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Anonymous 19/08/25(Sun)11:19 No. 1658 ID: 91069d

File 156672479350.jpg - (43.24KB , 595x335 , 8channers-crossing-the-interwebs.jpg )

You know what's hilarious? All these alt-right, build-the-wall, lock-her-up, god-emperor-drumpf faggots who immediately turn into ignorant, worthless refugees that refuse to assimilate to other cultures the moment they lose their home.

Anonymous 19/08/26(Mon)15:32 No. 1659 ID: cd11af

Syrians vote Trump?

Anonymous 19/08/26(Mon)17:32 No. 1660 ID: 3ded56


Anonymous 19/08/28(Wed)18:24 No. 1661 ID: ee2f87

It's a really stupid metaphor. I'd argue it's culturally insensitive.

Anonymous 19/08/29(Thu)08:22 No. 1667 ID: 077fba

File 156705973032.jpg - (113.59KB , 767x768 , Doesnt Exist.jpg )

The little bitches have certainly had issues assimilating in the past.

Anonymous 19/09/03(Tue)06:47 No. 1674 ID: c2782c

>culturally insensitive
No lives matter.

Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)20:39 No. 1685 ID: 05f982


Anonymous 19/09/09(Mon)08:11 No. 1689 ID: 7a5ffc

Your life first.

Anonymous 19/09/23(Mon)19:15 No. 1699 ID: 76fd53

>Your life first.
First in/to/for what?

I think you are confused.

Anonymous 19/10/17(Thu)16:07 No. 1716 ID: d082b1

File 157132125840.jpg - (99.51KB , 1125x1414 , Trump Putin Like.jpg )

I think English isn't your first language.

Anonymous 19/10/19(Sat)18:14 No. 1717 ID: 1533c8

You should probably take another month to think of a response that works.

Anonymous 19/11/03(Sun)08:56 No. 1722 ID: 8d9930

File 157276777824.jpg - (135.53KB , 1242x1530 , Trump Supporters Can't Read.jpg )

I think you should stop now before you embarrass yourself further.

Take your autism meds and concentrate. Really concentrate. Imagine (I know this part is hard for you) that there's multiple ways to read the same sentence. And that the one you jumped to wasn't the only possible interpretation.

This isn't a hill worth dying on. You were wrong. Grow a pair and realize that Trump's refusal to admit he's wrong isn't a sign of strength.

Also, try posting something worthwhile and I might come back in less than a month.

Anonymous 19/11/09(Sat)19:25 No. 1728 ID: c6e683

I posted: >>1674
>No lives matter.
You (?) posted: >>1689
>Your life first.

I've known what you mean all along, but I posted >>1699 hoping you might some day realize that reply does not make any grammatical or logical sense.

I meant:
>No lives matter.
You (?) meant:
>Ok, you commit suicide first.

That's quite a jump. Suicide is the vain, selfish and cowardly act of a deluded, spoiled brat who thinks subtracting himself from the world will make some kind of positive difference either for himself or others. No lives matter: suicide won't change that, but you are welcome to try.

Anonymous 19/11/24(Sun)08:10 No. 1748 ID: 3561af

File 15745794326.png - (3.59KB , 205x246 , retarded.png )

Oh wow, how clever and intelligent, what a brilliant response.

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)02:34 No. 1749 ID: 5896cb

File 157464569239.jpg - (132.34KB , 1280x871 , EvenJoanJettIsTiredOfYourStupidity.jpg )

Oh, yes, I'm so stupid I couldn't possibly have known that you knew exactly what the fuck I said all along and were just playing dumb. And when I called you on this you pull the "durr you so dumb" card.

Yes, genius, I get it, you're autistic and don't understand how to interact with others. You can't understand how anyone else's point matters besides your own. That's your mental illness. It's not a strength, it's a weakness.

Since you're still clearly not getting the point, my call for you to end your life first has no bearing on what effect your death will have on the world. Because you and I both know it's going to have fuck all effect because nobody cares if you live (though given your behavior here I'm willing to bet a lot of people wish you were dead).

Its to point out that if you believe no lives matter then your life should be the first to go. Because if you're unwilling to commit to your stated point of view then you must think some lives matter (e.g. your own), so therefore you're a liar.

Get it now? Or is your autism still getting in the way of understanding anyone's viewpoint besides your own?

Put up or shut up, bitch.

Anonymous 19/11/25(Mon)17:39 No. 1756 ID: b9af26

Sounds like you're just pissy because no one gives a fuck what you say.

Anonymous 19/12/12(Thu)23:15 No. 1774 ID: da667c

File 157618895290.jpg - (9.24KB , 280x180 , war.jpg )

Sounds like you're upset because someone clearly did otherwise he wouldn't have kept responding to this thread - up until my last post, at which point he went silent. Probably because things were finally spelled out in enough words to sink through his autism and reach that tiny pinprick of a neuron cluster he calls a brain.

Anonymous 20/05/20(Wed)09:29 No. 1839 ID: 7cb4c3

guessing OP's a high on the hog renter

Anonymous 20/05/23(Sat)19:27 No. 1850 ID: 4efe2f

Greentext without quoting goes against the fundamental values of 7chan.

Anonymous 20/05/26(Tue)10:59 No. 1859 ID: 7cb4c3

True, but sarcasm never felt so good

Anonymous 20/06/16(Tue)20:08 No. 1889 ID: fd7290

File 159233089335.jpg - (65.92KB , 582x350 , 1283562116058.jpg )

No shit; most countries are hoping it happens explicitly so they CAN treat Americans like animals. That's also why hicks claim to want to both destroy the American government and protect it in the same breath; if America DOES goes tits up, they know that literally no-one wants them.

Anonymous 20/06/17(Wed)09:16 No. 1890 ID: 7cb4c3

How dare they

Anonymous 21/01/20(Wed)21:00 No. 1965 ID: 835021

There is only one philosophy that guides these people in America.

"I got mine, FUCK everyone else!"

They will fight tooth and nail to deprive others of the same rights that they feel they, themselves deserve for some reason. Every single one of their "beliefs" will just happen to line up with what they, personally are. No minimum wage increase for those losers in retail but of course my job as a cubicle monkey deserves a raise. No welfare for the homeless, but give me tax cuts. If I get free healthcare from my job, I earned it unlike those people in OTHER jobs that don't offer it. Who cares if millions can't afford dental care because I can. I'm from an immigrant family but this was another time when immigrants weren't filthy unwashed sandniggers who need to be kept out. Blacks and gays are fundamentally bad people so of course they shouldn't have the same rights I do from conveniently being born white and straight. The only true religion is the one I'm a member of, so all the rest is heresy and should be purged. Anyone who catches COVID was just going to die anyway, so don't you dare disrupt MY job to save their lives.

I could go on.

Anonymous 21/05/08(Sat)04:50 No. 2011 ID: 6f8a99

Imagine being this much of an assblasted seething know-nothing communist. You deserve a bullet to save yourself the suffering of just being pushed into an empty pit and buried alive.

Anonymous 21/05/09(Sun)07:03 No. 2012 ID: 4788ac

File 16205366122.jpg - (43.65KB , 750x694 , Weimar Germany left-wing Nazis.jpg )

It's cute, you write that word as if you know what it means.

Anonymous 21/05/11(Tue)02:00 No. 2014 ID: 6f8a99

I'm glad you think it's cue UwU! I don't know what any of that has to do with nazis. That seems like an unhealthy obsession on your part.

Anonymous 21/05/19(Wed)14:29 No. 2016 ID: 4788ac

File 162142739563.jpg - (113.11KB , 960x949 , 0-2.jpg )

>I don't know what any of that has to do with nazis
Yeah, concepts do have a way of flying right over your head, don't they?

Anonymous 21/05/19(Wed)16:02 No. 2017 ID: 166371

It's one thing to be a retard, but do you have to be so smug about it?

Anonymous 21/06/01(Tue)02:18 No. 2022 ID: 9a73cc

File 162250671172.gif - (163.19KB , 614x768 , Wear A Mask To Protect Others.gif )

It's one thing for your parents to be brother and sister, but do you have to flaunt it?

Anonymous 21/11/02(Tue)07:25 No. 2123 ID: 6f8a99

Oh, I didn't realize you had TDS. I'm sorry for your loss.

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