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Anonymous 18/05/17(Thu)07:16 No. 762 ID: 3a3089

File 152653421979.jpg - (169.53KB , 1200x800 , DdFvbyrXkAEFW5r.jpg )

If the Kent State students had been armed in 1970, the Ohio National Guard would have killed them all.

They were protesting for peace; they didn't want to have to carry guns, kill people, or fear for their lives--and four of them were killed for it.

Peace is not derived from armament. Deterrents are an inherently short-sighted solution: they only pause an enemy who has already decided to attack you until they acquire equal or better weapons. Best case scenario, the peace of the gun lasts only as long as no one gets angry enough or crazy enough to risk mutual annihilation--someone like that will always be around.

16 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
aleph+ya&!Q6A.fDyUzk 19/10/08(Tue)22:18 No. 1712 ID: 662609

File 157056592990.jpg - (407.39KB , 1350x1379 , weapon of war.jpg )

Anonymous 19/10/09(Wed)02:38 No. 1713 ID: eb8147

How can you be so dumb?

Anonymous 19/10/09(Wed)09:39 No. 1714 ID: 41e252

File 157060674633.png - (460.38KB , 499x768 , NRA Qualify.png )

Its a side effect of fervently supporting the 2nd amendment while also fervently supporting a president who thinks the constitution doesn't apply to him or his agents.

The hypocrisy shreds all common sense and reason, leaving only a quivering mass behind.

Anonymous 19/10/24(Thu)23:39 No. 1718 ID: 696d7e

File 157195317325.jpg - (180.58KB , 1081x1391 , Coming Together.jpg )

Trump's lawyer recently argued in court that Trump could walk into a 2A supporter's home, gather up all his guns, take them to a place and have them destroyed, and the home owner couldn't legally interfere with him in any way. And he wouldn't be able to get compensation either.

Because the president has absolute power to do anything at any time with no consequence.

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)10:39 No. 1753 ID: f5fcdf

Twitter is so cringe, why are you posting that shit?

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)17:34 No. 1755 ID: b9af26

not as cringe-worthy as your internet dialect

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)17:57 No. 1757 ID: 726933

You're an insufferable faggot.

Anonymous 19/11/28(Thu)04:14 No. 1760 ID: 1d0ec6

File 157491085971.jpg - (34.19KB , 475x356 , Just_Sayin.jpg )

There is a real simple solution to guns in America. Ban the sale of guns in America.

The existing guns that are used in crimes will be seized. A small stock of surplus guns will be bought up by criminals then used in crimes and those too will be seized. Then most criminals just won't have access to guns.

Eventually, maybe a generation later, your guns will be too valuable and bullets too expensive to be used for most crimes.

All the people who have guns and want to keep them can pass them down through their families.

It seems simple enough to me.

Anonymous 19/11/28(Thu)09:11 No. 1762 ID: a6201a

"Just seize the guns, but only for criminals when they commit crimes"
Like that will go over well

Anonymous 19/11/28(Thu)21:02 No. 1763 ID: 9f0737

>Ban the sale of guns in America.
:laughs in the founding fathers beat the British with rifles they had at home:

Anonymous 19/11/30(Sat)09:22 No. 1764 ID: 76b7be

File 157510214050.jpg - (126.71KB , 750x500 , NRA Well Regulated.jpg )

Except the guns weren't kept in their homes because the British would have confiscated them. After the WoI was won, they were all gathered up and kept in buildings called armories so they could be used by - get this - militia.

Anonymous 19/12/01(Sun)07:55 No. 1766 ID: 02e208

You're thinking of guns that were militia property, or government property. They didn't totally disarm the colonists (this is the NRA mythos that every major travesty in history was preceded with a mass disarmament).

People still had rifles for hunting and whatnot; pistols if they could afford them. The weapons in the armory were maintained for warfare and police actions--they didn't want them rusting in some poor colonist's hovel.

Nonetheless, the rusty hunting rifle in your average revolutionary's hovel proved effective enough against the redcoats.

This is what people who want guns for defense against government tyranny are holding on to: the myth that the average man with commercially available firepower could overpower an empire.

Unfortunately their mythos is the overriding principle that guides interpretation of the constitution: most people think this is the reason the founding fathers wanted civilians to be armed.

No one thinks about the dangers the early states faced from attempts by the British to undermine their sovereignty and retake them, disputes between the states themselves, to marauders and the vengeance of displaced natives. The point was to have ready a locally-organized armed force when needed at a fraction of the cost of a standing army, not to overthrow the government of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".

Anonymous 19/12/04(Wed)11:29 No. 1767 ID: f99214

You do realize there is no militia, right?

FDR federalized all state militias and named them the "national guard" after New York's militia. They're paid and maintained by the US federal government with soldiers often from out of state.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)00:50 No. 1768 ID: d7e2d2

There are still state militias. I don't know about every state, but a lot of states still have an organization, mostly populated by decrepit old veterans, retired police officers, and a handful of ultra-right-wing basket cases. These state militias need refurbishing, to be sure, and new leadership, but I think they could still provide something our armed services lack: community.

Gun owners need community. We have too many people buying guns and then falling off the radar. We don't have to invade their privacy or subject them to searches or seizures to establish their mental health and gun safety practices. Rather, we make militia membership mandatory--by state law in as many states as possible--for all registered gun owners. The militias could offer competency and safety training, as well as keeping an eye on the general well-being of its members. Give a minimum required attendance like one or two events per year, and require licensing to prove safety training. Give benefits to gun owners with extra licensing; reduced taxes or fines, insurance, etc.

Will that solve our black market gun problem? No.
Is that a valid counter-argument? No.

The real problem with the gun debate is that predominant faction of the pro-guns side that has no idea why it wants more guns in more hands and no concept of what having guns does to people. By binding gun ownership to a community that will encourage their safe use and knowledgeability, we could not only decrease shooting incidents but perhaps even change the course of these stupid debates.

Anonymous 19/12/05(Thu)12:29 No. 1769 ID: 6c1ae0

File 157554535219.jpg - (113.60KB , 1125x1189 , NRA Dildo Threat.jpg )

>perhaps even change the course of these stupid debates
Unlikely since one half of the debate isn't arguing in good faith, they're arguing to expand gun manufacturer profits and providing false narratives to distract from their actual motive

Anonymous 19/12/06(Fri)08:51 No. 1771 ID: f33015

You're right. One wonders if they will ever run out of people willing to poison debates for money.

Anonymous 19/12/15(Sun)03:58 No. 1776 ID: 31a699

If Ohio had a state militia, the federal government wouldn't have been able to compel it's troops to murder it's students over a war the federal government wanted.

Yet, all you faggots just want more federal government. The government can't win the drug war, but hey, let's have them get into another war over guns. I swear, you idiots are retarded.

Anonymous 19/12/15(Sun)08:26 No. 1777 ID: 30cbc3

It had one then and it has one now. Many states still have a militia in one form or another. They are generally underfunded, lacking in manpower, and populated with craggy war vets and retired cops, but they still exist.

The Ohio National Guard was deployed by state authority, at the request of municipal authority. The federal government had nothing to do with it (other than the rumored of CIA provocateurs among the protestors).

Yes, everything you believe was just ripped to shreds by three seconds of googling. No, don't try to pick up the pieces--it's gone. Move along now.

Anonymous 19/12/19(Thu)07:41 No. 1779 ID: 8f537d

File 157673771690.jpg - (74.13KB , 611x609 , NRA Doing It Wrong.jpg )

Reality is just a liberal plot to make them look ignorant and stupid.

Anonymous 20/05/20(Wed)09:24 No. 1837 ID: 7cb4c3

If they had a "Trespassers will be shot" sign would they be legally free of any guilt?

Could we just assume no one wants a bunch of backwards hippies pissing on their lawn for days?

Anonymous 20/05/23(Sat)15:44 No. 1848 ID: 54a106

There was a guy in my hometown who had one of those, and a six-foot high chain-link fence around his whole yard with an additional privacy fence behind it around his back yard.

He threw a rock at a friend and I once just for sitting on the curb across the street from his place; he threw it from his back yard--over the privacy fence, and would have nailed my friend in the face if we didn't see it coming. No warning; just noticed what looked like a rock flying at us all of the sudden.

Everyone thought he was a lunatic, but no one knew who he actually was because he was never seen leaving the place. Like not even to buy groceries. Total mystery how he even lived.

Anonymous 20/05/23(Sat)19:46 No. 1851 ID: 54a106

And then I realized you were referring to Kent state students who were shot and killed on the campus of the school they were enrolled in as trespssers.

You don't get to make up what history is. We've already been over that.

Anonymous 20/05/26(Tue)11:01 No. 1860 ID: 7cb4c3

Sorry, I'll check my CBS newsfeed next time ;_;

Anonymous 20/05/26(Tue)17:07 No. 1861 ID: 8625ed

I'm sure you meant that as some sort of commentary, but since I'm not tuned in to your alien conspiracy theory frequency, I don't have any idea what you mean by it.

Anonymous 20/05/28(Thu)06:34 No. 1864 ID: 7cb4c3

It means my point still stands, they were being disruptive and got what they deserved

Anonymous 20/05/28(Thu)07:00 No. 1865 ID: ce92a1

Shoot yourself. Right now. Don't hesitate. Don't ask why.

Anonymous 20/06/01(Mon)09:04 No. 1867 ID: 7cb4c3

Ya'll the one getting shot

Anonymous 20/06/01(Mon)22:30 No. 1868 ID: 138175

You know what the authoritarian scum you worship will give you?

A bullet to the head as soon as you aren't of use to them.

Might as well get ahead of the game.

Anonymous 20/06/03(Wed)07:14 No. 1869 ID: 7cb4c3

Nine people have been murdered in the protests so far

Anonymous 20/06/03(Wed)20:09 No. 1870 ID: f67d8f

And how many falsely arrested?
How many news crews fired on?

Anonymous 20/06/04(Thu)07:03 No. 1871 ID: 7cb4c3

Not nearly enough

Those people are still breathing as well lmao

Anonymous 20/06/04(Thu)13:17 No. 1872 ID: 22ba60

You thought this was the place for your shit.

It isn't. Leave. Leave this mortal plane.

Anonymous 20/06/08(Mon)09:20 No. 1875 ID: 7cb4c3

Is that a threat?

Are you really internet tough-guying on 7chan?

How the fuck did you even find this place?

Anonymous 20/06/12(Fri)18:59 No. 1879 ID: 0732d7

This is 7chan. We have our own totalitarianism; we don't need your petty thuggery. You killed yourself yet?

Anonymous 20/06/15(Mon)08:39 No. 1884 ID: 7cb4c3

No, you will surely beat me to the grave

Anonymous 20/06/16(Tue)05:53 No. 1886 ID: 0ec6c5

How hard are you gonna cry when the pedulum swings the other way in four years or so? Did you sleep through history class? You're just a tool for people who want you to die for their selfishness, and you know it.

Anonymous 20/06/16(Tue)06:22 No. 1887 ID: 7cb4c3

I'll probably be alright

Heaven sounds cool

Anonymous 20/06/18(Thu)03:24 No. 1891 ID: bc71d6

There's no god, and your idiotic human ideals are laughable.

Anonymous 20/06/18(Thu)06:48 No. 1892 ID: 7cb4c3


Anonymous 20/08/22(Sat)08:19 No. 1914 ID: 6701ec

I mock your value system, and you also appear foolish in the eyes of others.

Anonymous 20/10/23(Fri)10:32 No. 1937 ID: 7cb4c3

Appearing foolish to a bunch of sinners is a blessing

Anonymous 20/10/25(Sun)03:59 No. 1938 ID: 7b3ecc

lol, a chistfag on 7chan?

Good luck ministering to this lot!

Anonymous 20/10/28(Wed)05:44 No. 1939 ID: 7cb4c3

I've had some moderate success here I believe

Any questions? Feel free to mock me

Anonymous 20/10/29(Thu)07:21 No. 1940 ID: 988914

File 160395247438.jpg - (304.25KB , 1634x1716 , Trump Tell Me More About Dementia.jpg )

Only a christfag could miss Simpsons quotes.

Anonymous 20/10/30(Fri)02:59 No. 1941 ID: 7cb4c3

File 160402314281.jpg - (66.94KB , 1024x682 , 1596609022144.jpg )

Simpsons is a show for edgy children. Not even teens, fucking 4-9 yo children

Anonymous 20/10/31(Sat)17:31 No. 1942 ID: efe79b

File 160416188820.jpg - (73.56KB , 801x768 , Alabama Evildoers Never Punished.jpg )

Yeah, yeah, everyone's lame but you.

Shouldn't you be spending this time cutting yourself?

Anonymous 20/11/02(Mon)04:37 No. 1943 ID: 7cb4c3

Not really

Anonymous 20/11/17(Tue)13:56 No. 1949 ID: ab70ab

File 160561780987.gif - (134.52KB , 600x750 , Wear A Mask.gif )

A shame, you could really benefit humanity by cutting extra deep next time

Anonymous 20/11/20(Fri)05:14 No. 1950 ID: 7cb4c3

Does the sorrow you spread ever turn on you?

Anonymous 20/12/10(Thu)02:36 No. 1953 ID: a115ac

Have you noticed how the sorrow Trump and his supporters spread never turns on them?


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