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Anarchist Q&A Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)01:30 No. 887 ID: c89d35

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(Doesn't even have to be about my politics)

I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing people over worked, over taxed, and under payed. Fire at will.

Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)06:00 No. 888 ID: 1de033

Say you ever got your wish, how long do you expect anarchy to last, given humanity's inherent need for social structure?

Anonymous 18/08/19(Sun)00:40 No. 889 ID: 0f52f2

That seems rather beside the point. It's like telling pedophiles that pedophilia is pointless because the children they're attracted to generally tend to grow up eventually.

Anonymous 18/08/22(Wed)17:01 No. 893 ID: 73e23d

At least pedophiles can find new children to be attracted to; anarchists expect the fundamental nature of the human race to change for no benefit whatsoever.

Anonymous 18/08/23(Thu)20:33 No. 896 ID: 0f52f2

which means at least anarchists will always have new states to abolish

Anonymous 18/08/25(Sat)00:56 No. 897 ID: a870df

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Except they'll always fail.

Or they could always go off and create their own nation on a sealed collection of cargo containers anchored out in international waters and live their perfect ideal existence free of all external influences.

If its good enough for American Libertarians, surely it's good enough for anarchists.

Anonymous 18/08/25(Sat)14:55 No. 898 ID: e4b56f

You have a point.

>Except they'll always fail.
This is also true.

>create their own nation
See, I can imagine a lot of anarchists going for an idea like this and none of them catching the irony of creating a country to establish anarchy.

Anonymous 18/08/26(Sun)20:10 No. 899 ID: cbc430

They could always do it and not create a flag. No flag, no country.

Anonymous 18/08/28(Tue)00:55 No. 900 ID: 40907f

This makes me wonder how we signified our social organizations before the concept of flags.

Surely there was something; clan tattoos, everyone's names carved in the same rock, a particular way of painting your face for holidays or warfare.

Anonymous 18/08/30(Thu)03:12 No. 901 ID: a870df

Before flags we were in groups small enough that everyone in the group knew each other.

Its only once we grew in number until our primitive monkey brains couldn't possibly know every single person in our group that we started creating crap like flags.

Anonymous 18/10/02(Tue)07:20 No. 986 ID: 15ad4b

The benefit if anarchism is to defeat forced reliance on oligarchy ruled communism so that capitalism can take place, which isn't authoritarian. All forms of authoritarianism which sustain authoritarianism are communist and only give rise to more communism higher taxes and less freedom.

Anonymous 18/10/02(Tue)07:24 No. 991 ID: 15ad4b

PS all commies refuse to allow capitalism or have money allocated toward funding capitalism, which is a form of fascism and slavery.

Anonymous 18/10/02(Tue)07:25 No. 994 ID: 15ad4b

PS PS commies call it "competition" it is competition against authoritarian communism.

Anonymous 18/10/05(Fri)12:06 No. 1043 ID: d50172

>all commies
I probably shouldn't even reply to this. Not sure if you're a lunatic or an idiot, but you do know that Russia, China, and even Best Korea all allow capitalist investment in their countries yes?

Nothing you believe in makes any sense. There is no benefit to anarchy and it is inherently unsustainable. Furthermore, it's never going to happen; you should find something more realistic to be obsessed about. There are plenty of good conspiracy theories for a delusional mind like yours to get hooked on.

Anonymous 18/10/20(Sat)05:18 No. 1046 ID: a870df

>No flag, no country.
Unexpected Eddie Izzard.

Anonymous 18/10/29(Mon)18:31 No. 1056 ID: 8c21f8

None of the countries you mentioned are communist. All have mixed systems.

Anonymous 18/10/30(Tue)07:39 No. 1057 ID: 28aa20

....That is exactly the point I am trying to make....

They all tried communism; it didn't work. They turned to mixed systems for sustainability. It turns out communism and anarchy have that in common: neither is sustainable in its uncompromised form.

Do you feel my thousand-yard stare? I am looking through the depth of vacancy that is your intellect. It is a vast, dark cavern of emptiness.

Anonymous 18/10/31(Wed)05:04 No. 1061 ID: b63622

>They all tried communism; it didn't work.
Communism needs to be global to work. It's in the manifesto if you ever bother reading a book.
>Do you feel my thousand-yard stare? I am looking through the depth of vacancy that is your intellect. It is a vast, dark cavern of emptiness.
I'm not the person to who you were originally speaking btw. Are you like a professional asshole or what?

Anonymous 18/10/31(Wed)09:11 No. 1062 ID: 1ae9a0

>a professional asshole
Nah, I'm still in my apprenticeship.

>Communism needs to be global to work.

Anonymous 19/01/16(Wed)06:01 No. 1212 ID: dde783

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hey man,

I have etched my niche in the system. I'm up here walking on the backs of the poor.

Why you trying to fuck up my game?

Anonymous 19/01/16(Wed)16:09 No. 1213 ID: b2d2d8

>my game
Not that I blame you, as I am also a capitalist pig, but you know you the odds that you deserve what you have are extremely low right? I don't think you scrapped and scrambled your way to the top from eating dirt in a third-world hell hole. Moar liekly, you were born into relative comfort and would never have survived in a system that made us all equal.

But really, that's fine. Our ancestors did scrap, scramble, lie, cheat, steal, and murder to make a better future for their descendants. Bob Ross bless those capitalist bastards who built their nation atop the impoverished of the earth, that we would be born in it.

Anonymous 19/01/16(Wed)16:16 No. 1214 ID: c91d93

>you know the odds that you deserve what you have are extremely low right?
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what they deserve? Arrogant cunt

Anonymous 19/01/16(Wed)17:53 No. 1215 ID: b2d2d8

Case in point?

Anonymous 19/01/17(Thu)22:20 No. 1216 ID: a870df

Libertarians are touchy

Anonymous 19/04/24(Wed)08:31 No. 1404 ID: ad1399

Who is anyone to tell anyone anything really?

Anonymous 19/04/25(Thu)02:57 No. 1405 ID: f0cc5d

That goes without saying. Do you ever shut up?

Anonymous 19/04/25(Thu)08:03 No. 1406 ID: 37bcb6

Do you know who that is?

Do you know who this is?

Do you even know who you are?

Anonymous 19/04/25(Thu)19:44 No. 1407 ID: ccdf2e

So, that's a no then?

Anonymous 19/04/27(Sat)12:29 No. 1409 ID: 46a43c

What are some good pranks to play on the cops? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous 19/04/28(Sun)04:27 No. 1410 ID: 6509dc

See how long you can pretend to be a law-abiding citizen.

Cops hate that!

Anonymous 19/05/01(Wed)04:22 No. 1411 ID: b0f049

Steal the wheels off their cars.

Jackson's police department was still missing 16 wheels a couple weeks ago.

Anonymous 19/05/24(Fri)09:55 No. 1449 ID: 50b655

so not only does the ideal anarch community have to be small enough for its members to personally know each other, it is also expected to be completely autonomous and not make any contact with any other tribe, because that would require the community to be known by a particular name at least?

there are definitely still isolationist tribes of hunter-gatherers out there, particularly in South America, Africa and Oceania, but for some reason I don't think you were advocating or referring to that kind of lifestyle.

Anonymous 21/10/16(Sat)08:35 No. 2109 ID: 15483f

How's high school?

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