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Anonymous 17/03/14(Tue)18:18 No. 211 ID: 8ac136

File 148951190926.jpg - (6.65KB , 198x233 , 200x400px-LL-45d6b6c3_image.jpg )

What if black lives don't matter?

80 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)10:12 No. 1646 ID: 602775

capitalism is the real issue. It has nothing to do with human-beings:

“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.”

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)10:42 No. 1647 ID: 2ec585

Yet another thing humans invented to make themselves miserable.

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)10:53 No. 1648 ID: 602775

File 156629118935.png - (67.31KB , 500x550 , derppperwt3425.png )

That's a shitty and a-historical take you got their my friend.

Capitalism was established after the abolition of feudalism. It became ingrained in society through he use of violence. E.G The enclosures and various laws passed to basically outlaw homelessness, force people off their land; create the means by which a group of people which had no property and thus became reliant on the system of capitalism; and through various other forms of primitive accumulation.

After the overthrow of the aristocracy many people where advocating alternative modes of production reminiscent to early ideas of socialism; utopian socialism or mutualism; ideas that centred around democracy and decentralization.

Capital had to be forced onto the human race. You have it backwards.

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)18:40 No. 1649 ID: 0719c4

You say this as if the wealthy and powerful who forced it on the poor and helpless were not members of the same human race; they were.

You're also leaving out The American Dream™ (and whatever they called it during the Industrial Revolution); where the top capitalists sold those same poor and helpless people the idea that there is a ladder, made of hard work and lofty ambition, that they can climb out of their hopelessness and into the upper echelons of society.

Not to mention that no one at the top is really happy. Look at Duck--top of the free world--he look happy to you? Jeff Bezos is the richest man on the planet; his marriage failed because he was desperately looking for hookups with strangers on the internet--is that the kind of thing a happy person does? Infinite greed means never being satisfied.

Capitalism makes people miserable at every level, and it was invented by humans to disenfranchise other humans. Really, it isn't all that different from the feudal system--we just swapped a noble aristocracy for a merchant aristocracy.

Anonymous 19/08/22(Thu)04:08 No. 1651 ID: 0a6328


Anonymous 19/08/22(Thu)18:38 No. 1653 ID: 0f9cae


Anonymous 19/08/22(Thu)23:41 No. 1654 ID: da667c

File 156651009542.jpg - (56.40KB , 857x767 , Bad Cops Bad Cops.jpg )

Don't mind him, he likes having conversations with himself.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)01:16 No. 1655 ID: 113f61

Oh. I thought it was a really really stupid communist and a stupid communist arguing with one another.


Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)01:22 No. 1656 ID: 602775

>Communism is anything I don't like

Anonymous 19/09/07(Sat)02:19 No. 1686 ID: 05f982

What would you call it?

Anonymous 19/09/07(Sat)17:07 No. 1687 ID: ccfa67

File 156786887222.jpg - (58.68KB , 422x767 , Italian Immigrants Build A Wall.jpg )

Socialism, duh.

Anonymous 19/09/08(Sun)07:49 No. 1688 ID: 05f982

National Socialism?

Anonymous 19/09/09(Mon)08:58 No. 1690 ID: 7a5ffc

File 156801231582.gif - (900.96KB , 500x281 , Firestarter.gif )

If you believe Russians, sure.

But they Godwin themselves before breakfast.

Anonymous 19/11/28(Thu)03:45 No. 1758 ID: 1d0ec6

File 157490911667.png - (416.52KB , 588x446 , Screenshot_2019-11-26 ( ) #TrumpRally hashtag on T.png )

Black lives got Obama elected Twice and the lack of them showing up got Trump elected after that. At least in politics, black lives clearly matter.

Anonymous 19/12/10(Tue)21:28 No. 1773 ID: 906442

they don't

Anonymous 19/12/22(Sun)18:14 No. 1783 ID: 0aae62


Oooh your understated racism is adorable.
They do

Anonymous 20/01/12(Sun)05:12 No. 1787 ID: 640797


Oooh your overstated wokeism is adorable.
They don't, no one's does.

No lives matter.

Anonymous 20/01/29(Wed)09:07 No. 1790 ID: 195433

File 158028525852.jpg - (49.00KB , 612x458 , Do or Do Not.jpg )

If no one's life matters, then why are you still alive?

Kill yourself and prove to us all just how much nobody's life matters.

Otherwise you're just a little bitch unwilling to commit to his belief system.

Anonymous 20/02/01(Sat)16:57 No. 1791 ID: 95bf0d

Second post with this bullshit. Suicide only proves you're so vain you think things will be different if you aren't around. Neither your life nor death amount to much in the long run.

You'd be a lot happier as a person if you could accept your insignificance and live with it.

Anonymous 20/02/02(Sun)15:50 No. 1793 ID: db5f5b

File 15806550438.jpg - (43.22KB , 718x775 , 1930 autism.jpg )

File 158065499013.jpg - (54.69KB , 581x767 , Mask.jpg )

Face it: you're just a fucking pussy who thinks his life has meaning and is desperate to convince everyone else that their lives are meaningless so you'll finally be able to make something of yourself while everyone's moping about doing nothing.

Fucking kill yourself and commit to your belief that your life is meaningless or continue to live and admit that it has meaning.

Stop being a little bitch, loser.

Anonymous 20/02/10(Mon)05:22 No. 1794 ID: 61c133

They do, but they don't, at least the average Negroid or other race to the grand scheme of things.
Reason what "racism" actually means. Simply put, if "racism" is discrimination based on race, and "discrimination" is simply recognizing and realizing the difference between one thing and another, then negatively telling others that they are or what they're doing is "racist", you are essentially saying that the truth should not be acknowledged. You HAVE to acknowledge that there are different, definable groups of people to tell someone off for racism, which is racist. Worst still, while he is likely someone opposed to blacks, he might not be, but you made the assumption that he was.
>"Oooh your [X] is adorable."
Grow up, you fucking child.
>No lives matter.
>If no one's life matters, then why are you still alive?
>Kill yourself and prove to us all just how much nobody's life matters.
>Otherwise you're just a little bitch unwilling to commit to his belief system.
It depends. To most people, their own lives are precious, even to those who aren't really living. But in the grand scheme of things, they're fucking ants. Their deaths would be meaningless to history, and even to themselves as they'd be dead. No one will remember them. Even the greatest king will be forgotten in time. Even here and now, where things matter a little more to the hysterical, many are just another face in the crowd.
>Second post with this bullshit. Suicide only proves you're so vain you think things will be different if you aren't around.
Not his point. You won't kill yourself because you're life has meaning to you.
>Neither your life nor death amount to much in the long run.
>You'd be a lot happier as a person if you could accept your insignificance and live with it.
Also this. At the same time, however, for those who are driven to do things, realizing their lives have meaning, that their lives are their own, can be exhilarating.
>Face it: you're just a fucking pussy who thinks his life has meaning and is desperate to convince everyone else that their lives are meaningless so you'll finally be able to make something of yourself while everyone's moping about doing nothing.
Delusional cynicism; paranoia. Try seeing a therapist, wretch.

Anonymous 20/02/10(Mon)05:23 No. 1795 ID: 61c133

*your life has meaning to you.

Anonymous 20/02/12(Wed)13:28 No. 1798 ID: c3a5b7

File 158151048619.jpg - (40.67KB , 640x762 , Old Man Holding A Kitten Happy.jpg )

>To most people, their own lives are precious
Which would make the statement "no lives matter" false.

For no lives to matter, no lives must matter.

This isn't a complicated concept that needs 50 paragraphs of obfuscation.

Anonymous 20/02/12(Wed)14:57 No. 1799 ID: 694377

Subjectivity is not objective fact, however. In reality, no lives matter. The universe doesn't give a shit about you or me or anything. Actually, it is 100% hostile to our existence.

Anonymous 20/02/16(Sun)09:11 No. 1801 ID: 0937ec

>Which would make the statement "no lives matter" false.
Just because your life matters to you, does not mean it matters.
Even if my life matters to me, that does not mean it matters.

>This isn't a complicated concept that needs 50 paragraphs of obfuscation.
Correct. It only needed >>1799; this guy gets it.

Anonymous 20/02/20(Thu)14:52 No. 1803 ID: 3bd082

the sock puppetry is strong in this one.

Anonymous 20/04/04(Sat)17:27 No. 1806 ID: d042b0

File 158601406868.gif - (3.78KB , 650x220 , mystery.gif )

blue pill it is then.

Anonymous 20/04/08(Wed)07:26 No. 1807 ID: 30aefe

beats taking the red pill and becoming a MRA

Anonymous 20/04/08(Wed)12:49 No. 1808 ID: 25c105

Not everything is memes.

Anonymous 20/04/10(Fri)02:20 No. 1809 ID: 30aefe

File 158647802766.jpg - (67.29KB , 1024x712 , The reason Batman doesn't cover his whole fac.jpg )

Indeed. When you have no hope of winning, a sock puppet is the most common tactic taken by the desperate.

Anonymous 20/04/11(Sat)14:10 No. 1810 ID: 06a633

Winning what? This isn't a debate.

Anonymous 20/04/13(Mon)18:33 No. 1811 ID: ab5a5b

File 158679559916.jpg - (35.74KB , 718x960 , Corona Decision Tree.jpg )

Yeah, it's not much of a contest when the other guy has an obvious mental illness

Anonymous 20/04/14(Tue)20:20 No. 1812 ID: bef31b

Right... so, anyway, no lives matter.

Now that's settled. /thread

Anonymous 20/04/15(Wed)14:30 No. 1813 ID: 0868b8

File 158695385334.jpg - (101.05KB , 700x633 , Bigotry In A Prayer Is Still Bigotry.jpg )

Wait, I thought this wasn't an argument?

But you're still fixated on winning it.

Do I need to call someone for you? Maybe your russian handler?

Anonymous 20/04/15(Wed)16:57 No. 1814 ID: fbc8b9

You can keep pretending, but ultimately there will be a heat death of the universe.

If we haven't learned to engineer our own solar systems by that point, it was all for naught.

Anonymous 20/04/16(Thu)03:34 No. 1816 ID: 94b726

File 158700084348.jpg - (324.19KB , 2048x1364 , Trump Fiction This Stupid Would Be Unbelievable.jpg )

But wait, if you're not trying to win an argument, why do you keep trying to claim your nonsensical statement is fact?

I don't think you've really thought either clever argument through to its logical conclusion.

Which is why you resort to sock puppetry.

Anonymous 20/04/16(Thu)22:29 No. 1818 ID: c2c104

File 158706894978.png - (254.77KB , 835x429 , Screenshot_2020-04-16 How Many People Die From Hun.png )

Great Trolling
Thanks for all the gifs and pics

Everyone here is poor. Poor peoples lives don't matter.
So enjoy yourself it's latter than you think.
current ratio of starving to death vs C19 is 18:1
like anyone cares LOL

Anonymous 20/04/23(Thu)08:11 No. 1819 ID: 2bc245

File 158762231464.jpg - (21.42KB , 450x311 , Daddy Says.jpg )

>Everyone here is poor
Projection much?

We have at least one person on 7chan who's a drug kingpin. He bitches about the police but won't move to a better area.

Anonymous 20/04/24(Fri)12:02 No. 1820 ID: 8b315c

File 158772256746.jpg - (151.61KB , 640x480 , 42-28.jpg )

>We have at least one person on 7chan who's a drug kingpin. He bitches about the police but won't move to a better area.
Dude you thank you, you're so fucking funny it untrue

Anonymous 20/04/24(Fri)16:43 No. 1821 ID: 5b523b

One does not retail the finest merchandise on the market because it is easy.

Anonymous 20/04/25(Sat)00:03 No. 1823 ID: 8b315c

File 158776581228.jpg - (54.50KB , 362x293 , you work your ass off and for what.jpg )

Trust me on this, people don't understand. They just take it all for granted.

Anonymous 20/04/25(Sat)12:27 No. 1824 ID: 252713

File 158781043013.jpg - (222.77KB , 854x480 , 1589348273.jpg )

>Projection much?


Anonymous 20/05/12(Tue)07:11 No. 1828 ID: 09c695

One does not simply walk into Mordor.

Anonymous 20/05/19(Tue)04:12 No. 1830 ID: e00397

kinda worried a bit about this whole religious end times crap. super evil black aliens showing up to kill all who isnt a black hebrew israelite or someshit, at the same time human rights movement happens and blacks freed from slavery, at the same time islam tries to spread all over the world saying jesus isnt the son of god, and apparantly the annunaki are a lot of these blacks that would do that which are called the sons of god so if jesus is like the son of god and were all brothers and sisters in christ, we would be above the annunaki and prevent that evil black takeover. what is there to be done?

Anonymous 20/05/19(Tue)04:13 No. 1831 ID: e00397

" which are called the sons of god " offspring of the sons of god, my mistake

Anonymous 20/05/20(Wed)09:17 No. 1833 ID: 7cb4c3

What I don't get about the whole black movement is, if being black is so great why don't you go back to Africa?

The cities white people built? Okay, so when they move why do you follow them?

Why if a black race is so equal and magnificent, better even, do you always try and move into white neighborhoods?

It's just so damn terribly obvious to me at least that they also hate eachother and therefore demand someone else's space. They do nothing with their own and ruin everyone else's.

You guys know about the whole Equal Opportunity stuff right? How supposedly black people were never being hired at the high dollar companies or being put in fair roles on television, and that it wasn't just an excuse to ruin some white man's business? I remember asking my dad when I was like eight why they demanded to be hired in some places and he said because they wouldn't get a fair turn otherwise and would never be on television.

Go look up the first NBC broadcast. Would you believe it has a bunch of niggers singing with white women? Lmao America has been selling pussy to these cunts for its entire history, and look at what they do with it

Anonymous 20/08/03(Mon)19:08 No. 1904 ID: f4ee5d

The only things that Matter, are the things that have the capacity to destabilise a nation. Most of these noble virtue signallers have already moved on to the next oppressive system that needs dismantling, now that the motivations behind the "peaceful protests" are showing their true colours and are suddenly less appealing.

Who would've thought it was Marxists all along?

Anonymous 20/08/14(Fri)02:45 No. 1908 ID: a1375c

Take your cheap bait and go, Ivan.

Anonymous 20/08/14(Fri)10:09 No. 1909 ID: f4ee5d

why even respond if you have nothing to add?

Anonymous 20/10/23(Fri)10:31 No. 1936 ID: 7cb4c3

Blacks still pretending to be oppressed to try and take advantage of the kindness given to them... October 23rd, 2020

We thought this would change after the Civil War


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