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The Greenvale Fraternity Jacqueline Madison Gibson (Jax) 14/11/21(Fri)13:16 No. 22839 ID: 249c7e [Reply]

Over the past 3 years my life has changed completely. I was down on my luck and had almost lost everything.
I will soon be 40 years old. They say life begins at 40 but my new life began 3 years ago when I was 37.

My name is Jacqueline Madison Gibson or Jax for short, I was raised in a loving family with my older sister Vanessa. My parents have both now passed away but I have always kept in touch with my sister.

I fell in love with a guy when I was 25 years old and we were together for 12 years, we got engaged but never got married. We split up after I found out that he had been having affairs with other women, he left me for a 26 year old who he had been seeing from work.
He also left me in debt and I had to sell our house and my car and other things to cover it.

So at 37 and with nowhere else to go I moved to live with my sister.
Vanessa (Van for short) is 3 years my senior, we are very similar in looks, both of us are about 5 feet 5 inches tall we both have dark brown hair that some times looks black and we both share the same deep brown eye color. We both take after our mother and neither of us has ever been slim, but we are not fat either, we call ourselves curvy lol. At the time I was just over 200 pounds and had been on a diet for what seemed like forever.

Vanessa is married to a really smart guy called Rod who works in scientific research and they have a son Peter (Pete) who is now 15 years old. They own a really nice house just outside of a small town in a nice quiet area.

Moving in wasn’t a problem as their house had a guest room with adjoining bath above the garage, I even had another small room in which I could store what was left of my stuff.

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dimlight 19/04/11(Thu)13:58 No. 26046 ID: 42d6ab

any more ?

nice qbit 21/01/11(Mon)11:45 No. 27127 ID: f1c0c7

read this six times now, :)

scoop 22/02/02(Wed)14:08 No. 27537 ID: 0f3f63

please tell me there is a second part to this

best erotic story sites mazalb91 22/01/19(Wed)11:25 No. 27511 ID: 074682 [Reply]

I love to read erotic stories, usually I look on google but I now found a directory with the best erotic porn sites https://besteroticpornsites.com/ and there is a nice list of story sites also to read and to listen.

Susie and the Bear Steven R. Overton 18/05/30(Wed)04:55 No. 25571 ID: f7d3f6 [Reply]

I’ve revised my previous forward, thinking it was a bit condescending and flippant. I’m used to other chans that don’t much respect author’s work, and I’m kind of protective of this particular piece, since it’s the true account of my and my sister’s life.

I can’t vouch for the accuracy of every word, since we’re talking a span of 60 years. I’ve colored in some of the fading black-and-white photos of my memories with what I’m sure is more witty repartee than we could have produced as children, and sharpened a few outlines here and there. But the experiences we went through are as vivid to me as if it was yesterday, and are portrayed exactly as they occurred. Believe it or not.

For those to whom it matters, I will be discussing sex between half siblings, beginning at about age 10 and 8 years and extending through adolescence and onward.

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Anonymous 21/09/07(Tue)05:03 No. 27380 ID: 40e76e


Someone who I’m guessing was op was asking for the bump to preserve the story. If you want to be absolutely sure about it, you could move this over to a site like Archive of Our Own (Ao3)

SRO 21/09/07(Tue)15:38 No. 27381 ID: d01539


Thank you friend, I've never been comfortable with bumping my own work. I figure if it's worthy, someone else will do it. And thank you for the advice about Ao3, I will consider it

Anonymous 22/01/08(Sat)07:44 No. 27504 ID: 746529

bumping for an unexpectedly beautiful read. Thank you.

Natalie and Bree Imhotep 11/10/28(Fri)12:33 No. 14181 ID: c675f1 [Reply]

I put my plan into action about 11 years ago. The idea was simple; adopt a baby boy and raise it as a girl. Of course, the actual logistics were somewhat more complex, but that was the idea. In fact, I adopted two children, the boy (who I remaned Natalie) and a girl named Bree. An interesting fact is that a newborn is almost completely androgynous, aside from the genetalia. As they grow (even before puberty), sex hormones will determine wether or not they begin looking like a girl, or like a boy. Once puberty begins, then the sex hormones begin to give people their seconadry sexual characteristics, wide hips, full breasts, public hair, etc... Since the testicles were the source of male sex hormones, the first thing I needed to do was castrate Natalie. I took no pleasure in the act, but I couldn't have those male hormones dropping her voice and broadening her shoulders. Next, I began giving her controlled doses of regular female hormones, in amounts typical for her age. Neither girl would be exposed to the world outside, I would raise them in my own microcosm of morality and practices. If anything I do seems sick to you, then do not fear for the girls, because everything we do is normal to them, and even expected.

11 years later, I have two beautiful girls on the verge of puberty, that time in youth when they are at their deweyist and most beautiful. Natalie has thick, soft, and slightly wavy brown hair going down to her shoulder blades. Her hips are widening, and I can see some beautiful curves developing in her chest, waist, and buttocks. Her penis is still quite small, without those male sex hormones it never grew very much, and there is not any hair around it yet. Bree is lankier then Natalie, slightly taller and skinnier. Her platinum blonde hair is cut evenly at her shoulders, and her bangs are cut evenly across her forhead. She has recently grown faint traces of peach fuzz on her sex, much to her satisfaction.

I first introduced the girls to the experience of having an orgasm by adding some oral sex into the bedtime routine. After they bathed, dried off, and got dressed for bed, I would slide their pyjamas up and give them oral sex. For Bree, I would gently lick her labial folds, and then insert my toung into her vagina and roll it around. After becoming aroused, her clitoris would appear from under it;s protective hood, and I would begin running my tounge over it in long strokes. As Bree was still young, about 8 when I started this, she was still extremly sensitive and it would take little to satisfy her multiple times. When she involuntarily would push herself into my face and begin grunting, I knew she was nearly done. After she had an orgasm or two, she would hop into bed, and I would start on Natalie. Again, I would slide her night gown up, pull her panties to her knees, and enclose her penis within my mouth. If she was not already erect from the excitement of expectation, then I would hold it in my m Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 16/01/02(Sat)04:05 No. 24066 ID: 3031b2

Oh no, he was a commie the entire time!

Anonymous 17/09/29(Fri)14:23 No. 25153 ID: beb9f2

Does someone know where i can find a archive of all of Imhoteps works? Something like what Asstr.org is?

Anonymous 22/01/02(Sun)01:30 No. 27489 ID: 519a72

dangerously close to sailing off the edge of the world

Personal Loli (M/g, watersports, other) Foxtrox!tfbjbB3An. 21/07/27(Tue)03:37 No. 27331 ID: 9ba047 [Reply]

Part 1 now. Working on Part 2+. Please give feedback.

Year: 2085
Location: San Bernadino, California, USA
Background information: Thought the Human Genome Project completed it's first draft in 2003, it wasn't until 2055 until it's usefulness was unlocked. From there, the concept of the "cafeteria child", a child created by picking out different qualities like hair color, eye color, and genetic predisposition, was finally within grasp. 30 years later, the concept is still being studied, though there is progress. The San Bernadio Science Institute is making the fastest project, but few know why they are leaps and bounds ahead of similar labs around the world.


Regardless of what anybody tells you, having a STEM degree, even a masters, even one from Pepperdine University, doesn't make job hunting suck less. My name is Jesse, I have a masters in genetics, I'm 26 years old, and today's my first day at The San Bernadino Science Institution in California. After 6 months of working for scrap, I'd finally made it into the big leagues. I was stoked to work at SBSI, it was the most difficult research lab to get into. Even the application requires a blood sample, but I guess they want to map your DNA by the time you get on-board.

I took the train into the city, and from there a bus to their main offices. The modest 5-story building in the heart of the city is a facade, the true labs are 1500 feet below the surface. I walked into the office, and was greeted by the secretary. After showing her my papers, she led me upstairs to human resources.

There I was greeted by a thin Latino woman and a tall white male, both behind a large desk. I shook their hands and they offered me a seat in front of the desk.

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Anonymous 21/08/22(Sun)01:08 No. 27369 ID: 70bd5c

It's a nice story until now, I'm excited for the next part

Ananas 21/09/03(Fri)21:29 No. 27377 ID: 6d1f89

Moar... The setting is good though is this considered selfcest?

Anonymous 21/11/26(Fri)01:10 No. 27436 ID: 40e76e

Nope. Masturbation.

Looking for /elit/ resources for writing Anonymous 21/10/05(Tue)07:00 No. 27388 ID: a96e36 [Reply]

So I've been writing some /elit/ type material on my own for a while now, but most of it sucks and I wouldn't wanna post without some work. Are there any good resources for writing this type of thing?

I've tried using general purpose resources (like thesaurus.com, ebooks on writing novels and other shit) but they're ill-suited for finding good synonyms for words more commonly used in erotica or writing stories that are structured in a completely different way.

Just wondering if you guys had anything you've used or could recommend? Plz & Thx

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Waxing Carnauba 21/11/15(Mon)18:13 No. 27431 ID: bf5a45


Sanderson also has a great podcast called "Writing Excuses" that he hosts with a couple other writers. Each episode is like 10-15 minutes ("because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart"), and has all kinds of great general writing tips.

Nothing about more flowery terms for hoohoodillies and cha-chas, but a lot of about stuff that's MUCH more important in erotic literature--things like story, setting, pacing, etc.

Anonymous 21/11/16(Tue)13:20 No. 27432 ID: 7008e4

Bruv I can't believe you double posted and deleted two great stories from /elit/ for advice on writing you could find literally anywhere else

elit suggestions Anonymous 21/10/28(Thu)06:51 No. 27422 ID: d947e2 [Reply]

This is the only 7chan board i frequent. but i need more, do any of you have any suggestion about alternative sites with content like /elit/, im disappointed with what ive been able to find.

Anonymous 21/11/05(Fri)13:39 No. 27425 ID: 9aa0da

Why did you make this thread? There's a sticky thread for asking questions. By posting this thread you've permanently shoved the oldest story off the board. Think before posting! This is a slow board.

A Walk with Tilly Matty 21/08/13(Fri)17:10 No. 27354 ID: 38adc8 [Reply]

I’ve never posted an erotic story before, so I apologise if this is amateurish. Any constructive criticism welcomed. If this is well received, I am part way through a more ambitious story that I can post. Enjoy (I hope):

I'd left the house to take Tilly, our Pomeranian dog for a walk. I went out most days; one of the few times that I got out of the house during these trying covid-19 days.

It was a few minutes walk to the local park. This was during the summer of lockdown and the weather was warm and sunny. The exercise was good for me, but Tilly loved it! It was less a park than a large field with two football pitches marked out for local children's teams. Nevertheless, it was pleasant to walk around as there was a wide border with trees along one side and a children's playground, which has never been better used than it is now, following easing of the Coronavirus restrictions.

When we arrived at the park, as usual on a warm summer's day following lockdown, it was quite busy. I could see a number of people walking dogs and the playground was busy with families and laughing children. With schools out young people had also taken to gathering in small groups around the field. I would often see young couples canoodling in the bushes; once, I think, a teenager with his hand up his girlfriend's skirt.

Am I alone in this, but I do have voyeuristic tendencies? I don't mean that I’m a peeping tom, using binoculars, peering through people's windows and so forth. However, I do find it exciting if I see something I’m not supposed to. For example, when you see unexpectedly up a girl's skirt. I was walking along the street once, admiring a very pretty girl cycling towards me, when a strong gust of wind blew her skirt right up to her chest. She was wearing white cotton panties and the sight of her plump pussy from close quarters, made more prominent by the pressure of the saddle and moving in time to her pedalling, gave me an almost instant erection!

On this particular occasion, as I walked around the edge of the field, I passed two girls. I’m not very good with ages of teenagers and young people, but one sitting cross legged may have been around 13 or so. She was quite pretty, with mid dark hair, but wearing a loose-fitting t-shirt and shorts. The other girl caught my attention though as she was lying face down, with her dark hair spread over her shoulders, propped up on her elbows wearing tight navy blue leggings and sporting a truly spectacular bottom. She could have been anything from 15 to 17 or 18.

I've always been more of a bottom man rather than boobs, so as she was looking away from me, I rather stared at her assets and found the sight so enjoyable that a few minutes later I doubled back for another look.

This time she was sitting up, displaying lovely boobs in a tightish red tank top; not large, but beaut Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Matty 21/08/22(Sun)19:29 No. 27372 ID: a77a14

No offence taken by any comments, positive or negative, although something constructive is welcomed.

I'll give thought to 'The Blacksmith's Daughter'; how to move it forward. Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread, in however a small way!

A Walk with Tilly - Ch8 Matty 21/08/23(Mon)01:33 No. 27373 ID: 583c07

All this was so unexpected and so erotic to me that, despite cumming just a minute or two before, the old man had started to take an interest again.

Something that hadn’t gone unnoticed by Emily. “No, you should let him fuck you! He’ll do it properly for your first time!”

I must admit, her confidence in my sexual abilities bolstered my pride somewhat as well as bolstering my new hard-on. It now stood back to attention as firmly as it had ever before. I had a lovely naked nymphet in front of me, but believe it or not, even since the ante had been upped, it hadn’t crossed my mind that I might actually fuck her – either of them!

Hearing that though, I must have had a sudden rush of blood to the head, because whilst my dick and I were thinking ‘lie back and spread them!’ I heard myself say. “I'm not sure that's a good idea... I mean, you're a virgin! What if you get pregnant... and how old are you?”

“Why isn't it a good idea? I’m on the pill to stabilise periods. Don't you want to do it? I’m fourteen and I have friends who were only thirteen! I trust you to make my first time really good; don't you want that for me?”

This all came out in a staccato rush and for a moment, I was flabbergasted. Out of those reasons, only the age thing screamed no. The remaining three, I couldn’t deny. If my maths it's right, that's four to one in favour! My dick won the argument. “Yes! ...I mean ...It’s not a good idea for me to have sex with a fourteen year old ...but yes.”

This was not your normal seduction, particularly as Emily was there too. Maybe she should participate; I had never had a threesome and the thought of fucking them both made my already rampant hard-on even harder. The only question was whether I had the stamina, but at that moment, despite having cum just a few minutes ago, I felt like I could conquer the world. “Get a tissue Emily, so we can clean up Chloe, then we can all get onto the rug. There'll be more room.”

Emily was back in a moment and I dabbed Chloe’s chest and breasts. As I sat down in the centre of the rug, they both joined me. “Are you OK for me to kiss you Chloe?”
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A Walk with Tilly - Ch9 Matty 21/08/23(Mon)01:45 No. 27374 ID: 583c07

I became aware that Emily was still kneeling to the side of us, almost entranced at what she had been witnessing and clearly waiting until Chloe was ready. “Wow! That was fantastic! I wish my first time had been like that!” Then, as she turned to me. “Now it’s my turn!”

Bloody hell! Could I even manage to get it up again so soon after shooting my load twice in less than half an hour. These two girls, cute and sexy as hell that they were, would have to do a master job on the old man if they were to rouse him sufficiently to satisfy Emily. I was willing to let them give it a go, though. “There's nothing I want more Emily, but first of all you'll have to revive me. I've cum twice in short order and I don't know if I can get it back up any time soon. Perhaps we could just relax together for a while and you girls can see what you can do.”

They seemed ok with that, so I sat back on the sofa to see what they had to offer. They both stood up and looking at them side by side it was clear that they were sisters. It was also clear that it wouldn't be long before the boys paid as much attention to Chloe a they did her sister; they were both enchanting. It was only recent rigors that stopped the old man from standing to immediate attention. Despite feeling somewhat drained, I knew that it wouldn't take an enormous amount of effort on their part to prepare me for episode three.

Emily was first to make a suggestion and once again it was almost like I wasn't there. “Maybe we could do a lesbian thing. You know, they reckon men are turned on when they see lesbians playing with each other.”

“Eeeeeww! I don't want to lick your crack!” It was clear that Chloe wasn't on board with that suggestion.

“Maybe you could do a porn show whilst I suck his thing.” I have to say, the suggestion alone would normally have made the old man leap to attention. However, he'd been through a lot and besides, I was looking forward to this show and the supporting act – I wasn’t disappointed.

Chloe lay on the rug, slightly to one side so my view wasn't blocked by Emily, who knelt in front of me between my knees. Chloe lay back quite close to me to afford me a good view, facing towards me. She pulled her knees up, spreading them wide until her still aroused pussy started to flower open. It was an enticing sight.

In the meantime Emily took my limp cock and started playing with it gently, as I'd taught her. I could feel a warmth in my loins that promised the desired response If the girls kept the show going.
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I Hate My Sister Anonymous 18/09/22(Sat)17:24 No. 25792 ID: 34714a [Reply]

If there’s anything in life that has any sort of permanence for the average person, it’s their family. Who you grow up with, who you share most of your life with, who’s there for you when life is at its most difficult; your family is always the first to come to mind. Unfortunately, for a particular 9-year old boy, family was just another source of stress and his budding self-hatred. Jessie Cooper stepped out into the brisk late-Autumn afternoon breeze, clutching the hem of his tattered old jacket as he surveyed the surrounding area. The schoolyard was completely empty at this point, as school technically ended over 2 hours ago. The young child had fostered a routine; every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday he’d stay after school and perform his assigned duties, which usually involved cleaning out desks or clearing the chalkboard after class was finished. Of course, this usually only took around 20 minutes, the rest of his time was spent in the 2nd story boy’s bathroom reading in an empty stall while he waited for the custodian to make his daily rounds. Jessie despised leaving school on schedule, as it usually involved running into (and subsequently walking home with) his sister Alice.
If there was anyone in Jessie’s life that he could safely and definitively say he hated, it was his sister. She embodied every sickly-sweet, passive-aggressive, and utterly hate-filled feeling one could possibly harbor for another human being, and most of that genuine hate was directed at her younger sibling. Alice was 16, though she easily passed for 20, and somehow wore a near-permanent cocky smirk that occasionally morphed into an almost haunting scowl during her…episodes, as Jessie had taken to calling them. Her long auburn hair mimicked Jessie’s own natural color, spilling over her shoulders and flowing down to the small of her back, though despite her innocuous (and arguably beautiful, not that Jessie would ever admit it aloud) appearance, she was truly awful in most every way imaginable. The young child kept his head low as he swung wide around the parking lot situated to the east of the schoolyard, trying his hardest to avoid being noticed (an impossible task given how barren the rest of the surrounding area was). He hoped that one of the teachers would do their job and make sure that no strange individuals were lingering in the schoolyard before heading home for the day; it made getting home without being spotted much easier. Unfortunately, today just wasn’t his day.
“Hey Jess, you’re pretty late.”
Jessie jumped, quickly turning and staring at (or rather past) the young woman looming over him, that trademark smirk plastered on her face. “I’ve been out here waiting for you for almost an hour, y’know you’re not supposed to be staying after today,” Alice said sweetly, placing a gloved hand on the boy’s shoulder. Jessie continued to stare past the girl, a look of sheer contempt glued to his scarf-concealed coun Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 18/09/24(Mon)03:01 No. 25794 ID: 8d1966

Nice. Hopefully there’s more?

Anonymous 18/10/23(Tue)10:09 No. 25846 ID: 871b76

A hazy stream of twilight spilled into the siblings’ room, bathing the young woman sleeping in the bottom bunk in a yellowish sheen. She yawned, sitting up and stretching as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. Making her way to the closet, she noted the unsettling silence in her bedroom, an extremely uncommon occurrence over the past 3 years, and donned her technically-government-mandated school uniform; a dark navy-blue polo shirt and a 22-inch khaki skirt. She absolutely abhorred her school’s dress code, but unfortunately, she didn’t have many other options, especially considering the degenerate-infested shithole she and her family inhabited. After spending about half an hour applying her makeup she cast a sidelong glance at the top bunk, almost worried by the utter stillness she noticed, so much so that she took it upon herself to check up on the boy. “Hey Jess, you up?” she began, palming one of the rungs of the ladder up to the boy’s bed, “You should hurry up and get dressed, I’ll walk you to the bus stop on my way t–” the words died on her lips when she saw the empty bed. “God dammit,” she muttered.

Jessie stood at the bus stop at the end of Calhoun street, his backpack slung over his shoulders as he scratched and picked at the hem of his tattered and dirty jacket, a thin layer of unspeakable fluid congealed around the child’s sleeves and emitting a rather odd odor. He stood and waited, reaching into his jacket pocket to retrieve his cellphone and check the time; 6:54 A.M. The prepubescent despised waking up so early, but it was the only way he could ensure that his sister wouldn't be around to disturb him, or at least wouldn't have the time to. Alice would be getting dressed right about now, leaving the house by 7:15 if she wanted to make it to school by 8, which gave Jessie plenty of time to get home, eat breakfast, take a quick shower, and maybe even watch some cartoons before he had to be at school come 9. He sat on a nearby bench, swiping through his phone before hovering over the .mp3 he'd recorded the night before. Fishing his earbuds out of his backpack, the young child plugged them in and opened the file, grimacing as he was assaulted with the sounds of his mother’s yelling followed by Alice’s shrill retorts. He listened for a few minutes before he heard the sound of the children’s bedroom door slamming followed by the muffled hiss of the local route R42 bus’s brakes as it came to a stop, its doors opening and what looked like a horribly confused and drunken homeless woman shambling out before stumbling off down the street. Jessie sighed, taking note of the time once again – 7:07 – before making his way back home. On days like today he'd taken to leaving home early and travelling about half a mile away to one of the city’s seedier (relatively speaking) neighborhoods so he could avoid dealing with his sister’s post-playtime affections.

The boy s Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 21/08/22(Sun)15:01 No. 27371 ID: bbd160

>A hazy stream of twilight spilled into the siblings’ room, bathing the young woman sleeping in the bottom bunk in a yellowish sheen. She yawned, sitting up and stretching as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. Making her way to the closet, she noted the unsettling silence in her bedroom, an extremely uncommon occurrence over the past 3 years, and donned her technically-government-mandated school uniform; a dark navy-blue polo shirt and a 22-inch khaki skirt. She absolutely abhorred her school’s dress code, but unfortunately, she didn’t have many other options, especially considering the degenerate-infested shithole she and her family inhabited. After spending about half an hour applying her makeup she cast a sidelong glance at the top bunk, almost worried by the utter stillness she noticed, so much so that she took it upon herself to check up on the boy. “Hey Jess, you up?” she began, palming one of the rungs of the ladder up to the boy’s bed, “You should hurry up and get dressed, I’ll walk you to the bus stop on my way t–” the words died on her lips when she saw the empty bed. “God dammit,” she muttered.

>Jessie stood at the bus stop at the end of Calhoun street, his backpack slung over his shoulders as he scratched and picked at the hem of his tattered and dirty jacket, a thin layer of unspeakable fluid congealed around the child’s sleeves and emitting a rather odd odor. He stood and waited, reaching into his jacket pocket to retrieve his cellphone and check the time; 6:54 A.M. The prepubescent despised waking up so early, but it was the only way he could ensure that his sister wouldn't be around to disturb him, or at least wouldn't have the time to. Alice would be getting dressed right about now, leaving the house by 7:15 if she wanted to make it to school by 8, which gave Jessie plenty of time to get home, eat breakfast, take a quick shower, and maybe even watch some cartoons before he had to be at school come 9. He sat on a nearby bench, swiping through his phone before hovering over the .mp3 he'd recorded the night before. Fishing his earbuds out of his backpack, the young child plugged them in and opened the file, grimacing as he was assaulted with the sounds of his mother’s yelling followed by Alice’s shrill retorts. He listened for a few minutes before he heard the sound of the children’s bedroom door slamming followed by the muffled hiss of the local route R42 bus’s brakes as it came to a stop, its doors opening and what looked like a horribly confused and drunken homeless woman shambling out before stumbling off down the street. Jessie sighed, taking note of the time once again – 7:07 – before making his way back home. On days like today he'd taken to leaving home early and travelling about half a mile away to one of Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

BBC Step-Daddy is Finally out of Prison RRHB 21/08/22(Sun)06:53 No. 27370 ID: e846d8 [Reply]

mirror: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33403804

an audio script but it kinda reads like elit so here you go...

So, Dad… I’m sure you’ve heard by now that he’s getting out of prison this week. Can you believe he only ended up serving six years after what he did to me? After all he made me do?

And mom stayed with him and remained faithful this whole time. You must really despise her for that, huh?

How could she stay with someone who molested her daughter? Not to mention through a six year prison sentence.

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