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Anonymous 19/09/22(Sun)00:00 No. 1695 ID: 743e89

File 156910325440.jpg - (77.14KB , 634x850 , gangsta.jpg )

Not every majority black and/or brown neighborhood is bad, but every bad neighborhood is majority black and/or brown.


Anonymous 19/09/22(Sun)00:04 No. 1698 ID: 1e5fb7

Not every low effort shitpost is regurgitated multiple times, but every post that is regurgitated multiple times is a low effort shitpost.

Anonymous 19/09/24(Tue)09:22 No. 1700 ID: 2572f0

File 156930977517.jpg - (57.06KB , 617x767 , GOP Swastika.jpg )

I, for one, welcome our new 8chan overlords. I'd like to point out between their endless shitposting of long discredited stories and "facts" that some of the original denizens of this chan can be useful, if only to drag you kicking and screaming back to reality before we call your mother and get your net nanny re-enabled.

Anonymous 19/09/30(Mon)04:14 No. 1703 ID: cd7eef

Why is she making that white supremicist hand gesture?

Anonymous 19/10/01(Tue)10:05 No. 1704 ID: fad8b4

File 156991714072.png - (266.79KB , 720x405 , It's Been An Honour, Cheers Mate.png )

I live in Geordieland

There ain't enough non- whites to make a bad neignborhood.
the city centre is the second most cctved in the country, the world we have over 30,000 student, 98% Foreigner's

to a Geordie anyone south of Wrekenton is a Foreigner. So don't feel bad about it.
Fing southener's are the wrost and they fing say they love the and Fing stay

Not many of you Yankies, and you keep ya selves out of peoples faces

1,000 from Japan, China, Their great good manners go along way up here.
Hell I live so close to one of the uni's. local's to student is 3/17

now if you go over a mile and half radius in any direction from the town. No cctv watch yourself cause, if anything happens It wont make papers or the TV. bad for Uni business. and south the river well white Fing dangerous. Plus Bensham MOSSAD Much.

In the west end large Indain, Etc, community well intergrated Mixed race gangs by street and school all
Toon surporter's

so if you want get kicked F by Causesie, Hindu's, Muslim's. Afro-carbian's, Jewish, Sikh's plus I bet anything else you can think of in one street gang Then The Westend The Best End for that.
Roughest area's are all white basicly and there where they house the poorest of the poor. as they slow been killing them off with drug's, general shit the people run game uses to get rid of who they don't want

Elvis Costello Olivers Army (Lyrics)


Whitenigger it's in the lyrics

plus boy's from Merey, Thames and the TYNE

nothing new under this sun

Anonymous 19/10/02(Wed)11:46 No. 1705 ID: 87dd60

File 157000961332.jpg - (22.38KB , 474x245 , Iron budda Tea.jpg )


It's not an Alt-right Hand Mudra

It's something else enirtly

(me)just(me) saying

Check out how old it real is

Dangerman TV show


"I'll Be Seeing You"


Where you go, You no a Gman ?
What gives ?

Anonymous 19/10/04(Fri)22:44 No. 1706 ID: 2e6cef

Ironically I live in a town where the blacks keep to themselves and the "white trash" in the trailer parks are the ones causing all of the crime/problems. My town is 88% White.

Anonymous 19/10/06(Sun)03:41 No. 1708 ID: c33259

File 157032608017.webm - (479.89KB , 632x360 , General Inzanity HQ.webm )

Not too ironic, since that's most of the US.

There's a reason white Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of welfare recipients.

Anonymous 19/10/08(Tue)00:18 No. 1709 ID: 0a6328

>Not too ironic, since that's most of the US.
That's just not true.

>There's a reason white Americans make up a disproportionate percentage of welfare recipients.
Because hispanics identify as white.

Anonymous 19/10/08(Tue)03:15 No. 1710 ID: 5e8401

Many his hispanics are "white"; literally. Being hispanic doesn't necessarily mean you are brown--some have an entirely European pedigree, or close enough to one that they couldn't know otherwise without a DNA analysis; just like a lot of "white" Americans are unaware of having a native ancestor or two.

The real stupid here is the failure to recognize all humans on earth are of mixed race. We can all breed and bear children, we are one species, and every single one of us is the product of many tribes blending together.

The things you find shitty about people of other races don't come from their DNA.

Anonymous 19/10/08(Tue)21:40 No. 1711 ID: 42d933

The shitty things about a large percentage of black people in the US does in fact come from their DNA. If you think we all have the same DNA, you're mistaken.

Anonymous 19/10/09(Wed)09:43 No. 1715 ID: 41e252

This is what inbreeding gets you >>1711

Anonymous 19/11/18(Mon)00:55 No. 1737 ID: 9adbff

You just have no point ever. You're so pointless.

Anonymous 19/11/18(Mon)16:29 No. 1738 ID: 6a7ae1

File 157409096672.png - (136.77KB , 540x476 , Holocaust Devils Advocate.png )

/rnb/ is up there if you need a good cry

Anonymous 19/11/20(Wed)22:55 No. 1742 ID: bfd7c3

>and then everyone clapped
I'll take lying on the internet for 100, Alex

Anonymous 19/11/21(Thu)10:00 No. 1744 ID: fdaf24

File 157432685614.jpg - (85.19KB , 723x767 , Never Tell Me The Odds.jpg )

>except it didn't say that
I'll take being an 8chan refugee for 1000

Oh look at that, I got the daily double

Anonymous 19/11/23(Sat)04:01 No. 1746 ID: c504e6

It might has well have, you gullible faggot

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)02:47 No. 1751 ID: 5896cb

File 157464644579.jpg - (43.38KB , 540x324 , Trump Rape Tax.jpg )

>and then I gobbled a thousand dicks to feed the yawning chasm where my soul used to be
You can thank me later for finishing your sentence.

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)10:34 No. 1752 ID: f5fcdf

Which town?

Anonymous 20/05/20(Wed)10:14 No. 1841 ID: 7cb4c3

They probably just need more funding

Anonymous 20/05/21(Thu)11:36 No. 1844 ID: 4efe2f

One thing which must hurt the black collective psyche is the fact that there is no cool and advanced black majority country like South Korea.

This is probably why black panther was so successful as it gave black people the perfect escapism where at the least such a nation could exit in pop culture.

Anonymous 20/05/21(Thu)12:06 No. 1845 ID: 7cb4c3

Maybe we should be nicer to them, they clearly just need a fair chance

Anonymous 20/05/23(Sat)15:30 No. 1846 ID: 54a106

You looking for a protracted discussion about the socioeconomic consequences of African slavery and emancipation in the context of United States history?

'Cause that's how you start a protracted discussion about the socioeconomic consequences of African slavery and emancipation in the context of United States history.

Anonymous 20/05/23(Sat)19:23 No. 1849 ID: 4efe2f

I am more interested in discussing why there is no black South Korea as South Korea used to be in a similar situation to many African Countries.


Anonymous 20/05/24(Sun)05:36 No. 1855 ID: 54a106

Okay, I'll bite. I see your point: like a lot of African countries, Korea has been repeatedly invaded and conquered, divided, its people stolen as forced laborers and then set against each other as proxies for invaders. It is a similar story, but with a very different outcome.

Keep in mind South Korea isn't the whole country--technically speaking North Korea and South Korea are one country still engaged in a civil war despite the long-term armistice.

So how did South Korea build up so high so fast, while North Korea remains in squalor?

Because they didn't do it on their own. In fact, I don't think either country can be held fully accountable for their current socioeconomic status. This is an ongoing proxy war: South Korea is, very generously, supported militarily and financially by the United States as--in my opinion--a propaganda piece against the global communist revolution that never happened, and on a smaller scale, a message to the North Koreans that they should overturn their government.

Russia meant for North Korea to be its opposite number, but the cost of losing the Cold War nixed those plans, leaving only China to take care of them. China's only real interest in North Korea is having a puppet state, which hasn't worked so well since the Kim Family (put in power by the Russians) has turned out to be insane.

On top of that, North Korea has been under extreme sanctions since the armistice was signed; a situation not helped by their crazy and despotic leaders. Nonetheless, even if they would stop building nukes and firing rockets, I doubt the western powers have any intention allowing North Korea to succeed as a "communist" country.

Why isn't there an African South Korea? I think, for the same reason there will never be a prosperous North Korea under the Kim regime: the leadership--put in place with western assistance--is awful, and western powers have a vested interest in keeping them down. Sure, we send billions of dollars in aid to African countries, to governments we know to be corrupt. When paying dictators to keep their people helpless and poor fails, we send in troops or arms to support this faction and that until their society collapses into poverty and/or war once again.

I think what you're really asking is How is it that Asian people can build up a prosperous nation when African people can not? Which is so loaded, racist, and ignorant of history that it cannot be answered. If perhaps you asked "Are African people capable of nation building?" it would be somewhat more answerable, and I would say we simply don't have the data to know one way or another: western powers have been interfering in both regions for so long, pushing such various agendas, that we have no idea what they would be capable of if we left them to their own devices.

Anonymous 20/05/25(Mon)15:12 No. 1856 ID: 4efe2f

Well one thing that I think we can agree on is that It's fucking cringy when white supremacists with little to no knowledge of physics and aerospace pretend like they invented space travel because they happen to be in the same ethic group as the people who did.

Anonymous 20/05/26(Tue)10:56 No. 1857 ID: 7cb4c3

>using italics
Fuck man how many hours did you spend in the fucking FAQ

South Korea probably had much less help than nigger countries get, I think it's ignorant to pretend they did not do most of the work themselves.

>white people pretending they invented spaceships because white people did

Anonymous 20/07/15(Wed)12:30 No. 1899 ID: 7ae064

>the fucking FAQ

Anonymous 21/01/20(Wed)21:12 No. 1967 ID: 835021

File 161117352961.jpg - (228.21KB , 1346x511 , Species2.jpg )

This is like saying that not every trash heap is a landfill, but every landfill is full of trash.

If you corral a certain class of people into a single area that is on fire, you shouldn't be surprised that all of them rapidly catch fire. That doesn't mean they're made of wood (Monty Python, eat your heart out) and therefore unlike other people. Gentrification, red lining, gerrymandering, urban decay, asymmetric police and law enforcement. All of these things exist, OP. Learn about them and you'll understand what's actually going on.

The "white race" is nothing but people who can trace their ancestry to Anglo-saxon protestants. It doesn't even include the IRISH, to say nothing of Germans or Norse or Italians. It's largely meaningless today, and certainly is not anything close to a majority. Most white supremacists are chasing a definition that does not really exist, and if it did does not contain them. A race is not skin color.

Pic very, very much related. I used to sling this on /pol/-esque boards when I felt like starting a riot.

Anonymous 21/01/21(Thu)10:16 No. 1970 ID: 5a7efe

go back to 4chan retard

Anonymous 21/02/08(Mon)05:59 No. 1987 ID: 983a9d

>Bitchin at whitey about history explains it all
No it doesn't.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)08:54 No. 1997 ID: 7cb4c3

File 161674529098.jpg - (152.14KB , 1024x576 , 1616734356075.jpg )

I like how you had to use a picture of a puppy instead of an adult dog because white people have different hair color and you're a piece of shit, doomed by God to wallow in eternal agony

Where was I...

Have you guys ever lived in a majority black neighborhood? Will make you a complete, kill all niggers racist in one fucking week

Anonymous 21/04/08(Thu)03:24 No. 2003 ID: a7c52b

File 16178450416.jpg - (44.41KB , 300x300 , Puppy.jpg )

That's a fully-grown dachshund, not a puppy. A great dane puppy looks like pic related.

And what does hair color have to do with anything? Are you okay? You sound like you've caught a bad case of complete retardation, and as a medical professional, I'm afraid it appears terminal.

Anonymous 21/04/10(Sat)08:40 No. 2004 ID: eb341a

File 161803680881.png - (424.54KB , 647x582 , Love.png )

You have to forgive him, after he was sent to prison he got so much multiracial semen up his ass for so many years that it permanently backed up into his brain.

Now he's out and intent on taking revenge in the most idiotic manner possible - writing barely legible screeds on 7chan.

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