair and he stayed standing as Pete and Tom sat on the other couch.

No one said anything for what seemed like ages.
‘Would anyone like a soda’ I asked smiling, god knows why I was smiling, I felt completely out of my depth.
Judo reached inside of his school bag and pulled out a CD case, he opened the case and took out the CD.
‘Do you have one of these’ he asked me.
‘What’ I said, trying to keep the fear from my voice.
‘One of these’ he said holding the CD closer to me
‘Yes, ah, yes I do’
‘Can you go and get it please’
‘Look’ I said ‘I don’t know what the fuck is going on here but I’ve had about enough of this’
‘Do you want all the copies of this, yes or no’ Judo said.
‘what!’ I asked.
‘Do you want all the copies of this, yes or no’ Judo repeated.
‘Er Er, yes’
‘Then can you please go and get your copy’
‘I stood up and left the room, I went to my bedroom and got the CD and the letter from my secret hiding place and went back to the TV room where I handed my copy over to Judo, a stupid thing to do I realized as soon as I’d done it.
‘Thank you’ Judo said, putting both CD’s into his school bag.
My heart sank.

‘Do you know why Pete made that CD’ Judo asked me.
‘Yeah’ I said ‘So he could blackmail me into doing…’
‘Completely wrong’ Judo interrupted in a raised voice ‘He did it because he is a sad geek who has no friends and he wanted to buy his way into our fraternity’
‘What’ I said, not understanding.
‘Your nephew, Pete thought he could buy his way into our fraternity using pictures of you as payment’
‘Pete?’ I looked across at my nephew
‘Sorry Aunty’ Pete mouthed back to me.
Judo hoisted his school bag over his shoulder and looked at me ‘I want you both to be at the silo this Saturday at 10am, Tom will call round and show you the way’ and with that both he and Tom left the house.

I stayed on the couch as the boys left, Pete had gone with them to close the door.
As he came back into the room I had my head in my hands again.
‘you stupid stupid boy’ I said ‘what the hell happens now, and what the hell is the silo’.
‘I don’t know, to both questions, sorry’
I could see the tears welling up in Pete’s eyes again and I felt like crying myself.
‘What did he mean when he said you had got no friends’ I asked.
The tears started to roll down Pete’s cheeks ‘Its true, I aint got no friends, I wish Mom and Dad had taken me with them then at least I would be away from that stupid school’.
‘Don’t cry Pete’ I said ‘We will work something out I promise’ I went over to him and sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.
‘What is this fraternity Judo was talking about’
‘It’s a bunch of guys, real cool guys who get together and do a bunch of stuff, even through the holidays. They build tree houses and dams and stuff and go camping’
‘And you thought that if you showed them my picture then they would let you join’
I pulled him close and kissed him on the forehead ‘Oh Petey’ I said.
‘Please Aunty Jacqueline, don’t call me Petey I’ve told you I’m not a kid anymore’.
‘I could tell that from what I saw on that movie you made’ I don’t know why I said that, it just came out, but we both started laughing.
‘Anyway’ I said ’If I cant call you Petey then you have to stop calling me Aunty Jacqueline, you make me sound old. Just call me Jax from now on ok’
‘you’re not old Aunty, you’re 37 and. . . ‘
‘yeah I know’ I said with a smile ‘37 and red hot’
‘Yeah’ Pete smiled

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:21 No. 22845 ID: 249c7e

The week went slowly and to say I was nervous about the coming weekend was an understatement.
I hardly slept on Friday night. I got up early on Saturday morning and showered and got myself ready.
Pete was up and ready and at 9.30 Tom knocked on the door. Pete went to answer and Tom asked if we wanted to walk or if I wanted to drive.
I decided to drive and so Tom sat up front with me giving directions while Pete sat in the back.
We drove out of town and towards the river, we turned off left just before the bridge and headed down a quiet country road. I pulled up in front of a deserted house and Tom told me to pull the car around the back so it couldn’t be seen from the road.

It would have taken us about an hour to walk here so I was glad we had driven. I parked the car and we all got out. I was expecting to go into the house but Tom made off down the side of a field and so Pete and I followed. Luckily I had jeans and sensible shoes on as the going got pretty tough at we entered a small patch of trees.
We climbed over a wooden fence and then after a short while we got to a 6ft high chain lick fence.
‘Now what’ I asked.
Tom guided us down the fence to a tree, first off I thought we were going to have to climb the tree but Tom squeezed through a gap on the other side of the tree and then held the fence back for us to get through.

We walked over moss covered concrete until we reached an old iron railing. Some steps went down to a metal door so we followed Tom to the bottom and then he took out his cell phone and made a call. He didn’t speak to anyone but after a minute we heard the door being unbolted from inside and then the door swung open.
Judo poked his head around the door and said ‘Hi, come in’.
We walked down a dimly lit corridor with open doors on either side, the rooms were also dimly lit and seemed to be stacked full of dusty old junk.
We turned left at the bottom of the corridor and then came to another door.
Judo opened the door for us and we walked in.
The room was well lit but small, with a desk in one corner and a few old plastic chairs stacked against one wall.
‘What is this place’ I asked.
‘Come on through and I will explain’ Judo answered.
We went through another door into a much larger room that looked like it had once been an office. The floor was carpeted in a deep red carpet that looked like it had seen better days. There were four desks placed end to end down one wall with old electrical stuff on them.
There were various office chairs around and two old brown leather couches.

‘Welcome to the Silo’ Judo announced with a smile ‘This is the HQ of the Green Vale Fraternity, have a seat’.
I sat down on one of the couches with Pete sitting next to me, Tom sat on an office chair but the wrong way round so he could rest his arms on the back of it while smiling at us.
‘What was this place’ I asked again looking round.
‘Not to sure’ Judo said, looking around himself ‘My older brother found it years ago, he seems to think it was something like a nuclear bunker owned by the government, but whatever it was its seems to have been forgotten about’.
‘Would you like a drink’ Tom asked me.
‘Er, no thanks’ I replied looking back at Judo.
‘Yes have a drink’ Judo said ‘We have got electricity here but no running water so we bring drinks with us and store them in the refrigerator so they are nice and cold, we even have a toilet that works if you need to use it, we think its filled using rain water’.

‘Look boys’ I said trying to sound authoritative ‘I have just come for the CD’s, now if you let me have them then I will go, ok’.
Judo and Tom exchanged a glance and both smiled.
‘Miss Gibson’ Judo began ‘While you are here you will be treated with the up most respect, you don’t need to be afraid’.
‘I’m not afraid, I just want what I came for then I’ll leave’
‘Let me tell you about our fraternity first, please’
With out waiting for me to agree Judo began.
‘The Greenvale Fraternity was founded by my older brother 12 years ago, I am now its commanding Officer and Tom is my Deputy, we . .
‘How can it be a fraternity if its just the 2 of you’ I interrupted, losing my patience.
‘We have 8 members including myself’ Judo answered and then carried on. ‘We are a secret gang of boys who have always done what we think is right so when your nephew came to us with your photograph and asked us if he could join we didn’t believe him, so I sent Tom to check it out and Tom returned with the DVD to prove Pete wasn’t a liar’.
‘Look I just want the CD’s ok, that’s all’ I said.
‘And we are prepared to hand them over one at a time as long as you agree to our deal’.
‘No deals’ I said ’Just hand them over’

‘Look Miss Gibson’ Judo smiled’ The way I see it is we all want something off each other, Pete wants to be a member of our fraternity, don’t you Pete’
Pete nodded his head and said ’Yeah I do, please, yeah’ and then looked at me and gave a half smile.
‘If Pete joins our fraternity then the bullying he gets at school will stop and he will be seen as one of the cool kids’
‘Why do you bully him anyway’ I asked, looking from Pete to Judo.
‘We don’t bully him, but we know the kids that do and if we let him join our group then that will all stop’.
‘Oh’ I said.
‘You want something off us, the DVD’s and our word that we will never tell anyone about them, ever’
‘Then in return we want something off you’ Tom walked over to one of the desks and picked up an envelope which he brought back and handed to Judo who then handed it to me.
I opened the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Miss Gibson.

There are in total 4 DVD’s which have the movie on that Tom and Pete made.
We will hand them over as long as you agree to do the following.

For DVD 1

You will use the dildo on yourself as Pete, Tom and I watch you.

For DVD 2

You will use the dildo again but while you are masturbating with it the 3 of us will be masturbating while we watch you.

For DVD 3

You will use the dildo again and you will jerk each one of us off using your hands.

For DVD 4

You will use the dildo again in front of the whole fraternity.

Signed - The Greenvale Fraternity.

I read and re read the letter then I stood up, I crumpled the letter and the envelope up and threw it at Judos feet ‘No chance’ I hissed ‘come one Pete we are leaving’.
Pete followed me and Tom and Judo let us leave. I went back to the car and Pete and I drove home in silence. I was really angry but I knew that this kid Judo was a slippery one and he was a lot cleverer that I had first thought.

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We got home and I told Pete to go to his room, It was now only mid afternoon but I opened a bottle of wine and poured myself a whole glass.
After a few hours Pete came down stairs to see if I was ok.
‘Look at what you’ve started Peter’ I said angrily.
‘What did the letter say’ Pete asked me.
‘Nothing, it doesn’t matter what it said’
‘Its all my fault isn’t it’ Pete said and began to sniff.
‘Yes it is’ I agreed feeling a bit bad for being such a hard bitch.
‘I’m sorry Aunty Jacqueline, I mean Jax, sorry’
‘Its ok Pete’ I said ‘its over now’
I took another swig of my wine and then asked Pete why he hadn’t told anyone he was being bullied, why hadn’t he told his teachers or the principle or even his Mom and Dad.
‘It would just make things worse, honestly’ he said drying his eyes on his sleeve.
‘If you were a member of this fraternity, then would all the bullying stop. Was Judo telling the truth’
‘Yeah’ Pete sniffed ‘No one messes with the GVF and if you’re a member then no one picks on you’
I felt so sorry for my nephew, I had it in my power to change his life, to make his school life and his childhood so much better. But the price was just to high.

The rest of the weekend passed without incident although Pete and I hardly spoke.
Monday morning came and Pete went off to school as usual. I finished off cleaning the kitchen and putting away the breakfast things. I made myself another coffee and was just about to sit down and enjoy it in front of the TV when the doorbell rang.
I open the door to find a police officer standing on the porch, my heart skipped a beat for a few seconds as I asked him what he wanted.
He introduced himself as officer Reed and asked me if he could come in, I opened the door and showed him through.

We sat in the living room.
I asked him what he wanted, secretly praying that either Judo, Tom or Pete hadn’t opened their mouths about what had happened.
‘Can I ask you where you were on Saturday morning Mam’ he asked.
‘Why what’s this about’
‘I just need to know where you were, that’s all’
‘I was here all morning, in the house, why?’
‘We have a witness who says they saw you on Saturday morning out by the old Thompson place and that you were trespassing on government property there’.

I had to think on my feet so I said ‘Oh yeah, I was down there on Saturday. I was collecting wild flowers, but I didn’t know it was private property.’
The officer looked at me and smiled ‘Well no harm done then I suppose’ just be careful if you go down there again, a lot of that area is off limits. I try to keep my eye on it because of the local kids causing trouble’.
‘Oh, ok, I will er be careful next time’
‘Do you live here alone Miss Gibson’
‘No, its my sisters house, she and her husband have had to move away for a short while so at the moment its just my nephew and I.
‘Ok, well keep all your windows and doors locked we have had a few break ins’
‘Yeah I will, thanks’
The officer stood up to leave so I showed him back to the front door.
I watched him walk back down the driveway to his cruiser parked on the road. I shut the door and locked it and then sank down to my knees and cried. I had been so terrified that one of the boys had said something and that the officer had been coming to arrest me.

I pulled myself together and went into the kitchen and fixed myself a strong coffee. It was obvious that either Tom or Judo had tipped off the police about me being down at the silo at the weekend. I made a decision to talk to Pete about it when he got home from school.
It was a nice afternoon so I went out for a short walk to clear my head.

I was in the kitchen when Pete got home. He came through and helped himself to a can of soda from the refrigerator.
‘I need to talk to you Pete’ I said.
We both sat at the table.
‘I had a visit from a local police officer today’ I began.
‘Yeah I know’ Pete said.
‘You know, how ?’
‘Judo told me at school today that he had reported you for trespassing, and that he is coming over tonight because he wants to talk to you’
‘What !, When ?, tonight’ I stammered.
‘Yeah, about six, he said that it can all get sorted tonight’
‘What do you mean sorted ?’
‘I don’t know he didn’t really say, he just said that he needed to talk to you’

The next hour and a half seemed to take ages as I waited in the kitchen, I made Pete stay with me as I didn’t want to be alone when Judo arrived.
The doorbell rang and I sent Pete to answer it, I heard the door open and then close and then Pete and Judo walked into the kitchen.
‘Do you mind if I talk to your Aunty alone’ Judo said to Pete.
‘Anything you have got to say to me you can say in front of him, so he stays’ I insisted.
Judo shrugged and said ‘Ok’
They both sat at the table with me and both Pete and I sat in silence looking at Judo.
Eventually Judo spoke ‘Its about the DVD’s Miss Gibson, we need to get it sorted before something bad happens’.
‘Like the police coming today you mean’ I said quietly
‘Yeah, like that or worse’
I swallowed hard ‘What do you want’ I asked.
Judo looked at Pete and then back at me ‘I am willing to let Pete join our fraternity and give you back all 4 DVD’s on one condition’
‘And what might that be’ I said trying to keep my voice strong
‘Well all the members of the fraternity look at porn on the internet even Pete does don’t you’
I looked over to Pete who was nodding
‘Most of the guys including myself like to look at older women, or MILFs. Do you know what a MILF is?. Judo asked me
‘Yes I know’
‘Well like I said I am willing to let Pete join the fraternity and give you back all of the DVD’s for just one thing’
‘Get to the point’ I snapped ‘what do you want’
I could tell that Judo was a little bit afraid of asking and for a moment I thought that he didn’t have the courage, but then he took a deep breath and looked me dead in the eye and said.
‘I want to see you naked’
‘No way’ I put my hands up palms facing him.
He leaned forward in his chair ‘I want to see you naked as I jerk off’

Pete’s mouth was hanging open in astonishment at what his friend had just asked me.
‘This is a one time offer Miss Gibson’ he said ‘Do this and I promise I will give you back the DVD’s, all of them and let Pete join our club, honest’
I knew that I was going to have to do something to settle this so I counter offered. ‘I will let you see me in my underwear and that’s all’
Pete’s mouth opened even wider when he heard my counter offer to Judo.
‘Do I still get to jerk off in front of you’ Judo asked.
‘No cameras’ I said ‘No cell phones, no video camera, nothing ok’
‘No nothing, I swear’
‘Ok then, deal’ I said and I offered my hand to Judo, we shook on it and then I said ‘Do you want to do it right now’
‘Er no not now, I didn’t bring the DVD’s with me, how about tomorrow after school’
‘Ok fine, tomorrow after school it is’ I said trying to put a brave face on it.

Judo left us and Pete asked me if I was really going to do it, if I was really going to go through with it.
‘What choice do I have Peter’ I said ‘I need those DVD’s back because they are very incriminating and if it also helps you get into that fraternity then that’s a bonus I suppose.
‘I’m sorry Aunty’ Pete said with a sigh ‘I didn’t think I would cause this much trouble, I really am sorry’
‘I know’ I said giving my nephew a hug.

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I lay in bed that night wondering what the hell I had agreed to, there was no doubt that if I backed out then Judo and Tom and the rest of them would rat on me and get me into all kinds of trouble, or they would blackmail me into doing something worse. And what would my sister say. She would kick me out and never speak to me again. I consoled myself with the fact it was a one off and then it would all be over.
The morning came to quickly and I saw Pete off to school. I did the grocery shopping and the laundry anything to keep my mind off what was going to happen later on that day.

Pete arrived home from school with Judo, my heart began hammering in my chest. Pete and Judo came through to the TV room and Judo handed me 4 DVD’s ‘That’s them all’ he said.
‘I just need to check them’ I said, and switched the TV on. I loaded each one into the DVD player and watched each one right through while Pete and Judo sat on the couch with me. When the last one had finished I said ‘That all seems to be in order, ok Pete you stay down here, Judo you come with me’
I led the young 16 year old boy up to my room, I was so nervous but I tried not to show it. I didn’t want this boy thinking he had got the better of me.
‘Is here on my bed ok’ I asked him, still trying to bluff it out and to see if he would cut and run.
‘Yeah’ he nodded
I undid my blouse and took it off revealing my bra, I unzipped the side of my skirt and let it drop to the floor.
Judo’s eyes were popping out on stalks as he looked at me standing in just my black bra and panties.

I laid down on my bed and said ‘Ok, do what you gotta do, but be quick, I want this over with’.
Judo was in such a rush he was nearly tearing his clothes off, I closed my eyes.
‘Hey, no fair’ Judo said ‘you gotta keep your eyes open’
‘The deal was you got to jerk off while looking at me in my underwear’ I said sitting up on my bed ‘Now do you want to do ….it ….or…. Not’ my voice died away as I opened my eyes. I hadn’t realized that Judo was now completely naked and what I saw was unbelievable. The boy was some kind of genetic mutant or something, he was 16 years old, he had a skinny little boys body but the dick hanging between his legs looked like it belonged to someone else.

He had a full patch of black pubic hair and his balls hung low, but his dick was fucking impossible. It was at least 6 inches long and it was just hanging there, and he wasn’t even 100% hard yet.
I closed my eyes again ‘Oh my fucking god’ I whispered to myself, had I just seen what I had just seen. I open my eyes again and yes I had seen correctly. Judo stood naked in my room only a few feet from me lying on my bed in just my underwear, his penis was starting to swell and grow and now his dick was getting even bigger.

I watched him as he wrapped the fingers of his right hand around the shaft of his still growing penis. He pulled down and his foreskin rolled back to reveal the shiny head of his dick.
My mouth was dry and I was physically shaking from both nerves and fear. I heard a voice repeating ‘Oh God, Oh God, Oh God’ over and over and it was a few moments before I realized it was me.
Judo climbed onto the bed next to me and knelt on my right at the level of my hips.
I lay frozen and mesmerized by his right hand massaging his enormous cock.
I tried to look away, to turn my focus to some other part of the room but my eyes always returned to his penis.

I felt like I had been lying there for an eternity, Judo was speaking but his words made no sense to me, my full attention was on his penis.
My body jolted, almost like I had been given an electric shock when I saw the first shots of Judos semen begin to spout from the end of his dick.
He pointed his cock down at me and carried on rubbing himself as he continued to cum.
It felt like an out of body experience, it felt like I was watching it happen to somebody else. Judo seemed to be cumming and cumming, a non stop stream of sperm.
I was dimly aware of him finishing and saying something like ‘thank you, that was the most awesome thing ever’ then he lent over me and kissed me on the cheek.

I lay on the bed not daring to move as Judo got dressed and left my room.
I sat up and rested on my elbows, I looked down over my body and saw that I was covered in white cum.
It was mainly across my belly, but there was some on my bra and a large dollop on the front of my panties that was soaking through the material and onto my pussy

I got up and went to my bathroom, I took my bra and panties off and got into the shower and washed the boys semen off my body.
I went back into my room drying myself with a towel and got dressed. I looked at the clock and only a half hour had passed since I had brought Judo into my room, it seemed like forever. But it was over now, I had done it. It was disgusting but I had done it. I promised myself I would burn the DVD’s and get Peter to delete anything he still had on his computer.
I got dressed and went downstairs, Pete was in the TV room but Judo had gone. I got the DVD’s and took them up to my room and hid them.

Things got back to normal. Pete was happy, he was now in the GVF and he was out with his new friends most afternoons and weekends. I carried on with my cleaning jobs and looking after the house and my nephew for my sister.

It was about two and a half weeks after the ‘incident’ I got up in the morning and showered as usual. I sat on my bed wrapped in my towel as I blow dried my hair. I got myself some underwear out of my draw and put it on only realizing when I turned and saw myself in the full length mirror of my wardrobe that it was the same black bra and panties I had been wearing on the day of the ’incident’.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I was seeing what Judo had seen and while I wasn’t a cat walk model I must admit I didn’t look bad for my age.

Why I did what I did next I will never know, I went into the bathroom and got a bottle of moisturiser. I went and stood back in front of the mirror and took the cap off the bottle and proceeded to squirt the cream on myself in the areas where I remembered Judo had cum on me.
I finished using the cream and stood looking at myself in the mirror, I imagined that the cream was really Judos cum and I began to massage the cream into my skin. I remembered the big dollop of cum on the front of my panties and I moved my hand down to my pussy. With my fingers only resting lightly on the front of my panties I began to cum. My legs went weak and I dropped to my knees as my orgasm shook my body and I let out a deep long low moan.

I lay on the floor of my room and recovered. I needed another shower. I put my hand between my legs as I felt really wet down there but as soon as my fingers touched the front of my panties I came again. What the fuck was happening to me. I turned to face the mirror and took my panties off. I could see my pussy lips swollen and wide apart and my juices were freely flowing onto the floor.
I quickly shoved two fingers up myself and began to cum again all the while thinking of my body being covered in that boys spunk.
Up until then I had never experienced multiple orgasms and to be honest I hadn’t really thought they were real, but now I knew as I came four or five times in quick succession.

When I finally managed to stop pleasuring myself and my pussy had had enough I showered again and got dressed. I went downstairs but found that Peter had already had his breakfast and left for school. I fixed some coffee and toast and thought about what had happened that morning and also what had happened between Judo and I in my room. I remembered his dick being way to big for a boy of his age he must have been at least 8 inches when fully erect.
I realized I was getting horny again, I had never in my life been this turned on, it must have been some weird kind of delayed reaction.
I didn’t even finish my breakfast. I went back upstairs to my sisters room and got her dildo from her draw and then went back to my room.

I stripped off and got onto the bed with the intention of giving myself a real good fucking with that plastic cock. I saw that I had left the TV on in my room and that the weather girl was telling me how sunny it was going to be that day. Seeing the TV on gave me an idea and luckily I still hadn’t gotten round to destroying those 4 DVD’s.
I went to my wardrobe and found the shoebox, I took out one of the discs and put it in the player then I laid back on my bed with the dildo and watched.
The part I wanted to see soon came on and I watched the screen as my nephew and his friend Tom began to jerk their dicks over my picture.
I buried the dildo as far up my vagina as I could fucking myself harder and harder as I waited for the moment that my nephew and his friend began to ejaculate over me.

I looked at the cocks on the screen and told myself that if those boys were here right now for real then I would let them watch as I did it to myself with the dildo and that I would suck their cocks and let them cum on me.
I was shocked at myself for thinking like this but in that instant I knew that even though I was shocked by my own dirty thoughts I also knew that they were true.
I looked back at the screen to see that Tom had already cum onto my picture and that Peter was just shooting his stuff for me.
My orgasm tore though me and made me scream with pleasure and I watched the TV and saw both cocks hanging limp over my spunk covered picture.

I watched the DVD at least another half dozen times that day, every time taking more and more enjoyment and pleasure from it. Watching my nephew and his friend doing, (what did Peter call it?) oh yeah, paying tribute to me by spaying my picture with their virgin cum. I lost count of the number of orgasms I had and my bed clothes were soaked from my pussy juice.

The day had flown by and I had to get dressed because Peter would be home from school soon.
I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen with the intention of fixing something for dinner for Peter and I. I realized that unbelievably I was still horny, after all the punishment I had given my pussy with that dildo my cunt still wanted more.

Jacqueline+Madison+Gibson+(Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:24 No. 22848 ID: 249c7e

Peter came home from school and came into the kitchen, my pussy went into overdrive and I had to keep control of myself, but I took every opportunity to gaze at his crotch.
‘Are you ok Aunty?’ Peter asked me.
‘Yes, yes I’m fine, just had a lot on my mind today that’s all’
‘Anything I can help with’.
He was such a sweet boy.
‘Actually you can’ I heard myself say.
‘What is it?’
‘I need to have a serious talk with you after dinner’
Peter looked at me with a serious face and said ‘Am I in trouble again?’
‘No dear, your not, I just need to talk to you about something important that’s all’
‘Oh. Ok’

With Peters help I fixed us a meal and we chatted about his school and stuff and about how he was getting on with his new friends in the GVF.
We tidied up and did the dishes, I washed he dried and then we put the crockery away.
‘So what did you need to talk to me about’ Peter asked.
‘Can we talk in your room’ I asked
Peter looked at me with a puzzled face as I don’t normally go into his room. He has a sign on his bedroom door saying KEEP OUT!. I think this was because his Mom was always going into his room to tidy up and pick up laundry.

I followed Peter up stairs, still unsure about what I was going to do, and if I was actually going to do anything at all.
We went into his room and he sat on his chair by his desk where his computer was and I sat on his bed.
‘How is your science project getting on’ I asked.
‘Its fine, its nearly finished to be honest’
‘That’s good then, well done’ I said, again sounding completely lame.
‘Thanks’ Peter smiled.

I took a deep breath . . .
‘Ok, what I want to talk to you about is. Remember a few weeks ago when Judo was here’.
‘Yeah, the day you got the movies back’
‘Yes, yes, that day’ I swallowed hard, my throat was so dry ‘Well I remember Judo saying that he and his friends and you looked at women on the internet’.
‘Yeah’ Pete said ‘We do, sometimes, why?’
‘Well I want you to show me the stuff you look at because I want to make sure its nothing to bad, you know, nothing far out or, or to nasty’ I was rambling because I was nervous and I was trying to think of a valid reason why Peter would show me the kind of porn he looked at on the internet ‘And because your parents aren’t here I need to look after you’.

Pete turned in his chair and switch his PC on, it took a few minutes to start but then he was signing into the internet.
We sat in silence as Peter began to surf the web, it seemed he knew a few websites off by heart because he just typed in and the web pages opened.
I sat on the bed watching my nephew opening porn pages, I got up and leaned on the back of his chair and looked over his shoulder.

Peter turned his head to look up at me and said ’This is the kind of stuff I like the best’. The website he was on was Dianapost and it showed mostly mature women.
Peter kept clicking on different pictures and they would open out and show women in various stages of undress to totally naked. Some showed women having sex sometimes with just one partner but sometimes with more.
‘Is this stuff ok for me to look at’ Pete asked me turning his head again to look at me.
My voice cracked a little ’Well you are a little young to be looking at that kind of stuff really, but I suppose its fine, yes, that stuff is er fine’
‘Its ok I suppose but none of the women are as hot as you aunty Jax’.
I just smiled and went to sit back on the bed, I was feeling so turned on again and looking at porn with my 13 year old nephew had only made me more so.

‘Can I ask you a question aunty’
‘Yeah sure’ I said.
‘Did Judo really tribute you for real?’
I realized that Peter and I had never talked about that day ’Why what did Judo tell you’
‘Well he said that at the start you took your clothes off down to your underwear and then he got naked and began to beat off over you’.
‘Yeah’ I nodded.
‘Then he said that you unclipped you bra and pulled your panties down and then he shot his stuff on you’.
‘No, no, no’ I shook my head ’I think your friend is telling little white lies about that part’
‘Oh’ Pete’s head dropped a little in disappointment then he looked up again ‘but it would have been so cool if it had happened like that’.
‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
‘Well you know, Judo giving you a real tribute, a proper one I mean’.
I looked at Peter and he could tell I was still puzzled.
‘It can only be a proper tribute if you and the other person are both totally naked’ Peter explained.
‘Oh, right’ I said finally understanding.
‘I would have loved to have seen it, even though you were still in your underwear. My friend Judo shooting his stuff on you. It’s a mark of respect you know aunty, we don’t pay tribute to just any women, only the hottest ones’.
‘Peter’ I said, interrupting him.
‘Do you get a boner when you look at that stuff on the web’ I said pointing at the monitor that was still showing a naked women.
Peter glanced at the monitor and then back at me ‘Yeah’ he said, a little embarrassed.
‘Do you have a boner now?’ I asked.
Peter nodded at me.
‘Then quickly before I change my mind’ I said standing up ‘I want you to tribute me’
‘Whaa. . . .’ was all that Peter could manage as he watched me start to undress.

‘Quickly Peter, before I change my mind’ My blouse and crop top were off and I was pulling down my jeans but Peter was still frozen in his chair.
‘Peter, hurry up’
‘Are you serious’ he asked me
‘For Gods sake yes, now hurry up’
I watched my nephew stand up and begin to take his clothes off as I lay on the bed in my underwear.
Peter had taken his trousers and shorts off first and I got my first sight of my nephews penis, he was no where near as big as Judo but that was to be expected. Pete’s cock was erect and was a good four or four and a half inches with some sparse hair at the base and around his balls.
Peter pulled his T shirt off over his head and now he was completely naked.
‘Quickly, get on the bed and do it’ I said. I was so eager to see him cum for real as I had watched him do it so many times on the DVD.
‘Yes what’
‘Can it be a proper one, a proper tribute I mean’
From our recent conversation I now understood exactly what he meant, I sat up on the bed resting on my elbows and I made a split second decision. I reached behind me and unhooked my bra and took it off.
‘Oh wow man’ Peter said as he saw my bare breasts for the first time.
Then I slipped my panties off and lay on his bed stark naked. Peter got onto the bed and knelt next to me and began to jerk his dick. I put my right hand between my legs and began to finger myself as I put my left hand on Peters right leg to steady him.
I watched Peter rubbing on his cock and as I spread my legs wider my nephew watched me push two of my own fingers deep into my pussy and begin masturbating.
I began to cum as soon as my fingers hit my trigger (my clit) and I watched as Peter began to shoot his virgin white spunk over my belly.
Everything was over in a matter on minutes.

The last of my orgasms shook my body as Peter stayed kneeling next to me with his young dick now hanging down and pointing at the fluid on my belly that had only minutes before had been in his balls.
‘Please don’t tell any one Peter’
I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I got off the bed and ran out of his room, still naked and with his cum running down my skin. I ran to the bathroom and got some tissue to start cleaning myself with.
I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, my naked body with my nephews semen spread across the skin of my belly.
This had been my fantasy all day and now that it was real I didn’t know how to feel about it.
Part of me was disgusted at myself but a bigger part of me was exultant, a sexual part of me that I had never known existed had been awakened and in the space of one month I had let two boys jerk off over me.

‘Are you ok aunty?’
I looked to my left to see Peter standing in the bathroom doorway, he was still naked and my eyes gravitated to his penis, it looked so beautiful.
‘Yes, I’m fine, I’m ok’ I responded giving Peter a little smile.
‘You don’t have to be ashamed aunty, honest you don’t. That was awesome and you are so hot its un fucking believable’.
‘Peter!, don’t swear’. I had just let him shoot his cum over my naked body and now I was telling him off for swearing, go figure?.

‘Just promise me, please that you wont tell anyone about this’ I said trying to sound stern and serious.
‘Not even Judo?’
I though about it for a second or two and I recalled the sight of that young boys oversized dick.
‘Ok, you can tell Judo. But just be careful, I don’t want people overhearing your conversation. Now go and get some clothes on.’
Peter went off down the landing towards his room. I looked at myself in the mirror again and began to wipe Peter’s cum off my skin. I had no idea at that time what the hell I had started.

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The next day Peter went off to school and I went to F house to do my cleaning job.
As usual Patty had some coffee and biscuits ready for when I got there and we sat and chatted for a while. She commented on how well I looked as over the past few weeks she thought I had looked a bit spaced out and a bit pale, but now I had a bit of color in my cheeks.
I suppose I could have said that having my 13 year old nephew ejaculate over my naked body had helped but instead I just said thanks.

I got home and did a few chores around the house before settling down to watch some TV. I knew that Peter was going to be a little late home from school as it was a Friday and he went to his GVF meeting.
I sat and thought about what had happened, I was glad that Peter now had some friends and that he was part of a group who would look after him and stop him from being bullied. I was glad that I had played my part in helping and what had seemed like such a big deal at the time had actually been a kind of a wake up call for me. I was 37 years old but I was still in good shape after all I had managed to get two teenage boys hard for me.

Peter came in and we sat in the TV room and ate our dinner on our laps.
‘Peter if you keep calling me aunty I will start calling you Petey again, just call me Jax, ok.’
‘Sorry, yeah ok, Jax’
‘Can I have some friends over tomorrow’
I looked at Peter knowingly ‘What for’.
‘Well I told Judo and Tom about last night, you know the tribute thing’.
‘Yeah, and?’
‘Well they kind of believed me but they are gonna come over and get you to confirm what I said’
‘Confirmation, and that’s all’
‘Yeah, that’s all, honest’
‘Ok, what time?’
‘Think they are coming just after lunchtime’
We both watched TV for the rest of the evening and then went to bed.

The morning came and I got up, showered and dressed and then went down stairs to make breakfast, to my surprise Peter was already in the kitchen he had fixed me some coffee and toast.
‘What’s all this this’ I said smiling.
‘Erm, well its just me kinda sayin thanks for you know, the other night and for letting Tom and Judo come over today’.
‘Well thank you Peter, its very kind of you. I could get used to this’.
‘Used to what?’
‘Having my own personal cook and waiter’ I giggled.
Peter blushed and looked a bit sheepish.
I hadn’t forgotten that Peter’s new friends were coming over and in the back of my mind somewhere I knew what might be happening later that day. To be honest I wasn’t even worried or nervous, if stuff happened then it happened. I would just lay back and enjoy it.

Peter and I were in the TV room when the door bell rang. I looked at the clock on the mantle and it was only just gone 11am. Pete got up and went to answer the door. It was Judo and Tom. I over heard the conversation from the TV room.
Pete said ‘Hi guys, you’re early’
‘Yeah sorry man’ It was Judo talking, I recognised his voice ‘Its just that we have got a Frat meeting this afternoon, we tried to cancel it or delay it but it was just easier if we came here early’
‘Oh, ok. Come in, but take your shoes off please’
Within a few moments all three boys came into the TV room, they all smiled and said hi to me and I returned their greeting.
Tom was just as I remembered him, a blond haired blue eyed boy with a big winning smile.
I remembered the movie off the DVD and I couldn’t help but look at his crotch as I played the movie over again in my head and saw this young boys dick paying tribute to me. I was horny again.

The boys sat down and Peter offered them a drink which they both declined. We all sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, all 3 boys just seemed to be staring at me and smiling.
I broke the silence ‘Did I over hear that you have a Frat meeting today’
‘Yeah, yeah we do’ Judo said ‘Its at the silo, later, at one o’clock. that’s why we came here early today, sorry’.
‘That’s ok, but you came today because?’
‘Well erm, I er we came here er well, did Pete explain?’ Judo stammered.
‘He explained that you wanted confirmation’
‘Yeah, that’s it, confirmation. Did he, did he really er do it?’
‘You mean did I let him pay tribute to me’
‘Yes I did’
‘Holy shit’ Judo looked at Pete and Pete gave him the OK sign ‘Pete said it was a proper tribute, is that true?’
‘If you mean were we both naked then yes its true, and please don’t swear’ I smiled.
‘Holy sh…moley’ Judo exclaimed, and then sat back in his chair and added ‘That is incredible’

‘What was it like Pete’ Tom asked my nephew.
‘Oh man it was fantastic, my aunty has got the hottest body’
‘Now then Peter’ I interjected ‘What did I tell you about calling me aunty’
‘Sorry aunty, I mean Jax. Sorry Jax’
‘If this is going to work then I cant have people calling me aunty, you make me feel so old and your still all so young’
‘If what’s going to work’ Judo asked me.
‘Well I assumed you were all coming over here today to pay tribute to me’

The boys sat in stunned silence for nearly a minute as what I had just said slowly sank in.
Peter spoke first ‘Can we aunty, for real?, I mean Jax. Can we Jax’
‘Come on’ I said standing up ‘Follow me’.
‘Er even me?’ Tom asked to nobody in particular
‘Yes come on all of you’ my heart was in my mouth and my legs were shaking as I walked up the stairs to my room being followed by my nephew and two of his friends.
They followed me into my room and I closed the door behind them, Judo had seen my room before, the last time we had done this when I had been in my underwear but Tom looked around in awe as if he had never seen a bedroom before.

I began to undress and when the boys saw me they quickly followed suit, I unclipped my bra to a gasp from Tom as he saw my breasts.
‘Holy sh. . . Toledo’ Judo said, remembering not to swear.
I got onto the bed and pulled my panties down and off as the boys pulled down their shorts.
Three cocks sprang into view, my nephews proud little four inches with a touch of pubic hair, Judo’s unbelievable length that still looked like some kind of mutation on his young skinny body and Toms dick which up till then I had only seen on the DVD but now I was looking at for real. It was maybe an inch longer than Peter’s but because of his fair hair it looked like he had no pubic hair at all.
‘Climb on the bed then’ I said patting my hand on the bed for them.
‘Where do you want us aun…Jax’ Pete asked.
‘Erm, you here on my right side’ I said ‘Tom on my left side and Judo you go between my legs in the middle’

I watched as all three boys got onto the bed with me and took up their positions. I could feel my pussy juice already flowing from my vagina as I opened my legs so that Judo could get into position.
‘Come a little closer Judo’ I said as I reached down and grabbed his waist and brought him closer, I lifted my legs a bit more and I felt the front of his thighs touching the back of my thighs and the length of his cock was directly over my pussy.
I reached behind Peter and Tom and took hold of their asses and brought them closer to me.
There was no going back now. I was naked on my bed with three naked boys, my 13 year old nephew Peter, Tom who I think was 14 and Judo who was 16. All three of them had full erections and I knew their cocks were hard just for me.
‘Ok, go’ I managed to say.

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All three boys took hold of their dicks and started to beat their meat. I lay on the bed just watching all the while getting more and more turned on by what I was witnessing these boys doing for me.
‘God, her body is amazing’ I heard Tom say.
‘Smokin’ Pete said.
‘Your aunty is the hottest fucking Milf ever’ Judo said ‘Sorry about the swearing’
‘Don’t call her aunty, you gotta call her Jax’ Pete added helpfully. ‘Do you want us to shoot on your belly like I did last time’ Pete asked me.
‘Where ever you want sweetie’ I heard myself saying. I was so fucking hot and horny I reached down the bed and all three boys watched as I began to finger myself.
I was grinding my hips onto my own hand and my breath was now fast and ragged as I drew closer to my own orgasm.
‘I’m gonna cum aunty Jax, I mean Jax’ Pete gasped ‘Can I cum on your tits?’
‘mmmmm yeah, yeah’ I breathed, I put my other hand under my breast and lifted it for him ‘Put the head of your dick on my nipple Peter’
Peter shifted his weight, leaned forward and brought the head of his cock into contact with my nipple. He jerked his penis a few more times and then began to ejaculate.
‘Oooooohhhhhhh Goddddd’ I moaned and my fingers went into overdrive inside my vagina as I watched my nephew cumming over my tits.

I could still hear the fap,fap,fap of both Tom and Judo jerking off.
‘Well done Pete that was awesome’ Judo said.
Pete still knelt over me the last drops of his cum dripping from the end of his young cock and onto my skin.
‘Well done’ I mouthed to him and he smiled.

‘Can I cum on your pussy Jax’ Judo asked me.
‘Are you close?’
‘Yeah, any minute’
‘Ok then’ I sat up slightly to get a better view and I noticed Judo had spread his legs more so that he could lower his cock closer to my pussy. The shaft and the head of his dick was now only about 3 or 4 inches away from my pussy. I pulled my fingers out of myself and spread my pussy lips for him. He carried on jerking, all the while spreading his legs further apart so he could lower his cock closer and closer to my pussy.
I could see what he was doing but I did nothing to stop him, just the sight of his cock so close to my cunt was thrilling me so much, and then I felt the head of his dick on my clitoris. I could stifle my cries no longer and I let out a deep long moan of pleasure as I came.
‘Judo, Judo’ Tom said frantically ‘your dick is touching her pussy’
‘Yeah I know’ Judo grunted, pressing the tip of his cock against my pussy and then he started to cum.
He kept the head of his cock pressed against my pussy lips and I watched as he covered my cunt in a thick blanket of hot white sperm.
Tom was the last to cum and he leaned over me pressed the head of his dick against my pussy also, and then he added his semen to Judo’s semen so that my pussy was really drenched in spunk.

The boys sat around the edge of the bed looking at my naked body. No one said anything for what seemed like ages I think they were over awed by what they had just done that it was taking some time to sink in.
Judo spoke first ‘That was the most awesome thing in the world ever, thank you Miss Gibson’
‘Just call her Jax’ Pete prompted.
I couldn’t think of anything to say.
‘Come on guys we need to get to our meeting’ Judo said to Tom and Pete.
‘Are we ok to leave Jax’ Peter asked me ‘Are you gonna be ok?.
‘Yes I’ll be fine dear, you and your friends run along’
I watched the boys get dressed and they all said goodbye as they left my room. I heard the front door close behind them as they left.
I got some tissue from my bedside cabinet and cleaned as much cum off me as I could and then went for a shower.

I had mixed feeling about what I had just let them do, but no regrets. My single worry was that someone would find out and I would be prosecuted for having sex with minors but on the other hand I had just had the very best orgasm of my life and I felt wanted for who I was, a slightly overweight 37 year old woman with an ok body.
I got dressed and went downstairs, I watched TV for a while and then went into the kitchen to begin making dinner for later.
Peter got home about 5pm and I was expecting Judo and Tom to be with him as I thought they may want to repeat what we had done earlier but he was alone.
Peter came into the kitchen and walked right up to me, he put his arms around me and gave me a great big hug. A little startled at first I gave him a hug back.
‘What was that for?’ I asked when we eventually separated.
‘That was from Judo and Tom and me of course, just to say thank you for today and to let you know we love you aun..Jax’
I giggled a little, it was going to take Peter a while to stop calling me aunty.
We had dinner at about six and by seven we were sitting in the TV room again.

Out of the blue Peter said ‘Judo has got a big dick hasn’t he’
‘Yes, for his age he has’ I agreed.
‘I wish mine was that big’
‘Yours will grow in time Peter, don’t worry. Size doesn’t matter’
‘Yeah but when his is fully hard its just over 7 inches and mine is only just over 4 inches’.
‘And how do you know that?’ I asked.
‘Well we um, we er measured them’
A typical boy thing to do I thought, measuring dicks.
‘I wish I hadn’t cum on your tits before’
‘Why not’
‘Because Judo and Tom got to cum on your pussy and I would have loved to have done that as well, and they got to touch your pussy with their cocks’.
I stood up and began to undress for the second time that day, Pete looked at me open mouthed and then said ‘Really, right now’
‘If you want to, yes’ I said
Pete was soon as naked as me and I laid down on the floor of the TV room.
‘Go and get a towel from the kitchen Peter’ I asked.
Peter made it to the kitchen and back in record time his stiff little dick bobbing up and down as he ran. He handed me the towel and I put it under my ass. ‘Don’t want stains on your Moms carpet do we’.
I opened my legs ‘come on then kneel down’.

Peter knelt between my legs and watched as my fingers started to play with my pussy. He took his dick in his hand and began to jerk for me.
We stayed like this in silence for a few minutes, just me fingering and him jerking.
‘Can I touch your pussy with my cock like Judo did’ he asked me.
Without replying I withdrew my fingers from myself and took hold of his penis. I realized that this was the first time I had actually had his cock in my hand and a thrill went through me as I felt his young stiffness.
I lifted my hips slightly taking my weight on my shoulder blades as I spread my pussy lips with the fingers of my other hand and brought the head of my nephews prick into contact with my clitoris.

‘OOOO, MMMM’ I moaned as I felt the head of his cock between my pussy lips. He leaned forward and supported himself by putting his hands on the floor either side of my waist as I continued to hold his cock in my hand and rub him against my pussy.
I was close to cumming and I don’t know how it happened but I think I must have lifted my hips just as Peter shifted his weight. His dick slipped through my fingers and the head of his cock ran down the length of my pussy coming to a stop right at the hole of my vagina.
I began to cum as I felt the head of my 13 year old nephews penis slowly easing into my hot wet cunt.

Call it animal instinct if you like, but when I felt his dick going in I lifted my hips even higher, I felt the shaft of his cock enter me and I came in a loud screaming pussy soaking orgasm.
I felt Peter push against me and the last inch of his dick slid in, I came twice in quick succession the orgasms making my legs shake and my body spasm on the floor that my nephews cock pinned me to.
Then I felt it, a sudden hot wetness inside of me and I knew that my nephew was a virgin no longer.

Peter withdrew his penis from me, he was red in the face and beads of sweat had formed all over his young skinny body.
I felt some of his cum begin to run from my pussy mixed with the pussy juice from my orgasms.
I lay on the floor with my legs open with Peter looking at my pussy.
‘I’m, I’m sorry Jax but I think I just shot my stuff in you’
‘Yeah I know, its ok honey’
‘But, but er wont you get pregnant’
‘No dear, I wont. I cant have kids. that’s one of the reasons why my ex and I split up’
‘Oh right, er sorry. I didn’t know’
Peter sat between my open legs as I lay on the floor and we took a while recovering then Peters said ‘Did we just er, sorry for swearing aunty but did we just fuck?’
‘Yeah, I guess we did’

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I took my nephew to my bed that night, we kissed and cuddled for a while and I felt his skinny chest pressing against my bosom. I gave him his first French kiss, a long passionate tongue session and I felt his penis growing against my thigh.
I rolled him onto his back and slowly went down the bed, I had left my night light on so that we both still had a good view of each other.
I began by kissing and licking at his testicles and worked my lips and tongue up his stiff shaft and to the head of his beautiful young penis.
Our eyes met and we held each others gaze as I lowered my mouth over the full length of his cock and began to suck and slurp on him.
He gently held my head in his hands, running his fingers lovingly through my hair as my head bobbed up and down as I gobbled on his dick.
I felt his legs stiffen and he closed his eyes and put his head back, I kept my lips wrapped around the head of his penis as I jerked on his dick with my hand.
I saw his fists clench and then he opened his eyes again and looked at me.
‘I’m gonna cum Jax, I’m gonna cum’ he said breathlessly.
I took the full length of his cock into my mouth slowly and really sucked on him as I pulled my head back up so that my lips were once again at the head of his cock.
He began to shoot, the spurts of spunk from his cock at once filling my mouth. I gagged a little but began to swallow as fast as I could some of his cum running out of the side of my mouth and down the shaft of his cock and onto my fingers which were holding his dick and balls steady at the base.
He gave one final grunt as the last of his cum poured from him and into my mouth, I continued to suck on him licking the spunk that had escaped from my fingers and from the shaft of his prick. I sucked on him until he began to soften.
I went back up the bed and lay next to him again and we held each others naked bodies close. I kissed him once again and he got the taste of his own cum from my mouth.

We explored each others bodies with our hands and our mouths and I showed him how I liked my nipples to be sucked. It wasn’t long before his dick was stiff again and so he entered me for the second time that night.
It was my turn to be on top and so I rolled him onto his back and straddled over him. I held his cock in my hand and brought the head of his dick to my waiting pussy. I got the head into me and then I slid down the length of his shaft, feeling his young stiff dick penetrating me yet again. I wiggled my hips and felt his full length moving inside of me and I began to moan with the pleasure of it.
I leaned forward and offered him my tits to play with and suck on as I began to ride on his prick.
I was so wet between my legs but I managed to keep his penis inside of me. I rode on his cock faster and faster, my tits swinging to and fro in my young nephews face.
He held me by the waist and began to thrust his hips up to meet my downward motion, forcing his cock into me faster and faster. I was moaning louder and louder ‘Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, OOOOOO, MMMMMM. Ohhhh, Oh Yes, MMMMM, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah’

This was real fucking, it had been so long since I had been properly fucked and my nephew was doing an excellent job of it.
He moved his hands from my waist and put them onto my ass cheeks his fingers and his finger nails digging into the soft white flesh as he tried to hold my ass down and push my pussy down onto his cock.
I looked over my shoulder to look at his hands on my ass when I noticed my reflection in the mirror.
I could see the moon of my round white ass on the bed, my wide hips eclipsing my nephews skinny body beneath me .
Between my legs I could see his tight ball sack and the pale shaft of his cock connecting his body to mine.
I watched my self as I slowly lowered my pussy down over the full length of his dick.

I looked into my own eyes in the mirror and for a moment I wondered what the hell I was doing. In the mirror I saw a naked 37 year old women on top of a 13 year old boy and they were fucking. I lifted my hips again and saw the women in the mirror do the same, it was a surreal experience.
The women in the mirror began to ride on the young boys dick again this time with renewed vigour. I found that I was doing the same.
‘I’m gonna cum again Jax’ Pete said breathlessly.
‘Ok. . . . Ah, Ah, Ah’
‘Am I alright to cum inside you again’
‘OOOOO, MMMM, yes baby, its MMMMM ok’
I continued to ride on his dick, glancing over my shoulder occasionally to see my counterpart in the mirror doing just the same.
I felt Peter begin to ejaculate in me, I pushed my pussy down over his dick until my pussy was resting on his balls. I felt his spurts of semen filling my vagina and I began to orgasm myself. I pinched my nipples as hard as I could as I felt his balls pumping the last of his spunk through the shaft of his cock and into my wet cunt.

We slept in each others arms in my bed together that night, we woke in the early hours and made love again. My nephew once again ejaculating into me as my orgasm shook my body.
We woke in the morning and again had sex, young Peters cock seemed to be constantly hard and his stiff little shaft felt so good penetrating me.
After we had fucked Peter went down to the kitchen and made me a coffee and got himself a glass of milk.
We sat in my bed together and I switched the TV on and put the sound down low.
‘I need you to promise me something Peter’ I asked him.
‘Yeah sure Jax, what is it’
‘I need you to promise, to swear on your life that you wont tell any body what we have been doing’
‘What, not even Judo and Tom from the fraternity’
‘No, not even them, not just yet anyways. I just want it to be me and you for a while, to let myself get used to it, ok.’
‘Ok, but I know they want to come back and tribute you again’
‘How do you know that?’
‘Well they said at the meeting yesterday, I think they want to come back one night this week and do it.’
I swallowed hard, had it only been yesterday that it had happened. It seemed to be ages ago.

‘Promise you wont tell your Mom and Dad, and I mean ever, not even when your older. If my sister ever found out she would go crazy and who knows what would happen’.
‘Ok I promise, I swear I wont tell’
‘Good boy’ I said patting him on the leg.
Peter pulled the bed covers down and I saw that his cock was hard yet again.
I leaned over onto my left side and lifted my right leg up a bit, Peter moved up behind me and slid his dick up into my pussy again. I carried on drinking my coffee and we carried on talking as he rocked gently back and forth sliding his penis in and out of my vagina.

‘So did Judo and Tom enjoy it yesterday then?’ I asked with a smile.
‘Are you kidding!, they loved it. That’s all we talked about at the frat meeting yesterday. They said that you were the best thing ever and the hottest woman they had ever seen’.
It made me feel good inside knowing what these boys thought of me, I may have been approaching 40 but they had proved to me that I was still sexy.
‘When did they want to come back and tribute me again’ I asked, and getting myself even more turned on by thinking about Peters friends ejaculating onto my vagina the day before. I had to put my coffee cup down on the bedside cabinet because Peters thrust were getting harder.
‘I think they said they could make it this Wednesday after school, is that ok?’

Peters was holding onto the top of my hips and fucking me faster and faster from behind. I put my hand between my legs and began to tickle my clit as he screwed me. I thought of Judo and Tom only the day before jerking their cocks for me and both spunking onto my pussy.
‘Is that ok’ Peter asked again.
‘Ah, Ah, Ah’ I moaned in time with the thrusts of his young dick entering my pussy ‘Yeah, yesssss Ah, Ah, that’s fine. Just Ah, Ah, don’t tell them about us screwing, OOOO, MMM, before then, ok’
Peter pushed his dick all the way into me and stopped.
‘You mean it will be like a surprise for them?’ he asked.
‘OOOOhhhhh God Peter, don’t stop, don’t stop’ I pleaded
‘But can we surprise them with me fucking you on Wednesday, please Jax, can we?’
‘Yeah, yeah sure, MMMMM’ I moaned needing this boys cock to get moving again.
‘Its gonna be so cool to see their faces’ he said as he started to slide in and out of me again.

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We skipped church that Sunday and Peter and I stayed home. We fucked again before we got out of bed and showered and got dressed. Downstairs in the kitchen it was now about mid morning and I had made a pot of coffee for myself as Peter helped me fix breakfast for us both.
I told Peter that I had to pop out for a few things as we were running low on some of the groceries, Peter volunteered to come with me.
We both got dressed and I drove us to the store, and on the way we chatted.
‘Judo and Tom are going to come straight to our house from school on Wednesday, is that ok?.
‘Sure Peter, that’s fine, they do know that they are only going to get to tribute me don’t they?.
‘Yeah, Yeah, they know that. Its all they talked about at the frat meeting.
‘Good, and I’ve been thinking about what I said earlier, about you surprising Judo and Tom.
‘Yeah I cant wait, it will be awesome’

I pulled the car into the store parking lot and stopped.
‘Peter, I’ve been thinking about what we’ve been doing and its just that well maybe I think we should stop before it goes to far’.
Peters face dropped and he looked like he was about to cry.
‘But…. but why Jax?, its been totally awesome’.
He was right, it had been good and if I was honest with myself I had enjoyed it.
‘Its just that I am over 3 times your age and I worry about if anyone finds out, and maybe what we are doing does feel right but really is wrong and we should stop.’
‘Oh please aunty Jax, you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out, honest. We all have to swear an oath of secrecy when we join the fraternity and no one will break it‘.
I saw a tear run down my nephews cheek and my heart hurt so much for my young nephew.
‘I know your older that me, older than all of us (sniff) but, but we (sniff) think you’re the hottest Milf ever, even hotter than all the women on the net (sob) and at first it was a bit weird for me coz you look so much like Mom but you’re not my Mom you’re my hot Milf aunty Jax. Please don’t stop Jax, please.’

I hadn’t thought about the fact that my sister and I looked so much alike, and I guess it must have been weird for Peter.
‘Please Jax, don’t stop things, (sniff) please’ Peter pleaded ‘I love you aunty I really do and Judo and Tom love you as well. You’re just the coolest women ever (sniff)’.
Hearing Peter say that he loved and that his friends loved me warmed my heart. Its what I needed. I wanted so much to be wanted, to be desired to be loved and Peter and his friends were willing to give me that unconditionally.
In my lifetime I had been let down so often by guys who had gone off with other women because they thought I wasn’t good enough, but Peter and his friends thought I was the best, the coolest, the hottest, and yes I had my worries but I decided then and there in that parking lot, sitting in my car with my nephew that I would let Peter and his friends carry on giving their love to me.

I put my arm around my nephew and gave him a hug ‘Its ok Peter, we can carry on if you like. I wont stop things. Not yet anyway’.
‘You mean it Jax?, you really mean it’
‘Yes I do’ I said as I took his face in my hands and gave him a loving kiss on the lips.

We got the few things we needed from the store with the allowance money that my Sister and her Husband transferred into an account for me every month so I could look after their son and the house.
Peter helped me load the groceries into the trunk of my car and I drove us home again.

Peter slept in my bed with me every night and every night and most mornings we would fuck, and with every fuck he was getting better. He was learning to read the signs of my body, learning when to speed up and when to slow down. He was giving me so much pleasure and he was enjoying every minute of it.

He went for his Frat meeting on Tuesday after school and he was so excited when he got home. He confirmed that Judo and Tom would be with him when he came home from school on Wednesday and that they still thought that it would just be a tribute session.
I sat Peter down on the couch in the TV room to talk to him.
‘Peter’ I asked, trying to work out how to put into words what I wanted to say.
‘Peter’ I said again sitting down next to him on the couch ‘I think maybe tomorrow when Tom and Judo are here that maybe the 3 of you should just tribute me, nothing more. Do you understand’.
Peter looked at me puzzled ‘You mean I don’t get to show them the stuff we do now, but why?…. Don’t you like it anymore ?’.

‘No, its not that Peter, of course not. I love the stuff we do, I really do. . .honest’ I said looking into my nephews eyes ‘Its just that I know what guys are like and if you show them the new stuff we have been doing then they will want to try it as well’.
‘What do you mean ?’ he asked me, still looking puzzled.
‘What I mean is that if Judo and Tom see you, you know, putting your dick into me then they are going to want to do it also’.
‘Oh I see’ The penny had dropped with Peter ‘And you don’t want them to put their dicks into you, is that it.
‘I’m not really sure if I do or I don’t to be honest’ I said nervously ‘But I am worried about what you will think’.
Pete shrugged his shoulders ‘I’m not sure I understand, sorry’.
‘I just don’t want you to get upset or angry or jealous or anything, I love you Peter I really do, as both your Aunty and as your red hot MILF, and I don’t want anything to spoil it that’s all’.

Peter looked thoughtful for a moment and then said ‘I love you as well Aunty Jax’ (he still forgets about the Aunty part even now). ‘And the stuff we have been doing has been awesome and if all you want the 3 of us to do tomorrow is tribute you again then that’s cool, honest. I don’t want you to worry about what I think of you, I think you’re the best, hottest, sexiest, coolest Aunty anyone could ever have, and I wouldn’t be upset if I saw Tom or Judo doing the stuff we do now, you know the fucking and stuff, in fact it would be cool. I would get to stand back and watch, you know, watch you, it would be awesome.’

I swallowed hard, in Peters round about way he had told me that if I decided to let Tom and Judo fuck me then he would be ok with it and that he thought he would even enjoy watching his friends fucking me. My pussy was soaked and I was so horny, I stripped off and got Peter to strip off also, he was sitting on the couch and I straddled over him putting my knees on the couch either side of him and bringing my pussy over his dick and sliding down on him.
‘Mmm, Ahh, Ohh’ I moaned as I bounced up and down on Peters dick ‘You know, Ahh Ahh Ahh, something Peter, Mmm’
‘Yeah’ Peter replied as he started to fondle my breasts.
‘If, Oh God Mmmmm, If Judo and Tom, Ahh Ahh Ahh, see you fucking me like this, Mmmm Ohhh, then they are going to want to, Ahh Ahh God, want to do it as well’.
‘Yeah, I know’ Peter answered, his breath coming quicker as he got closer to his climax.
‘You sure you’re, OOOHHH, AAAHHH, you’re ok with that’ I asked, my own orgasm getting closer.
‘Its cool with me, honest’ Peter managed a smile ‘It will be awesome to watch Judo and Tom putting their dicks in you’.
Just the thought of Peters friends fucking me just as he was now was enough to start me cumming.
‘I’m gonna cum’ I hissed.
Peter squeezed my tits and sucked on my nipples as I rode on his cock and I screamed my orgasm as he filled my pussy with his cum.

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Peter and I awoke in the morning and as usual we started the day of with a fuck, Peter on top of me between my legs humping away and bringing me to orgasm.
Peter got ready for school as I showered and dressed, I gave him a kiss goodbye and told him to stick to the plan when he got home from school with his friends.
Between us we had hatched a plan the night before after our fucking session on the couch, and I was very nervous but also very excited about how Wednesday evening was going to go.

I cleaned the house from top to bottom to keep myself busy, but still I had butterflies in my stomach all day.
The day flew by so quickly and soon I heard the sound of the front door opening and Peters voice shouting ‘Hi Jax, I’m home’.
‘Hi honey’ I shouted back from the kitchen where I had prepared a meal for us all. I could hear the boys taking their shoes off in the hall and then all 3 of them appeared in the kitchen. 3 young smiling faces.
I smiled back in return and said hello to them.

We all sat at the table and ate the fried chicken and fries I had made and drank soda, I had a shot of whisky in mine to give me a little courage and to calm my nerves. The boys didn’t seem nervous at all, as far as they knew (apart from Peter) they were here just to tribute me again.
‘What time have you boys got to be home this evening’ I asked.
‘I have to be home by nine’ Tom said ‘it’s a school night’.
‘My step Dad is cool as long as I am home before nine thirty’ Judo said.
I looked at the kitchen clock and it said the time was just gone 5pm.
‘Ok, well I think if we start things off at 5.30 then that gives us a few hours’ I said ‘what do you think’.
‘Yeah, yeah sure’ the boys nodded in unison.
‘Ok. I will go upstairs and get ready while you boys do the dishes and tidy the kitchen things away, then come up to my room ok.
Again they all nodded their agreement.

I got to the top of the stairs, my legs shaking from nerves. I had planned to put on some sexy underwear, stockings and garter belt and high heels but I decided against it as one of my previous boyfriends had laughed at me when I had dressed up sexily for him. Instead I just got undressed and lay on my bed. I got up again and put my bath robe on and then lay back on the bed.
It was just before 5.30 when the boys came upstairs and into my room.
They saw me on the bed and smiled and immediately began to undress.
Soon they were pulling their shorts down and off and I got to see their stiff cocks once again.

I sat up in bed and took my robe off, revealing my naked body to them.
‘Oh wow, she is so hot’ I heard Tom say, and his compliment made me feel so good even though I blushed a little.
The boys climbed onto the bed but this time I made sure that Peter was in the middle between my legs. I had Tom on my left and Judo on my right and they wasted no time in beginning to jerk off. I watched as Tom, Judo and Peter took hold of their dicks and began to rub them for me.
‘We really should come over and do this more often, its awesome’ Judo said.
I put my hand between my legs and began to finger myself, I was so wet down there. Watching 3 young boys jerking their cocks just for me was making me so fucking hot.
I brought my right hand up and cupped my right boob, I lifted it and pushed the nipple towards the head of Judo’s big dick.
‘Rub your dick on her tits Judo, it feels amazing’ I heard Peter saying.
Judo looked down at me and said ’Is it ok if I do that’
‘Yeah sure’ I moaned. And I watched as Judo brought the head of his cock into contact with my nipple, his pre cum sticking to me and making my nipple wet.
‘Can I try?’ Tom asked.
I brought my left hand from between my legs and lifted up my left breast for Tom and he began to rub the head of his dick on it.
I looked down my body and saw Tom and Judo either side of me rubbing the heads and shafts of their cocks against my breasts and nipples and then down further beyond my belly I could see Peters cock hard and stiff getting closer to my pussy.

‘Oh man this is the best’ Tom said.
‘Yeah I know dude’ Judo replied as they both continued to rub their cocks on my tits.
‘If you want to see something really cool then watch this’ I heard Peter say.
I knew this was it, this was going to be the moment, Judo and Tom were going to see Peter putting his penis into my vagina. And I wanted them to see, I wanted them to watch as Peter slid his dick into me. What’s more I wanted them to see it and then I wanted them to want to do it themselves, and I knew that I would let them.
Group sex, for the first time in my life I was going to have group sex, the thought turned me on so much that I moaned out loud.
All this had gone through my head in a matter of seconds and then I felt the head of Peters dick against my pussy.

Judo and Tom moved down the bed to get a better view of Peter between my legs.
‘What you gonna do Pete, rub your dick on her pussy’ Judo asked him.
‘Just watch’ Peter replied.
I felt the head and shaft of my nephews dick rubbing up and down over my wet cunt and then the head of his cock came to rest right at my opening.

I closed my eyes, this was it, Peter was going to put his dick in me while his friends watched.

I felt Peter push against me and the head of his dick penetrated me, and then he held it there, the head of his cock just inside me.
‘Holy shit, his dick is actually in, holy shit’ Tom exclaimed.
‘It cant be man, it cant be, is it?’ Judo asked.
‘Its in man, I’m telling ya, its really in’ Tom replied.
I opened my eyes to see both boys leaning over my pussy to get a closer look at Peters cock .
‘Pull it out and put it back in again, I want to see if its really going in’ Judo asked Peter.
‘Ok’ Peter replied and popped the head of his cock back out of me.
Tom and Judo watched as Peter brought the head of his dick back up to my pussy and then slowly eased the head of his dick into me.
‘See I told ya, it really is going in’ Tom said.
Judo looked up at me and our eyes met, ‘What do you think?’ I asked him.
‘I think its like totally awesome, you are so hot’
‘Thank you’ I replied, I then looked at Peter and said ‘All the way now Peter, please’.
I felt Peter push his hips forward and his dick slowly slid into me all the way.
‘OH MY GOD’ Tom cried excitedly ‘Its all the way in, all the way up her’.
‘What does it feel like Pete’ Judo asked.
‘Oh man it’s the best’ Peter said ’Its all warm and wet and it feels so good’
‘Show them Peter’ I managed to say hoarsely.

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Judo and Tom watched as Peter began to rock his hips back and forth and his cock began to slide in and out of me. Peter held onto my legs and began to pick up the pace as I began moaning harder and harder.
‘This is amazing Pete’ Tom said ’I don’t believe it, you are actually fucking your aunty, you’re fucking her for real’.
Judo and Tom watched as Peter fucked me, I orgasmed twice in succession and then after a few minutes I felt Peter ejaculating inside me.
‘Did you just spunk in her’ Judo asked Peter.
‘Yeah’ Peter replied breathlessly
‘Oh my God dude, I would love to do that’ Judo said smiling a Peter.
‘Go ahead then, try it if you want’ Peter replied.
‘Whaa……you mean………me’ Judo was lost for words, he looked over to me ‘Is it….I mean….am I…..can I……’
I nodded eagerly ‘Yeah, get between my legs’ my desire to feel this friend of my nephews putting his cock into me was overwhelming.
Peter moved out of the way and Judo got between my legs, his cock was still rock solid after watching Peter and I fucking so I took hold of his dick and brought the head up to my pussy lips and guided the head of his cock into me. Judo’s cock is lot bigger than Peters both wider and longer, its like a man sized cock attached to a boy.
‘Oh God, I don’t believe it, my dick is actually going into her pussy, . . . my dick is in your aunties pussy Pete. Look guys my dick is really in her’
‘Please say I can go next’ Tom said looking down at his friends cock sticking in me.
‘Push forward slowly’ I instructed Judo as I let go of his cock. Judo did as he was told and soon I felt his full length in me, I began to cum. I don’t think he was really sure what to do as I squirmed on the bed moaning and crying as I orgasmed. He just stayed where he was and kept his cock fully up me.
I heard my self cry out ‘Your cock is so big, your cock is so big, oh my god, so fucking big, fuck me fuck me please fuck me’.
Judo began rocking his hips like he had seen Peter doing and soon he got into a rhythm and his cock slid in and out of me easily.

Peter and Tom watched as Judo and I had sex. I was moaning as Judos cock stretched my pussy with every in stroke of his dick.
‘I’m gonna spunk, oh shit, I’m gonna spunk’ Judo gasped.
I looked up into the face of this young 16 year old who was screwing me so well and said ‘Shoot it in me, Oh God, yeah, yeah, yeah, spunk in me, spunk in me, spunk in me’.
With every in stroke of his dick I cried out ‘Spunk in me’ I had probably repeated it about twenty times and then I felt him doing what I had begged him for. He groaned and pushed himself as far up me as he could go and I felt his virgin spurts of cum covering the walls of my vagina. I came again when I felt him cumming in me.

Judo slid his cock out of me and sat on the edge of the bed, ‘I cant believe I just did that. . . .man that was awesome’.
‘Er is it my turn now’ Tom asked.
‘Jax, is it ok if Tom has a go now?’ Peter asked me.
‘Just give me a minute to rest’ I said recovering my breath ‘and can some one get me a cold drink please’
‘I’ll go’ Judo offered. He came back with a nice cool glass of soda for me.
I looked at the time, it was only 6.45, we had only being doing it for an hour and a quarter but it felt a lot longer.
I took a drink of the refreshing soda and then handed it back to Judo who put it on my bedside cabinet.
‘Ok Tom your turn’ I said looking at the blond haired boy with the big smile.
‘Oh Wow’ he beamed and I couldn’t help but smile myself.
Peter and Judo watched as I got Tom into position, this was going to be the third cock up my pussy that evening and I was loving it.
I guided Tom into me just like I had done with Judo, getting the head of his cock into me and then letting my hand go.
‘Ok Tom, when your ready gently push forward ok’
Tom nodded and began to push, his cock going into me inch by inch until I felt him all the way up me.
‘Ok, mmmmm’ I moaned ‘Now in and mmmmm out’
Tom began to fuck me slowly but his cock slipped out.
‘Oh, I’m sorry’ he said.
‘Its alright, don’t worry’ I said getting him back into position. His cock was soon back inside me and he began again.
He was going so gently I think he thought he was going to hurt me so I spoke gentle words of encouragement to him.
‘That’s it, keep going, your doing well mmmmm ohhhh your doing good’
He began to push in and out of me a lot harder, his natural male instinct to fuck a pussy kicking in.
‘Oh this feels so good’ he moaned ‘Am I doing ok, are you enjoying it?’
‘Yesssss I’m enjoying it Tom mmm, mmm, mmm’ I moaned ‘Your cock feels good ahhhh mmmm’
‘Is it ok if I spunk in you like the others did’ Tom asked as he continued to hump me.
‘Yes, yes its ok mmm, ahhhh oh my, fuck yes, I want you to’ His cock was now sliding in and out of my wet pussy effortlessly and I was moaning every time he slid fully into me ‘OH GOD mmmm ahhhh I want you to spunk in me, I want you to’.

I looked over at my nephew and Judo as they watched their friend fucking me and I began to cum. ‘OH GOD I’M CUMMING’ I shouted ‘MMMM, MMMM AHHHH’. Tom carried on banging me as I came and then at last I felt him shooting his sperm up me.
I lay on the bed feeling totally satisfied, my pussy lips throbbed and I felt Toms cock soften in me and slide out of my pussy.
I had done it.
I had let 3 boys fuck me.
My 13 year old nephew Peter, his 14 year old friend Tom and the 16 year old leader of their fraternity Judo.

I had let each one of them cum inside of me and I could feel their cum inside of my pussy mixing together, proof that they all found me sexy and hot.
The time was 7.20 and we had been doing it for nearly two hours but I needed to rest.
The boys went down to the kitchen to get themselves a drink and to bring me another one.
We all stayed naked as it just felt right and rather than there being an awkward silence we all chatted about stuff, including sex and the boys complimented me on my body and they all said thank you to me for letting them fuck me and I got 3 nice kisses on the lips.

Before I knew it it was 8 o’clock and I knew both Tom and Judo would have to go soon. I could tell from the state of their cocks however that they had all fully recovered from our sex sessions. I knew we didn’t have time to fuck again so I got them to stand around me as I knelt down on the floor.
I got Peter in front of me and Judo to my right and Tom to my left.
‘Oh man you gotta be kidding me, are we gonna get blowjobs?’ Tom asked with a big smile. He has such a beautiful smile, every time he smiles I cant help but smile also.
I reached up and took Judos cock in my right hand and Toms in my left and began to jerk on them. Peter moved as far forward as he could and I bent my head forward and took his cock into my mouth.
‘I think tonight is the best night of my life’ Tom said smiling again as I rubbed on his dick.
I took my hand off Toms cock and put it on Peters, I leaned over and began to suck on Tom.
Tom groaned and stood up on his tip toes and pushed his dick at me as far as he could.
‘How does that feel?’ I asked him taking his dick out of my mouth for a few seconds and then sucking on him again.
‘Oh, it feels nice, real nice, good, awesome’
I alternated my hands and my mouth and went from Tom to Judo and back to Peter sucking on their cocks in turn.

‘What do we do when we want to spunk’ Judo asked as I sucked on his big young cock.
Before I had got chance to answer Peter answered for me ‘You can spunk into her mouth if you want to’.
‘Is er, is that ok’ Judo looked down at me and asked.
I nodded my head while still keeping his penis in my mouth. I think that was all the confirmation he needed as he cried out ‘Ahh, Ohh, I think I’m gonna do it now then’ and pushed his cock at me.
I kept my lips around the head of his dick and felt him shooting his sperm into my mouth, I sucked his cock to get every drop of his cum out then I let him take his cock from my mouth. His legs were shaking much like mine had been doing earlier on in the evening and he said ‘Oh that was so good, thank you, thank you’.
I then concentrated on the 2 remaining dicks, Toms and Peters. Peter was the next to cum and I got the now familiar taste of my nephews spunk in my mouth. Tom was the last to cum and I held onto his ass cheeks as he fucked my mouth and then spunked. Did I swallow you ask ?, you bet I did.

It was time for the boys to go, they got dressed and said their goodbyes leaving the house to just myself and Peter once again.
Peter and I lay on my bed in silence for a while ‘Well, how did I do ?’ I asked eventually.
‘You were great Aunty Jax, I mean Jax, I cant believe it really happened, it was so cool watching you doing it with my friends, and they really enjoyed it’.
‘Did you enjoy it Peter ?’.
‘Oh yeah, it was the best, I told them how hot you were and they didn’t believe me but now they know for sure’.
‘Good I’m glad you enjoyed watching me, I was worried that you might get a bit jealous’
‘No not me’ Peter smiled up at me ’You are so hot Jax, you deserve getting guys to tribute you, I just cant believe that the stuff I used to look at on the net is now coming true, only better coz its you’.
‘You mean a naked hot sexy Milf all of your own’ I giggled.
‘Yeah’ Peter giggled as well ’But not only that, you are a naked hot sexy Milf who got lots of cocks at the same time’.
‘Ah I see’ I said smiling ’that’s what turns you on then, seeing a women with more than one guy’
‘Yeah, Its cool, seeing you and Judo and then you and Tom was so cool’
We fell asleep in each others arms that night, both still naked.
I had no regrets about what I had done and I awoke in the morning feeling fully satisfied.

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Peter brought me a cup of coffee up from the kitchen the following morning. I think he realised I was to exhausted from the night before to have our usual morning fuck. He kissed me goodbye and then went off to school.
This is by no means an end to my story, oh no. This was no wham bam thank you mam, as they say boys will be boys and now that Tom and Judo had a taste for it I knew they would be back for more.
I got myself up and showered and dressed. I had some breakfast and then walked over to Patty’s house, I could have driven over but it was a fine day and I felt good, reinvigorated I suppose.
As usual Patty had made fresh coffee for us both when I got there and she had been baking and her cookies were delicious.
She commented on how well I looked, in fact she said I looked like the cat who had got the cream.
‘I certainly got the cream’ I thought to myself and giggled a little.

I should explain that Patty’s house is immaculate, she doesn’t really need a cleaner I think she just likes having company and someone to talk to. Her husband is an archaeologist and so he was away from home in remote parts of the world sometimes for months at a time and as she had no children of her own and no other family close by I think she had taken me under her wing and was trying to look out for me.
As for appearance we couldn’t be more opposite, she is blond and blue eyed, taller than me but with smaller breasts and wider hips and even thought she is five years my senior she is in very good shape and a very good looking woman.
I helped her with a few chores after we had finished our coffee and before I left for home she remarked again how happy I seemed to be and that she was glad to see me smiling at last.

I walked home daydreaming again about the night before and good it had all felt. There hadn’t been any stress or tension between the four of us, we had just gone into my room and done it and everyone had enjoyed themselves, especially me.
I arrived home and tidied the house a little and changed the sheets on my bed as they were still damp from the exploits of the night before.
Peter arrived home from school and we sat at the table and ate our dinner and chatted.
I was happy to hear that both Tom and Judo had sought him out at school and thanked him again and again. Peter told me that they both sent their love to me which made me feel happy and warm inside.
Peter then asked me if it was ok if Tom and Judo came over again sometime.
‘When did you have in mind’ I asked, taking a fork full of my pasta.
‘Well, the three of us thought that maybe we could have a sleep over on Friday or Saturday night.
‘You mean this weekend ?’. I asked.
‘Yeah if that’s ok, I mean if you want to’.
I didn’t really need to think it over and I told Peter that it would be fine if Judo and Tom came over after school on Friday for a sleepover as long as their parents were ok with it.
Peter got his cell phone out and started to text a message to his friends to let them know we were good to go on Friday.

After dinner Peter helped me clean and tidy everything away and then I told him to go upstairs and run me a bath.
I went to my room and undressed and walked back down the landing to the main bathroom naked, not bothering to cover up at all. I thought about how much I had changed over the past few weeks, going from being so angry at Peter to being fine with him seeing me in the nude.
Peter asked if he could join me in the bath and I agreed. I climbed into the warm water and relaxed as I watched my nephew undress. As usual his penis was erect and he climbed into the bath with me. I got him to sit between my legs with his back to me, I laid back in the bath and Peter laid back on top of me, his back resting on my breasts.
I could see over his shoulder and his dick was pointing up out of the water, I reached around him and took hold of his cock in my hand and gently started to rub him.

It was so erotic feeling his stiff cock in my hand while his body rested against me. I cupped his balls in my left hand as I continued to jerk him off bringing him closer and closer to his climax.
‘gonna cum’ he whispered breathlessly, and I watched as a white fountain of my nephews sperm shot vertically into the air to fall back and land in the bath water like warm white rain.
The sight had made me so horny, I lifted myself out of the bath and sat on the rim with my feet still in the water and Peter watched as I frigged myself off with my fingers and my own cum and pussy juice ran into the water.
Peter then watched as I shaved my legs and trimmed my pubic hair around my pussy, he even helped me by gently taking the razor between my butt cheeks and removing a few unwanted hairs as I spread my ass open with my hands.

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Friday. . . Sleepover.

Peter and I fucked in the morning before he went of to school, a precursor to what I knew was coming later on that day. Again the day seemed to fly by while I waited in anticipation.
I had made dinner again for the four of us and bang on 4.30 Peter, Judo and Tom came in through the front door. After removing their shoes they came into the kitchen and I got a hug and a kiss off each of them in turn which was lovely.
We ate our meal and the boys told me about their day at school, Peter told me that one of the boys who had used to bully him had actually come over to him and apologised, so at least being in the GVF was helping my nephew.

‘Ok guys’ I said and the boys quietened down to hear me speak ‘There is just one thing we need to get straight before we begin’.
Judo, Tom and Peter looked at me in silence.
‘From now on I want you all to call me Jax, ok, just Jax. Not Miss Gibson, not Aunty’ I smiled at Peter when I said this and all three boys laughed ‘Just Jax, are we straight on that’.
‘Yeah, sure, cool’ was my answer from all three.
‘Ok’ I said, ‘same drill as last time, you boys do the dishes and tidy while I go to my room and get ready‘. And with that I left them.

I had been thinking about this all day and although I had been frightened last time, this time I was going to put on some sexy underwear and I just hoped that the boys wouldn’t laugh at me like my ex had done.
I put on my black and purple corset that zips up and the front, it is mostly black with some shiny silky purple panels in it down the front and under the cup of each breast, it also has four black ribbon attachments on the bottom so I can wear it with stockings.
I got the corset on and the stockings and borrowed a pair of my sisters black high heels and after pulling on a pair of black panties that I thought matched ok I was ready.
I turned and saw myself in the mirror and all I could hear was my ex laughing at me and calling me a stupid cow. I thought I looked ridiculous and for a moment I was tempted to take it all off again but I wanted to know what the boys would think of me in it so I kept it on. I did however put on my robe over the top so at least when they came into my room I would be covered up.

They boys finished the dishes in record time, its amazing how fast boys can go when they have got a reward at the end of it.
Peter, Judo and Tom came into my room, Tom once again with his big beaming smile.
I stood by my dressing table across from my bed and for a minute we all stood in silence.
‘Do you want us to get undressed Jax ?’ Peter asked.
‘Yes, yes please’ I said absently, still thinking whether I had made the right decision to show them my underwear.
I watched as the three boys disrobed and they were soon sitting on the end of my bed facing me completely naked with their hard cocks on show for me.

‘Alright’ I said building up my courage ’I want your honest opinion on something’.
‘On what’ Peter asked.
‘On this’ I said undoing my robe and slipping off my shoulders, I didn’t let it fall all the way to the floor, instead I kept it hanging from my elbows.
The boys sat in silence staring at me open mouthed for what seemed like an eternity but was probably no more that 30 seconds.
‘Well’ I asked, my voice trembling and the phrase ’Please don’t laugh, please don’t laugh’ going over and over in my head.
Tom was the first to speak and he didn’t really answer me, he never took his eyes off me but he spoke to Peter, he said ‘Your Aunty is a fucking porn star’.
‘She is Queen of the porn stars’ Peter replied.
‘That is the hottest thing I have ever seen’ Judo said, pretty much to himself.
‘You like it then’ I asked them, finally letting my robe fall all the way to the floor and taking a step closer to them.
‘You are the hottest woman I have ever seen, on the TV, or the net or in any porno mag, you just look incredible’ Judo said.

I walked up to them and stood right in front of them with my hands on my hips, I turned around for them so they could get a look at my ass and then turned back to face them.
Judo was sitting in the middle of the three and so I looked down at him and said ‘Judo, can you pull my panties down please’.
Judo reached up and grabbed the material of my panties either side of my hips and slowly eased them down my legs and to the floor, my pussy was now on show for them again.
‘I told you I helped her shave her beaver’ Peter piped up as all three boys stared at my freshly trimmed pussy.
I knew what I wanted this time and I didn’t want the boys one at a time I wanted all three of them together.
‘Ok guys on the bed please’ I said ’Judo on your back in the middle of the bed please’. Judo did as I requested and I once again marvelled at the size of this boys cock pointing up at me as I climbed on the bed and straddled over him.
My nephew and Tom watched my bare ass from behind as I lowered my wet pussy down over their friends enormous erection, his cock felt so good in me that I couldn’t help but cry out my pleasure as slid down his shaft until we were at full penetration. I unzipped the front of my corset to reveal my tits to Judo and then I lent forward and pushed my breasts into his face as I began to ride on his monster cock.

After a few minutes I remembered I still had two other cocks to play with so I straightened upright, still with Judos fantastic dick fully up inside me.
I told Tom and Peter to get on the bed and stand either side of me. They were a bit shaky at first as they got their balance on the soft bed but they put their hands on my shoulders to steady themselves and brought their dicks to my face as I had asked.
With Judo underneath me I took hold of Tom’s and Peter’s dicks and started rubbing them, Judo watched as I turned my head from side to side and began sucking on his friends cocks in turn.
I put my hands between Peter’s and Tom’s legs and gripped their asses, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and stuck out my tongue. With their free hands they took hold of their own cocks and guided them to my open mouth, I felt the heads of their cocks touching on my tongue and then as they both turned their hips slightly I felt the shafts of both boys cocks slide into my mouth.
I flicked my tongue around as best I could with the limited room in my mouth.

Just then I had a moment of clarity, it was weird, surreal, almost like the night I had been looking in the mirror as I rode on Peters dick.
I realised that I had actually got three different penises in my body, two in my mouth and one in my pussy, this really was three cocks at once, it really was group sex, and with that thought in my head I began to cum.
My orgasm hitting me like a thunder both as I ground my pussy down as hard as I could on Judo’s cock and sucked for all I was worth on the two cocks in my mouth.
One of the cocks in my mouth began to cum, I didn’t know which and I didn’t care, my second orgasm flowed through me as I swallowed the warm sticky boy sperm.
I continued to ride Judo’s cock and suck on both dicks for a few more minutes and then the second cock let go into my mouth shooting spurts of cum down my throat.
I also felt Judo finally ejaculating in me as my third orgasm made cry out, the spent cocks of Tom and Peter falling from my mouth and the last of their cum dripping off the ends of their dicks and down onto my tits.

Tom and Peter got off the bed as I rolled off Judo and onto my back next to him ‘Oh god that was good’ I moaned. I looked over at my clock and it was only 6.15pm, the whole session had only taken 45 minutes and I had these three boys to myself all night.

Peter and Tom offered to go down to the kitchen and fetch some drinks, 4 glasses and a pitcher of iced water that I had prepared earlier that day and placed in the refrigerator, leaving Judo and I on the bed.
‘So you like the underwear huh ?’. I asked.
‘Oh Yeah’ he said smiling and nodding ’You look like you should be in Playboy or something’.
‘Thanks’ I smiled ’I wasn’t sure it was still going to fit me, I bought it a couple of years ago as a surprise for my ex but I only wore it once’.
‘How come ?’
‘I wore it for Valentines for him but he just laughed so I never wore it again, until now that is’.
Judo looked at me and just said ’Laughed!’.
‘Yeah’ I nodded ’Its all long story, but it turned out he was seeing someone else anyways’.

Just then Ton and Peter returned from the kitchen with our drinks.
‘Hey, get this’ Judo said to them ’Jax’s ex laughed at her in that underwear’, and then reiterated what I had just told him.
‘Your ex sounds like a total dork’ Tom said flatly but then smiled, I had a little chuckle to myself as this boy was always so up beat.
‘Do you have any more ?’ Peter asked me.
‘More what ?’ I asked back.
‘More underwear, you know, sexy stuff’.
I shook my head ’No not really, just plain everyday stuff’.
‘You should wear it more often’ Judo interjected ‘You look totally hot’
‘Yeah’ Tom agreed smiling as usual.
‘My Mom has got some’ Peter added ‘Maybe you could try some of hers on’.
‘Maybe’ I said, smiling at them all. It was obvious that the cool refreshing water had worked as all 3 of them had begun to get their erections back, ‘But I don’t think your Mom would be happy about it’.
The three boys looked at one another and then they all started laughing.
I put my hands to my face as I realised what they were laughing at, I felt so stupid. I think that me wearing my sisters lingerie would be the last thing of concern for Vanessa if she knew what her son, my nephew and his friends and I were doing right now in my bedroom.
I couldn’t help but start laughing along with them, and it felt so good to just laugh, I was enjoying myself.

I needed to pee so I went to my bathroom. Peter and Tom went downstairs to bring some snacks and a bowl full of chips and some more drinks for every one.
I came out of the bathroom after having relieved myself and Judo was sitting on the side of my bed on his own as my nephew and Tom had not yet returned.
‘Hi’ I smiled, and Judo smiled back.
‘On or off do you think ?’ I said, holding my corset at the sides.
‘I think off’ Judo replied.
I unhooked the clips to the tops of my stockings as Judo watched and then I pulled the shoulder straps down and let the corset fall to the floor. I was now naked except for my sisters shoes and my black stockings.
I made my way over to my bed and Judos eyes were fixed on me all the way and I could see his cock pointing up at the ceiling from between his legs.
I sat down next to Judo on the bed and put my arm around his shoulders, we had a quick hug and I kissed him on the lips.

‘Can I ask a question Jax’
‘Yeah sure’ I smiled.
‘How come you changed your mind, you know. About doin stuff. You know. This stuff ?’.
I realized that it must have seemed odd to him, one week I was angry and shouting at him and telling him that there was no way I would do anything for him and then a few weeks later I was letting him have sex with me.
‘Well’ I said trying to put my thought into words ‘Remember the first time when you and I, you know, and I was in my underwear’.
‘You mean the first time, when you agreed to let me tribute you’
‘Yeah that time’
‘Yeah’ he smiled.
‘Well afterwards I realized that I had kind of enjoyed it, not straight away though. It took a few weeks. But just watching you doing that for me had really turned me on, it had made me feel desired’.
‘You’re hot Jax, any guy in his right mind would want to fuck you. Oh sorry about the F word’.
‘Its ok’ I smiled ‘Thank you for the compliment’.

Tom and Peter returned and we all sat on my bed chatting and snacking.
It was now just gone 7pm and I could tell the boys were getting eager to start again.
‘Who wants to go next’ I asked
‘For what ?’ Tom asked and we all burst out laughing again
‘What do you think dumb ass’ Judo giggled.
Peter looked at me, ‘I think Tom should go next, because Judo went last and we did it this morning and I can always go after Tom’.
‘Looks like your up next buddy’ Judo slapped Tom on the back.
The boys cleared the bed of the snacks and I asked Tom how he wanted to do it.
‘Can I do it like last time please, so I can practice’.
‘Sure’ I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and I got onto my bed and lay on my back.
I opened my legs as Tom climbed onto the bed and got between them. His cock was already hard and I watched as he brought the tip of his young dick up to my waiting pussy.
‘Ok, just rub up and down my pussy like last time’ I instructed and Judo, Peter and I watched a Tom began to rub himself against me.
Tom held his own cock at the base and rubbed the head of his dick from the top of my pussy lips to the bottom and back again.
‘Oh….. that’s good’ I moaned ‘keep doing that’ I could feel myself getting wetter between my legs.
‘Can I put it in now ?’ Tom asked.
‘Just keep rubbing at bit longer’ I replied hoarsely
Tom continued to massage the head and shaft of his penis against my vagina and after a few more minutes I knew I was ready.
‘Ok Tom you can put it in now, but slowly, do it nice and slowly’.
Tom found the opening to my pussy easily and I knew I was wet enough for him but I wanted it slowly so that I could feel it as he slid into me.

Tom did as he was told and I felt the head of his cock part my pussy lips and slowly penetrate me. He pushed until he was fully up me and I moaned out load with the pleasure of it.
‘Well done Tom you’re all the way in’ I heard Judo say ‘Now start fucking her’.
I moaned and groaned with pleasure as Tom did what Judo had told him and I felt Tom sliding his penis in and out of me.
He soon found a rhythm and I was moaning and groaning and gasping as this young boy continued to screw me.

Judo and Peter climbed onto the bed and knelt down on either side of me and began to rub their cocks.
I watched as the tips of their cocks disappeared and reappeared every time their foreskins rolled over the heads of their stiff dicks and back again.
Tom settled into a steady rhythm and like a metronome his cock pumping in and out of my pussy bringing me closer to another orgasm.
After a few minutes my nephew began to shoot his stuff and I watched as his cum flew from the end of his penis and across my right shoulder and breast, some landing on my belly.
‘Thank you Peter’ I moaned as his cum landed on my naked body.
As soon as I saw my nephew cumming my orgasm began and I lifted my hips to meet the thrusts of Toms cock trying to encourage him to fuck me faster, but he kept on at the same pace, his cock pounding my pussy with a constant rhythm.

Tom was flushed and red in the face as he continued to screw me.
‘I think I’m gonna spunk soon’ he managed to say through clenched teeth.
‘Yeah me to’ Judo added ‘Are you gonna shoot up her’.
‘Yeah, any minute’ Tom replied.
‘Shoot your stuff on her, like Pete and me’ Judo said.
‘Ok’ Tom managed to grunt.

I looked up at my nephew as he watched his two friends having sex with me and our eyes met.
‘You are so cool Jax’
‘Thank you Peter’ I said again.
‘Gonna shoot’ Judo half shouted.
I looked back at the 16 year olds hard cock and watched as he began to ejaculate over me, his cum spurting out and landing over my left shoulder and breast and some mixing with Peters cum on my belly.
Judo was still cumming as Tom cried out and I looked down between my legs to see Tom pull his young cock out of my pussy. He lent forward and I felt his balls against my pussy lips as he also began to cum.

I watched the twin spurts of semen from Judo and Toms cocks pouring their cum over my body.
‘Oh God Yeah’ I moaned to myself as I watched.
Tom rubbed the end of his dick on my pussy lips, using his cock like a paint brush and smeared his cum over my wet cunt.
I had three distinct lines of semen on my naked body forming a Y shape from both shoulders, across my tits and down my belly to my pussy.
The cum on my belly and between my tits was a mixture of all three of the boys cum.

Then out of nowhere I had another orgasm, just watching the boys spunking on me had been enough to triggered it off. Peter, Judo and Tom watched as my legs shook and I cried out in pleasure. My hands gripping the sheets beneath me as my body shuddered all over.
I caught my breath as my climax subsided and I opened my eyes to see the boys still kneeling on the bed. Peter to my right, Judo on my left and Tom still between my legs. Their cocks had softened and were hanging limply between their legs.
‘Do you want me to get some tissue paper’ Peter asked me helpfully.
‘Yes please honey’ I smiled.
Peter got off the bed and went into my bathroom and returned with some tissue. He pulled some off the roll and handed it to Judo who did the same and then passed it to Tom.
All three boys helped me clean their sticky mess off my body and then Peter said ‘That was like doing a bukakke’.

Judo and Tom looked puzzled as well so I knew it wasn’t just me who didn’t know what Peter had just said.
‘What’s a bukakke man?’ Judo asked as he continued to wipe my naked body with tissue.
‘You know’ Peter said ’Its like a Chinese thing or a Japanese thing or something, you know, its like a tribute but from a lot of guys all at the same time’.
‘Never heard of it’ Tom interjected.
‘Its true guys, honest, its like a multiple tribute, like we just did to Jax. I think I have a movie or two encrypted on my hard drive if you want to see them’.

The sperm that was left on my skin had dried and I found myself following my nephew out of my bedroom and down the landing with Judo and Tom behind me. I was still naked apart from my stockings and heels and Tom and Judo watched my ass as we all followed Peter to his room.
Peter sat on his office chair by his computer as the other boys and I sat on the edge of Peters bed.
It didn’t take Peter long to find what he was looking for and he clicked the movie open and set it to fill the screen.
I must admit I had never heard of bukakke before and the movie was a bit of a shock.
On the screen was a middle aged blond woman and she was lying on a thin low table. The movie was shot from above and the blond woman was completely naked. A crowd of guys came into shot all around her and they all began to masturbate. I counted the men and there was ten of them, from her head to her toes, hard cocks pointing at her.
I guessed what was going to happen next from what Peter had already said and soon the men began to ejaculate over the woman, the spunk landing on her body much like the boys had just done for me.
What did surprise me was that when one of the guys had finished cumming he was replaced by another guy. I lost count of how many men had shot their cum over this blond woman but Peter informed me that he had counted and that it was 17 men in total.

Tom and Judo had watched in silence, sitting either side of me on the bed. All three boys were still naked and I could tell they had enjoyed watching the bukakke movie. I was naked in a room with three erect boys again.
‘That was a cool movie Pete’ Judo said ‘At least I know what bukakke means now’.
‘Yeah, me too’ I said ‘Wow’.
All three boys started laughing again and then Judo said ‘I think its your turn now Pete’.
Peter got up off his chair and came over to the bed, he stood in front of me with his penis at the same level as my face and his erection pointing right at me. I lent forward and began to suck on his dick as I reached out to my sides and took the cocks of Judo and Tom into my hands and started to rub on them.

‘Can I do it from behind please’ Peter asked me.
I let his cock fall from my mouth and without a word I stood up and turned around. I knelt on the floor and Peter knelt behind me. I opened my legs as he shuffled forward and then I felt his cock against my pussy again.
We had fucked like this a few times and I enjoyed it as Peter seemed to be able to get his full length right up me from behind.
Tom and Judo moved around on the bed and lay either side of me. Their dicks level with my face. I grasped their cocks, one in each hand and I began to jerk them both off as I felt my nephews cock slipping up into my pussy.
I was soon sucking cock, alternating between Tom and Judo, going from one cock to the other with my mouth and tongue and then bringing the heads of their cocks together as I flicked my tongue over both the swollen glands at the same time. The heads of their dicks touching as I licked and sucked on them.

Peter was busy behind me and he was thrusting away nicely as I pushed my ass back at him to make sure I got as much of his dick into me as I could.
I began to orgasm yet again and I cried out and moaned as I tightened my grip on the two cocks in my hands.
Tom was the first to start cumming, and he laid back and watched as I took the full load of his cum over my face, his cock spitting and spurting against my chin and cheek.
‘Holy shit’ was all Tom could say.
‘That was awesome man, right onto her face’ Judo smiled at me as I licked the cum from his friends cock.
Peters grip on my hips tightened and his thrusts got quicker and then I heard him grunting from behind me. I looked over my shoulder just as he began to shoot his cum into me.
‘Good boy’ I managed to say.
Judo had still not cum and as Peter pulled his spent cock from me, Judo jumped off the bed and took Peters place. Within seconds Peters cock had been replaced by Judo’s and I felt Judo sliding up me from behind.
Peter and Tom watched as Judo rode me from behind, his big young dick filling me and making me squeal in delight.
I felt another orgasm building and I cried out to Judo to fuck me faster. He gripped me around the waist and began pumping in and out of me faster and faster.
I was screaming as I came and I think I shouted ‘I love your cocks, I love your cocks’ as Judo released him teenage sperm deep into my vagina.

Judo pulled out of me and I rolled over onto my back on Peters bed, I knew I had been fucked and fucked well, my face still covered with Tom’s cum and my nephews and Judo’s cum up my pussy.
We stayed in my nephews room until about midnight, Peter played a few different porn movies that he had on his hard drive and a few he found on the web, I noticed a theme with all the movies he liked to watch and it was normally one woman with two or more guys at once. It seemed like my young nephew enjoyed watching people having sex just as much as he enjoyed having sex himself. It kinda made me feel better about letting his friends have sex with me while he watched because at least now I knew he was enjoying watching.
I found myself enjoying the ‘bukkake’ movies a lot, they were disgusting and dirty but also thrilling and very erotic, just watching those naked women laying back and having all those guys wanking, jerking and jacking off until each cock shot its cum over them really turned me on, so much so that after watching about the fifth bukkake movie in a row I got the boys to group tribute me one more time before I called a stop to the fun and games for the night.

We all slept together in my bed, it was a bit cramped but it was a lovely feeling to be surrounded by naked bodies and I felt warm and secure, a feeling I hadn’t felt for a long time.
In the morning the boys were up and about early and brought me breakfast in bed, cereal, pancakes, coffee and juice. Again there was no awkward silence between us, we chatted about all kind of stuff and laughed and joked.
I wanted a shower and so did the boys but there was no way we would all fit in together and so one by one they climbed in with me and I got them all soapy and I gave their erections a good rub clean with my hands as they washed me in return.

Judo and Tom were staying for lunch and then they would have to go so we still had a few more hours together. I could tell from the state of their dicks that they all wanted to fuck me again and so with just a towel on my head to dry my hair I got onto my bed and I let them do me one at a time, Tom went first, I laid on my back and opened my legs for him and I let him eat my pussy for a while to get me wet and ready and then he climbed on top of me and slid his young penis full length into my vagina. I held his skinny young body close as he fucked me, his hips bucking up and down pumping his 14 year old cock in and out of me. It felt so good and I was close to my climax when I felt him shooting his stuff into me.
Peter and Judo had watched Tom and I fucking and had decided that my nephew would go next and so with Tom pulling his now spent cock from my pussy he was replaced by my 13 year old nephew Peter. I kept my legs open and Peter soon had his dick where his friends had just been and he carried on where Tom had left off, pushing his prick into me and then fucking me.

Peter soon brought me to climax and I panted and moaned and his dick flew in and out of my soaking cunt. Judo and Tom watched as my nephew screwed me and gave encouragement from the side lines ‘Go on Pete really give it to her hard’ was one of the comments ‘Her pussy looks so good with a cock in it’ was another. Peter encouraged my his friends was soon spunking into me just like Tom had done. Peter go off me and I could feel the mixture of his and Toms semen beginning to run from my open pussy lips, I instinctively put my fingers between my legs and caught some of this mixture and then brought it up to my mouth and as the boys watched I licked my fingers tasting the salty tangy fluid that was a three way mix of my own pussy juice and the sperm from two beautiful young cocks.
‘Holy shit’ Judo laughed ‘Your aunty really is a fucking porn star, did you guys just see that’.
Judo got between my legs his outsized dick hovering above me, I reached down with my hand and grabbed it, I needed it, I wanted it so bad, he was so fucking big for such a young boy and I pulled him towards me by his cock and got the first couple of inches of his meat into me.
‘Fuck me hard, fuck me fast and shoot your cum into me’ I hissed at him, I was still so horny even after just taking two cocks.

Judo soon got into a rhythm and his big dick soon had me cumming, it wasn’t just his length it was his thickness also, but I was taking every inch of him up me and as he banged away at me my tits bounced up and down and my body shook with the force of my own desire. He made me cum again and I screamed incoherently as he continued to pound me for all he was worth. His beautiful, amazing, big, thick young cock taking me to places I had never been, levels of pure wantonness and slutty desires I had never before experienced.
‘Oh god, I’m gonna cum’ I heard him moan.
‘Oh god, yeah, yeah, yeah’ I heard myself moaning in reply.
He pushed himself into me as far as he could and I squealed with delight, then he held himself still for a second or two then he grunted and let out a long low moan as I felt him ejaculate into me.
I lay on the bed as he climbed off me and I stayed there making soft low moans with my legs wide open and the cum of three boys now running from me. I had to do it, I had to taste it again, and so the boys looked on with smiles on their faces as I fed myself with my fingers the intoxicating mixture from between my own legs.

It was time for Tom and Judo to go and so I gave them both a kiss and thanked them for being such good boys and they both hugged me and thanked me for letting them enjoy my body. There was such a pure feeling of love between us all it brought tears to my eyes.
After Peters friends had gone Peter and I chatted about the night before and the morning just gone, Peter had loved every minute of it and he gloried in the fact that he had seen his friends cocks entering my pussy and fucking me, he told me that just thinking about watching his friends fucking me got him hard.
‘Maybe we should arrange another sleep over then’ I suggested.
‘Could we Jax?’ he beamed at me ‘Could we please, could we do it all over again’.
‘Maybe in a few weeks time’ I said ‘but sure, why not’.
Peter hugged me, his head resting against my breasts. I felt loved, I felt wanted, I felt desired and I knew I didn’t want those feeling to stop.

Jacqueline Madison Gibson (Jax) 14/11/28(Fri)20:46 No. 22884 ID: d0872d

Peter and I went to church on the Sunday, to keep up appearances if nothing else. We stopped at the store on the way home just to get a few things. We saw Tom and his Mom across the road and Peter and Tom waved at each other. I smiled and waved at Toms mother and she did the same in reply to me, would she have been so nice is she had known that only the day before her son had been fucking me and I had let him cum inside me?.

My sister called that afternoon and we chatted for maybe a half hour and then she spoke to Peter for maybe another half hour, asking him if he was being good for me, if only she knew I thought.
It was soon Monday morning and Peter was off to school after his early morning sex session with me, it was now a regular thing. A 6am alarm would wake us both and then we would fuck for up to an hour before we both got out of my bed and got ready for the day.
I said goodbye to Peter and busied myself around the house, I stopped for a break about mid morning and while I was making another pot of coffee the doorbell rang.

I went to the door and opened it to find Judo standing there.
‘Hi Jax, can I come in?’
I had a quick look around to see if anyone else was around and then quickly ushered him inside.
‘What are you doing here’ I asked as Judo took his shoes off.
‘I just came by because I need to talk to you about something’
‘How come your not in school?’
‘Got the morning off this morning, going in after lunch though’
‘Ok, come through’ I said leading the way into the living room.

For a moment I had a dreadfull thought that somehow our secret had slipped out but Judo put my mind at ease.
Judo sat on the couch opposite me and began to talk, ‘I just want to say thanks, you know for the stuff we do, you know, you letting us do the stuff you do and I’m sorry I was hard on you at the start but I just thought that it was all BS, you know, bull shit, sorry. Pete’s cool for letting us share you and its just the best, you know, us having sex with a real woman and all, and you are beautiful and hot and all that stuff.
Judo was rambling but I let him carry on wondering what he was leading up to.
‘Its just that I’ve had an idea, a plan, you know, it will help me and er Pete and maybe you, I don’t know. Its just that when I get to 18 I will have to step down as the leader of the GVF and my deputy, that’s Tom you know, my cousin, well he will take over. And while I know he’s my cousin and he’s a cool guy and I love him really its just that well he’s not the sharpest tool in the box if you know what I mean’.

‘Judo, Judo’ I said, keeping my voice calm and even ‘Slow down honey, I cant keep up, did you want to ask me something’.
‘Yeah’ Judo nodded. I could see he was thinking, trying to sort his thoughts out into words. After a few moments he began again only this time he had lost some of his nerves.

He took a deep breath and began ‘When I am 18 I will have to step down as leader of the GVF so I have been thinking’.
I nodded and let him continue.
‘If all the guys agree to making Pete another deputy like Tom then in a few years I can leave them both to run the fraternity, do you see?’
‘Yeah. . . . . I think so’ I nodded again.
‘Its just that Toms not very clever but all the guys like him, but Pete is really smart and I think as a team they will do a good job and look after the frat’.
‘So why don’t you just go ahead and make Pete a deputy then?’ I asked ’I’m sure Pete would say yes, in fact I think he would be really pleased about it’.
‘I would but’ Judo swallowed hard ’it needs to go to a vote you see, a vote from everybody and with Pete being the newest member’.
‘And you don’t think the other guys will vote for him?’ I queried.
‘They would if they knew Pete was gonna arrange something totally awesome, I mean really really awesome’.

I sat opposite Judo on the couch and the penny dropped with me, I knew why he was here, and I knew what he was going to ask. My breath caught in my chest and for a few moments I just could not breathe. Judo was totally unaware of my shock and continued the conversation.
‘I figure if the guys knew Pete had arranged it, and if you agree to do it of course, you don’t have to though, if you don’t want to, but if you did, I mean if you do, if you want to and all the guys tribute you for real, all together at the same time then I get someone who can look after the frat and Pete gets to be a deputy for now and then joint leader’.
Judo continued talking but my mind had grasped onto just one part of what he had said ‘all the guys tribute you for real, all together’.
‘How many of you is there’ I asked absently, my mind still in a state of shock.
‘9 of us at the moment, but maybe some new members in the future’
9.…….the number reapeated itself in my head and I imagined myself surrounded by nine boys, oh my god, nine boys, all ready to tribute me.
‘Have you spoken to Pete about it yet’ I asked.
‘No, not yet. It was those Japanese Bukakking thingies movies that Pete showed us that gave me the idea, what do you think’
‘I don’t know Judo, I really don’t know’………..

Anonymous 14/12/16(Tue)15:29 No. 22977 ID: 7372b0

Holy shit this is good please continue

I Agree Mr Interesting 14/12/18(Thu)21:08 No. 22989 ID: b3fed5

I Agree, please continue . . .

Anonymous 14/12/22(Mon)11:47 No. 23011 ID: 63a2ca

More please

Anonymous 14/12/31(Wed)08:49 No. 23039 ID: 5aea33

Superb . . .

The Greenvale Fraternity Jacqueline Madison Gibson (Jax) 15/01/05(Mon)17:00 No. 23068 ID: e2fc72

I got up and went into the kitchen and poured myself a fresh coffee and took a seat at the kitchen table, Judo followed me and helped himself to a glass of milk and then sat opposite me.
I took a sip of my coffee and we both sat in silence for a few minutes.
‘So….er…..what do you think?’ Judo asked placing his glass of milk on the table.
‘Have you talked to Peter about this yet?’ I asked.
‘No…. no one…. Not even Tom… just you’
‘Good’ I let out a sigh of relief ‘Its just that I worry about people finding out… about what we do together. And I kinda think that the less people know the better, that’s all’.

Judo nodded and took another sip of his milk.
‘You don’t have to worry about anyone finding out Jax, honestly. We all take a pledge when we join the fraternity and my older brother makes sure no one steps out of line.’
‘Your older brother?’
‘Yeah, you know, he set up the GVF 12 years ago, that’s why I run it now’
‘Does he know about me then?’ I asked, with an obvious sound of concern in my voice’.
Judo squirmed in his chair as if he wasn’t sure what to say, ‘he knows of you but he don’t know the stuff we are doing’.
‘HOW !’ I exclaimed ‘How does he know of me, what do you mean?’
‘Well he came around here to warn you to stay away from the silo and…….’
Suddenly it was clear in my mind, the policeman, the policeman was Judo’s older brother, holy shit, the clever little bastard had really set me up with that one.
‘Your older brother is officer Reed!’
‘Yeah, sorry…. Really he is my step brother, same Mom different Dads.’

It took a few minutes for it to sink in and again we both sat in silence finishing our drinks.
Eventually I said ‘Ok, you had better go.’
‘But what about my suggestion?’ Judo pleaded.
‘I will think about if, but let me talk to Peter first, ok.’
‘Yeah sure, ok’ Judo nodded smiling.
‘If I do anything then its just going to be letting you guys tribute me and nothing more, ok’.
‘Thanks Jax, you are so cool’
Judo gave me a quick kiss and a hug and then he was gone and I closed the front door behind him.
It was only then that the thought occurred to me that Judo would be expecting me to let the whole GVF do a proper tribute which would mean being naked and what I had had in mind was being in my underwear just like the first time Judo had tributed me.
Never mind, I would speak to Peter and get it sorted.

I had just got back to the kitchen when the door bell rang again, I made my way back up the hall and opened the door and again Judo was standing there.
‘Did you forget something?’ I asked.
‘Sorry, can I come in again’
I stepped back and let him enter and we went back to the kitchen.
‘I just thought of something’ he began.
‘So did I actually’ I replied ‘but you go first’
‘It just that one of the guys in the frat, well he has been in it just as long as me and I’ve know him since we were about 6, his name is Jez, well Jerry really but we call him Jez’
We took our seats again at the table as Judo continued.
‘Its just that if anyone is next in line to be a deputy then its him really, and I think we would need to get him on side, you know, so he would support Peter being deputy’.
‘So what are you suggesting?’ I asked wondering what Judo was getting at.
‘I just thought that if it was ok with you and Peter that we could bring Jez along after school one day, show him what we do….not all of what we do, just the tribute stuff, and then he would be cool with Peter being deputy.

‘Hmmm, ok’ I nodded ‘but I’m gonna need to meat him first, I don’t want the first time I meet him to have him spray his cum on me’.
‘Um, yeah sure I can arrange that’
‘Also with Jez and your other frat members, when I said I was ok with letting them tribute me, what I meant was that they could tribute me but I would be in my underwear, like your first tribute’
Judo face dropped at little at this.
‘Its that or nothing, I said flatly’
‘Ok agreed’ Judo reached out his hand and we shook on it.

CUBE 15/01/20(Tue)11:48 No. 23143 ID: 352360

Is there more ?

TPARM 15/04/04(Sat)23:52 No. 23443 ID: e5b288

Wonder what happened next ?

Anonymous 15/10/05(Mon)18:33 No. 23889 ID: 15121f

Stopped reading after it looked like it was turning rapey, huge turnoff.
Btw 5'5" and 200lbs is not 'curvy' it's clinically obese, and a gut would be obvious on a woman weighing this much. 90Kg for any metricfags

exopop 18/05/25(Fri)15:52 No. 25557 ID: 23a3bb

Good story so far

dimlight 19/04/11(Thu)13:58 No. 26046 ID: 42d6ab

any more ?

nice qbit 21/01/11(Mon)11:45 No. 27127 ID: f1c0c7

read this six times now, :)

scoop 22/02/02(Wed)14:08 No. 27537 ID: 0f3f63

please tell me there is a second part to this

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