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Anonymous 19/06/03(Mon)12:35 No. 1464 ID: 9fe361

File 155955812477.jpg - (202.91KB , 1428x952 , liang-jin.jpg )

The Tianamen Square Incident is being propagandized pretty hard in western media lately. Shit's posted everywhere, even 7chan/b/: >>/b/790842. Last week this lady comes forward to give credit to the stories that the military resisted orders to storm the square; reposts of Tank Man all week everywhere else; old sources dug up and regurgitated in every mainstream outlet.

I see what you are doing; it isn't going to work.

Either someone is trying to drum up anti-Chinese sentiment, or drive a wedge between the Chinese people and their government, or convince China to apologize for oppressing its people. None of those things are going to happen. It hasn't worked for thirty years and it isn't about to start working now.

People in the west, as offended as they may be, will not stick to this longer than it stays in the headlines and two weeks from now, no one's going to care. The Chinese people only remember that it is dangerous to discuss the matter and they will never accept any version of the story other than the party line. The Communist Party of China doesn't give a fuck, and will never apologize for something that didn't happen; that's right it didn't happen, because they erased it from history.

Also, maybe it actually didn't happen: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/there-was-no-tiananmen-square-massacre/

To be honest, I think a few hundred civilians were killed as a message to future protesters, but more importantly everyone who showed the slightest empathy was removed from their posts, disappeared, and/or 'reeducated'. Military officials, television reporters, civilians outside the action zone, everyone. There is no one left alive in China to speak against the official story and there hasn't been for thirty years. Think about this: no one under the age of thirty in China has ever heard about it; they are not going to believe you no matter how you try to prove it to them. They have all been raised to think that westerners are trying to undermine the prosperity of their country, just like they did during the Opium wars.

In fact, every military and economic conflict in which western powers were involved in China--even as allies of the Chinese government--have been recast as invasions, incursions, and attacks on Chinese sovereignty. This is also how they will see the western media dragging out the Tianamen Square Incident once again. No one in China will ever see it the way our media tells us to see it.

Nothing of value will come from drumming this up again.

Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)07:54 No. 1465 ID: 69080c

It's wrong. What they're doing is wrong.

Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)11:34 No. 1466 ID: 9fe361

>What they're doing
More what they have done. Yes, they do round up a few 'activists' throughout the year and particularly around the anniversary, but the erasure from history of the Tianamen Square Incident is basically complete within China's borders.

>It's wrong.
The Communist Party of China gives no fucks, and they never will.

I'm 89% sure this hubbub is tied into Duck's trade war, and being sponsored by his usual backers (Russian troll bots, conservative pundits, Faux News), to convince the American people that "China is bad M'kay?"

Yes, it was wrong, yes the coverup is doubly wrong; no the government of China will never answer for it. There's a lot of bad shit out there no one is ever going to answer for: who apologizes to all the people who died fighting proxy for the US and Russia during the Cold War? When will the FBI apologize for Ruby Ridge? Is the UK ever going to apologize for the brutal colonization of North America? No. Not ever. History sucks. Humanity sucks.

We have more important issues to work out with China than convincing their Communist Party to feel shame over what it considers one of its greatest achievements.

Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)15:20 No. 1467 ID: aadfec

Lol I was just fucking with you.

It's from video games, you retard.

In every online multi-player game, there's always some Chinese modder douche bag hacking and screaming "China #1" in the chat.

However, China has a word filter on it's internet censor and when the words "Tianamen Square" or anything referring to it pass through the filter, it closes the Chinese hacker's outside connection and they're booted off the internet immediately.

Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)16:38 No. 1468 ID: 9fe361

>It's from video games
LOL, I have no idea. I'm still stuck in the offline games era; I emulate everything from NES to PS2. Also, forgive me, I have become accustomed to everyone being serious about their idiocy on the internet--I'm losing my appreciation for sarcasm.

>it closes the Chinese hacker's outside connection and they're booted off the internet immediately
That's great. You can bomb their connection with the words "Tianamen Square". I wonder how the Great Firewall would take the phrase "bomb Tianamen Square".

Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)18:35 No. 1469 ID: aadfec

Yeah. Mention anything related to the incident or 1989 and they're instantly kicked.

Media and internet coverage of it are either people taking it out of context or a widespread US effort to boot APT1 out of our systems.

Anonymous 19/06/05(Wed)03:16 No. 1470 ID: a115ac

Added bonus, for having been caught being exposed to Tienanmen Square the family's social credits decrease, and if it drops low enough they get rounded up and sent to a camp.

Anonymous 19/06/05(Wed)16:57 No. 1472 ID: db36e3

I know this sounds horrible and oppressive, but I really think this kind of system is coming to western society faster than most people think. Look what's happening with US immigration policy--if it gets enacted, other nations will soon follow suit.

Maybe the capitalist version won't result in the downtrodden being shipped off to the gulag, but I can definetly see a point in our future where social media scores will more profoundly affect our private and professional lives. Already employers snoop prospective employee's profiles; someday we'll put our social media achievements on resumes. Banks will evaluate your financial standing by examining the behaviors you post online, etc. It won't be government mandated, but it will just as much create new class divisions.

Anonymous 19/06/06(Thu)08:44 No. 1474 ID: e9bfaa

That'd be fraud. No wonder China has so much fraud.

Anonymous 19/06/07(Fri)07:18 No. 1475 ID: 7bb1c9

You tryin'a Shanghai me mister?

Nah, we're going to let this happen, in a lot of ways we already have.

Anonymous 19/06/07(Fri)12:35 No. 1477 ID: a3c3f4

>social media
You dumb fuck, get off Facebook.

Anonymous 19/06/08(Sat)05:13 No. 1478 ID: 4bfa38

Even if I do, the rest of the world won't.

Anonymous 19/06/12(Wed)03:59 No. 1480 ID: a115ac

Don't worry about the rest of the world. Worry about yourself.

As time goes by they'll get fewer and fewer users since the grandmas and grandpas who make up their primary base tend to, you know, die.

Anonymous 19/06/12(Wed)16:24 No. 1481 ID: 1e8429

There's just going to be something else. I don't think the trend toward digitizing our personal lives in public online spaces is going back the other way. People used to think of their internet selves and their offline selves as different people, but now only users of places like this can even conceive of that--and you know we're an internet minority.

Anonymous 19/06/13(Thu)01:08 No. 1482 ID: f9826c

The internet has been begging for regulation for years.

It's been 12 years since the first smartphone came out and we're completely retarded. Our current position is untenable.

Anonymous 19/06/13(Thu)08:24 No. 1483 ID: 1edc44

Humanity can always be more retarded; there is no lower limit on intelligence.

I don't think regulation will change how we use the internet so much as force us to participate in big brother's surveillance while we do it. China is just ahead of the curve in this department, but not all that far ahead. The US has PRISM, MUSCULAR, etc. Sooner or later other countries will start to hold people legally accountable to their online activities

Anonymous 19/06/15(Sat)09:41 No. 1485 ID: bdff32

Are you retarded?

I'm talking about actual, meaningful regulation.

Like segmenting the internet into parts and having to pay a premium or be 18 or older to access pornographic, violent, or vulgar content. Regional networks to access e-commerce websites and services in your area. Global business coordination on exclusive, high speed ISP nets and social media requiring identification to tier users by age and location.

Anonymous 19/06/15(Sat)15:44 No. 1486 ID: b5b416

File 156060627662.jpg - (28.95KB , 640x360 , Dementia.jpg )

Yeah that's not going to happen.

If government is going to go through the trouble to implement filtering and organization like that, the absolute first thing they're going to filter and organize are content and groups and individuals they find objectionable.

Guess what this guy would find objectionable? Anyone and anything who disagrees with him. During the last 15 minutes. Because that's as far back as he's capable of remembering.

Anonymous 19/06/16(Sun)06:04 No. 1488 ID: 168585

You know for being a dumb asshole, he is a billionaire and president of the United States.

You're a fucking nothing, so let's be careful with the criticism.

Anonymous 19/06/16(Sun)11:39 No. 1489 ID: 970878

They like him because he wins.
To hell with the consequences.
He always gets away with it.
Even when he fails he just says he wins and they believe it.

Anonymous 19/06/16(Sun)15:27 No. 1490 ID: 970878

File 156069164934.jpg - (20.20KB , 480x360 , double.jpg )

Let's not forget how this type ends.

Anonymous 19/06/17(Mon)11:20 No. 1491 ID: f8b7b4

Who's they?

Anonymous 19/06/17(Mon)20:05 No. 1494 ID: fb385f

File 156079470152.jpg - (96.79KB , 1068x746 , Truth.jpg )

You are now aware that the man has yet to release his tax returns and financial records. For all you know the man is in debt to Russian oligarchs and has a negative net worth, much less being a billionaire.

The very fact that he claims to be a billionaire is a very good reason you shouldn't believe he is one, because that stupid motherfucker lies every single day about every single thing, so much he can't even keep track of his lies from day to day.

Anonymous 19/06/18(Tue)01:07 No. 1495 ID: f8b7b4

I don't really want to argue the merits of the man as I don't like him as a person.

That being said, I can't help but notice your full of it. Is he a jerkoff? Undoubtedly. Is he all you claim him to be? Most assuredly not.

>For all you know the man is in debt to Russian oligarchs and has a negative net worth, much less being a billionaire.

For all you know he's a billionaire.

>The very fact that he claims to be a billionaire is a very good reason you shouldn't believe he is one, because that stupid motherfucker lies every single day about every single thing, so much he can't even keep track of his lies from day to day.

I've never heard of a politician that didn't lie. He probably lies about as much as people lie about him.

Anonymous 19/06/18(Tue)02:15 No. 1496 ID: 466078

File 156081692543.jpg - (381.57KB , 1296x730 , loli-ivanka-gets-what-she-wants.jpg )

>I don't really want to argue the merits of the man
>argues the virtue signaling mertis of the man
The man calls himself a christian, you believe that too?

Anonymous 19/06/18(Tue)04:23 No. 1498 ID: cb8d58

Ignoring the fact that I'm not "virtue signaling" as I doubt anyone could mistake that New York slime ball for virtuous and that you thinking he bangs his daughter says more about you than it does about him, no.

But, again, every politician lies and every politician calls themselves Christian.

Jesus, it's like you had a mental breakdown after he became president. It's like you didn't know politicians were scum until he shattered the grand illusion for you.

Chill out. He's a piece of shit, but so is every politician. It's really nothing new.

Anonymous 19/06/18(Tue)08:13 No. 1499 ID: fb385f

File 15608384051.webm - (95.65KB , 384x280 , Que.webm )

>He probably lies about as much as people lie about him.
You really haven't paid much attention to him. His own lawyers won't see him one-on-one because he'll lie about what was discussed.

The man much as claimed in a court deposition that he was a billionaire if he thinks he's a billionaire, because his net worth fluctuates, not due to financial vehicles, but based on his mood.

This is the foundation you've built your house on.

Anonymous 19/06/18(Tue)18:35 No. 1500 ID: 8467a7

This might be unpopular, but do you have any source for those statements other than opinion column smears or social media posts?

Anonymous 19/06/18(Tue)20:08 No. 1502 ID: fb385f

File 15608812962.jpg - (50.01KB , 552x646 , CuEFjSpWcAAAkRd.jpg )

And this is where I post information that's already widely been disseminated and is public knowledge to everyone except some guy living in an unheated shack in Russia, you argue that they're just propaganda created by the enemy of the american people then drink another jug of horse piss and smile at the fantasy of having finally won an argument on the internet.

Anonymous 19/06/19(Wed)05:52 No. 1504 ID: 322528

Mkay. So, a deposition from one lawyer in 1992 says their firm tried to have two lawyers present during meetings with Trump so he couldn't say he didn't remember the meeting?

That's not calling him a liar. Also, so the fuck what you retard? This does not mean he does this with every lawyer he's ever had/has.

Im serious you're delusional. Where's the one where he thinks he's a billionaire?

Post the link from buzzfeed, you worthless faggot.



Anonymous 19/06/19(Wed)07:49 No. 1505 ID: fb385f

File 156092339925.jpg - (10.25KB , 480x360 , bonebrothdidthis.jpg )

So are you stuck in a nursing home and not very good with The Computer? This link will show you how to find information.


Change those instructions a bit and you can find out virtually anything.

I must warn you though, if you come across something involving the pictured guy, ignore it - he's a known CIA agent who spreads falsehoods.

Anonymous 19/06/20(Thu)01:09 No. 1506 ID: b2a7a6

File 156098579276.png - (157.92KB , 667x375 , autismspectrumconditions.png )

>Post the link from buzzfeed, you worthless faggot.
>You: Doubt those sources, demands sources that you trust

Anonymous 19/06/20(Thu)06:30 No. 1507 ID: c87d5a

Are you kidding?

The media is so biased either conservative or liberal, I can barely read a news story without someone's fucking opinion stuck in there like I give a shit.

I can really only really watch cspan or read payment gatewayed economic analysis websites.

You people are wallowing in ignorance and vicarious political high school drama.

Anonymous 19/06/20(Thu)06:50 No. 1508 ID: daee24

File 156100625013.jpg - (280.20KB , 1080x1080 , You Make Puppies Sad.jpg )

At this point I'm wondering if you've ever undergone enough psychiatric and psychological analysis to find out all the things that are wrong with you. You could help humanity by charting out the ways a human being can slip into a combination of madness and stupidity.

Screaming at your CRT TV every time someone contradicts your confirmation bias doesn't count as watching.

Anonymous 19/06/20(Thu)11:23 No. 1509 ID: fdaf24

File 156102261683.jpg - (192.35KB , 640x664 , Cognitive-Dissonance.jpg )

The problem is what you think is bias is actually cognitive dissonance, which kicks in every time you're exposed to things outside the careful little bubble you've created for yourself.

Anonymous 19/06/24(Mon)22:24 No. 1511 ID: bf7fe3

>nothing of value will come from drumming this up again
If even trying fucks with the Chinese government then it's worth it.

Anonymous 19/06/26(Wed)09:53 No. 1512 ID: 4b1261

China has the same problem the Republican Party does. You can convince a bunch of slackjawed idiots that your distorted version of history is correct, but eventually those idiots are going to go outside their sewing circle and talk to normal everyday people. Eventually those pangs of "what ifs" will drive them to uncover the reality you've been hiding from them.

Though hiding isn't exactly the right word when you punish anyone who's exposed to the word "Tianamen Square." Why would they care so much about a lie?

Anonymous 19/06/26(Wed)17:12 No. 1513 ID: d59b93

They don't have quite the same problem. The Republican party faces an uninformed public that remains uninformed by choice, so their mission is to make sure that public remains disinterested and distrusts sources of information that may contradict the party line. The communist party of China's control of information in and out of the country is effectively absolute; their populace does not have alternatives.
>Eventually those pangs of "what ifs" will drive them to uncover the reality you've been hiding from them.
So what happens, is that people who come back from overseas adventures with westernized points of view are distrusted; if they express their views loudly they may even be outed as 'social traitors' (not legal as far as I know, but enough to get you a kangaroo court trip to 'reeducation' camp). When they do make the evening news, while the rest of the world sees a freedom fighter and a hero; all the Chinese hear is "condemned, social traitor; attempted to [insert heinous act of treason here]" and an op-ed about how this is yet another example of an intelligent, young Chinese artist, business person, whatever, who was corrupted by foreign, colonizing ideology.

No matter how many points we give ourselves, only China wins in China.

Anonymous 19/06/27(Thu)16:06 No. 1514 ID: ffc4d6

File 156164441664.jpg - (39.23KB , 530x240 , 1561485573179.jpg )


Anonymous 19/06/28(Fri)01:46 No. 1515 ID: a115ac

Hey I can do that too!


And that's why we know you're an idiot.

Anonymous 19/06/28(Fri)07:05 No. 1517 ID: 9b0126

File 156169830223.gif - (494.66KB , 300x185 , DisneyFacepalm.gif )

Thats right, they're all Dave. Shhh. Shhh. There, there. Take the pills. They're good for you.

Anonymous 19/07/06(Sat)07:06 No. 1530 ID: 65d73b

Filthy fucking chinks. Their government will fall.

Anonymous 19/07/11(Thu)11:56 No. 1534 ID: fcf120

David, your gook overlords are not long for this world.

Anonymous 19/07/12(Fri)08:30 No. 1537 ID: bdcef7

File 156291300516.jpg - (37.13KB , 385x434 , 4f3963fc92413e7f0ff7c87b90933cb8.jpg )


Anonymous 19/07/13(Sat)00:30 No. 1539 ID: 708213

Those are both me that is correct.

The first post is a response to several similar posts that warranted the same answer.
Several people itt acquire their worldview by reading articles written people with no knowledge or interest in the subject matter.

The second post is saying David is unmistakably the OP as he loves gooks, lives in gookland, travels to chinkland regularly, is a communist, and dates a commie chink from chinkland.

Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)02:54 No. 1546 ID: 09c695

File 156306568545.jpg - (36.84KB , 510x382 , Maybe.jpg )

You lying piece of shit, one of those is me.

Anonymous 19/07/15(Mon)07:22 No. 1548 ID: 55f36a

Yeah, yeah. Keep lying, liar.

Anonymous 19/07/15(Mon)17:33 No. 1550 ID: f0dbd4

File 156320482611.gif - (25.68KB , 96x96 , spinning-horse-cock.gif )

There are only two people in his crazy little world.
If he likes a post, he assumes one of his personalities made it; if he doesn't like a post, well, you know...

Anonymous 19/07/16(Tue)05:02 No. 1552 ID: a115ac

File 156324616278.jpg - (24.07KB , 240x298 , ayn-rand.jpg )

This sounds about right.

Anonymous 19/08/12(Mon)18:55 No. 1607 ID: bc9b64


She wasn't able to opt out of medicare, you know.

Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)00:48 No. 1608 ID: 8d9930

File 156565009516.jpg - (114.33KB , 750x750 , Helping.jpg )

She could have given the money away to charity. Instead she kept it. Because the only thing she cared about was money.

That's why nobody cried at her funeral.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)11:52 No. 1617 ID: 6ad923

I didn't think medicare is a cash-in-hand sort of deal like that. You're talking about turning government subsidies into liquid assets to be redistributed. Only way I can imagine doing that is to sell your meds on the black market.

If that's what you're talking about then I suppose I agree. I very much support old people selling their subsidized meds on the black market; but I don't care what they do with the money.

Anonymous 19/08/16(Fri)19:13 No. 1621 ID: dff24f

Medicare covers health care. She was notified about her health care costs and the expenses that Medicare covered. She could have then turned around and donated, out of her own pocket, to a charity the same amount of money. So government pays $80 for her insulin, she writes a check to a charity for $80.

But it's not like she had to go to a participating medicare provider. She could have gone to wherever she wanted and paid for it all out of pocket. But she didn't do that either.

Because, ultimately, she was as morally bankrupt as the philosophy she espoused.

Anonymous 19/08/17(Sat)16:03 No. 1635 ID: 49e694

>ultimately, she was as morally bankrupt as the philosophy she espoused
Bankrupt, or inept? I find people who endorse her are looking for an excuse to be morally bankrupt because they are morally incompetent. Knowing right from wrong is hard when you live by reptilian instinct alone; her "philosophy" lets people with this condition ignore the difference and yet pretend to be enlightened.

Anonymous 19/08/20(Tue)01:35 No. 1642 ID: c2be70

Read a book


Anonymous 19/09/10(Tue)15:42 No. 1692 ID: a7abb7

Don't save her. She don't want to be saved. Don't save her. She don't want to be saved. Don't save her. She don't want to be saved.

Anonymous 19/09/13(Fri)22:51 No. 1693 ID: 888940

Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved.

Anonymous 19/10/28(Mon)15:08 No. 1719 ID: b63622

I just saw something related to this. A fellow got fired for posting a meme about shitting while on the clock on fb. The consumer backlash was supposedly brutal.

Anonymous 19/11/13(Wed)01:14 No. 1730 ID: 185183

>Nothing of value will come from drumming this up again.

Keeping the history alive is never wrong.

Anonymous 19/11/13(Wed)05:08 No. 1732 ID: 4e423a

That I agree with. It should be in the history books. We need to know the bad things humanity has done so we can do better in the future.

Just saying it's a a waste of time to try to shame the Communist Party of China into this philosophy. Firstly, they are utterly immune to shame, and secondly, they know the rest of the world doesn't care enough to enact a total embargo of their country until they renounce power, which is the only way to fix the changes they've made to their history and undo the propaganda education three generations of their people have grown up in.

If we were as serious about stopping crimes against humanity in China as it is about enforcing its agenda on the world, we'd have cut them off in 1989.

Anonymous 19/11/14(Thu)08:33 No. 1733 ID: 72f355

File 157371683341.jpg - (49.79KB , 1024x576 , Trump Happy Worker.jpg )

It is in the history books. Just not the history books in China. Because anyone there who reads about the atrocities ends up in a camp where they're worked & starved to death.

Anonymous 19/11/15(Fri)11:32 No. 1734 ID: 4e423a

Exactly, and no amount of other countries crying about it will ever change that.

Anonymous 19/11/15(Fri)21:17 No. 1735 ID: a63eb5

Yeah, that's what Germany thought.

Anonymous 19/11/17(Sun)23:49 No. 1736 ID: 09ae81

Full scale shooting war with China then?

Anonymous 19/11/18(Mon)16:44 No. 1739 ID: 6a7ae1

File 157409188071.png - (295.10KB , 401x510 , Xi the Pooh 2.png )

1) Give North Korea one last push to topple over and implode
2) Flood China with starving unskilled North Korean immigrants
3) Convince EU to join the US in a China embargo
4) Wait for the Hong Kong rebellion to extend to the mainland
5) ???
6) Profit!

Anonymous 19/11/19(Tue)03:32 No. 1741 ID: 02b72d

>1) Give North Korea one last push to topple over and implode
Maybe, but sanctions haven't toppled it for decades, who's to say they'll start working any time soon?
>2) Flood China with starving unskilled North Korean immigrants
They will put them on trucks, set them on fire, and roll them down a hill back into the DPRK; no joke.
>3) Convince EU to join the US in a China embargo
Probably not though, yeah? Besides, China's bought out enough territory across Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania to survive rather comfortably without the west. That's what the whole "Belt and Road" initiative is about.
>4) Wait for the Hong Kong rebellion to extend to the mainland
The entire population of Hong Kong will be killed before that happens.
>5) ???
This we can agree on.
>6) Profit!
World War III?

It took World War II to stop what the Nazis were doing to Germany, and they were no where near as far along as what the CCP has done with China. Also, we won the war in Europe largely through attrition; which will not help us against China's 2.18 million PLA soldiers.

Anonymous 19/11/21(Thu)09:58 No. 1743 ID: fdaf24

File 157432670977.jpg - (50.38KB , 600x600 , Hyperbolic Much.jpg )

>The entire population of Hong Kong will be killed before that happens
Thanks to knowledge of what China has done to Tibet in the past and is doing to the Uighurs in the present, Hong Kong has adopted a fatalistic approach in their fight for democracy. The minute they stop fighting China is the minute they disappear and are murdered, so there's literally no point in stopping. When faced with the very real prospect of genocide no cost becomes too great to pay.

China will have to murder everyone in HK to make them stop at this point. And if that happens the EU will most certainly destroy what little remains of their economy.

At which point they'll stop providing economic aid to NK and that regime will topple.

I look forward to seeing Chinese people putting Xi and the rest of the CCP on spits and carve them up like roast hogs to feed their starving children.

Anonymous 19/11/22(Fri)20:27 No. 1745 ID: 269bdb

File 157445084174.png - (65.69KB , 640x329 , 640px-Belt_and_Road_Initiative_participant_map_svg.png )

>When faced with the very real prospect of genocide no cost becomes too great to pay.
True, and they may very well fight down to the last man, woman, or child. Remember the martyrs.

>the EU will most certainly destroy what little remains of their economy
I'm not sure where you get your information about China's economy, but it is far from any position of weakness at the moment. China is, at this very moment, developing infrastructure in 126 countries with the cooperation of 29 international organizations, and putting them into crippling debt while it buys up seaports worldwide. China will soon own all oceanic and overland trade routes across or around Eurasia, Africa, half of the Atlantic, and most of South an Central America.

Even if the EU and the US were to embargo China, it would be decades before the rich and powerful their even noticed. Nothing short of a *global* embargo is going to affect their economy's momentum.

>At which point they'll stop providing economic aid to NK and that regime will topple
Nah, Best Korea is going to be Best Korea until the Kim family has no living heirs. They aren't afraid to let as many people starve to death as required for the beloved leader and his inner circle to get fat, and the people won't stand against their beloved leader. It will come down to three guys around a table, fighting over who gets to feed the last sausage to the last Kim heir, which he will eat while he watches them die.

>putting Xi and the rest of the CCP on spits
You're talking about their heroes. The people of mainland China see the party as their salvation, because that is what they have been taught for three generations.

Anonymous 19/11/30(Sat)09:34 No. 1765 ID: 76b7be

File 157510283811.gif - (624.52KB , 500x500 , ACAB.gif )

>You're talking about their heroes. The people of mainland China see the party as their salvation, because that is what they have been taught for three generations.
If the mainland was as uniform as you say then there would be no need for political reeducation centers which are overflowing with prisoners being starved to death.

The mainland isn't nearly as uniform as the rich asshole bootlickers they allow to travel to overseas educational institutions would have you believe. Most of them are related to CCP members and stand to personally benefit from the corruption of the regime.

The Chinese people know what's going on and has gone on thanks to the wonder of VPN, they just don't want to speak out and have their entire family sent to a camp to die. They know their country is rotten and only getting worse, with Xi and the CCP looting the country for their personal benefit, at the expense of average citizens.

Like in Russia, eventually there will be a tipping point where the average citizen gets fed up with the bullshit. Putin and Xi are both looting their countries for the same reason: rainy day funds for when they're removed from power.

Anonymous 19/12/15(Sun)08:57 No. 1778 ID: 30cbc3

>there would be no need for political reeducation centers which are overflowing with prisoners being starved to death
I don't think you understand how effective starving large portions of your population to death can be. Those people are dead, ie they won't be opposing anything anymore. The people who are not dead are raised on constant propaganda. If it doesn't work on someone, they die. See how this works?

>rich asshole bootlickers they allow to travel to overseas
Go to China and meet some poor people. The poor are the most ardent supporters of the party. It's the rich who can travel who are in the most danger of being arrested for treason, because the government knows they are the most exposed to western ideology. Case in point: rich Chinese want foreign good (American cars, European furniture, Japanese tech, etc); poor Chinese distrust products that aren't made in China (they think the outside world makes shoddy, unreliable products filled with spyware).

>thanks to the wonder of VPN
Stop thinking your way of life is representative of a global standard.

1. China's millennial generation is 1000% more helpless with technology than the West's. If they do not work in or study IT, they barely comprehend how to put a plug in a socket without starting a fire; young people in China are, by and large, not using VPN. It's a safe bet old people in China have no more idea what a VPN is than old people in the west.

2. Every piece of internet-connected technology made for sale in China opts-in to the Great Firewall. Every PC, every phone, every wifi-connected teapot and social media website is hardwired and hardcoded to give the government access to everything you do with it.

>Xi and the CCP looting the country for their personal benefit
In China, Xi is a national hero for fighting corruption. He brought down a number of his fellow politicians from power by exposing disgraceful scandals. No one conceives that the charges may have been false, or that he was simply removing opponents, because they were found guilty by the party--which is known to have the best interest of the people at heart.

>Like in Russia, eventually there will be a tipping point
WTF are you even talking about? Was there a counter-revolution in Russia that no one but you ever heard of? Let's get this straight: The people got fed up with the Czar, so they had a communist revolution. Then the communists built the USSR by exploiting the people and resources of Russia and every country on its borders; the Cold War left the USSR economically unsustainable and it collapsed. Putin has been in power since the year 2000 and is still in power... hmm.. no counter-revolution there....

Anonymous 19/12/19(Thu)11:14 No. 1780 ID: 8151ba

File 157675046367.jpg - (55.65KB , 1000x667 , Xi FerenXi.jpg )

So, let me get this straight...

China is incredibly prosperous and only increasing in prosperity... despite massive increases in the rate of defaults in the most prosperous regions in the country over the past year.

The Chinese have no way of using VPNs to bypass the great firewall of China, despite North Koreans, an arguably far less connected and more isolated society, having widespread access to it in border regions close enough to access cellular towers in neighboring countries.

The minority of citizens captured and starved to death represent the majority of citizens in the country.

Are you sure you're not getting paid to post pro-Chinese propaganda here? It's like you don't even keep up on current events and just live in a cave reading conspiracy theories about how much America sucks.

Also, you probably should try talking to the Chinese students who are visiting America about Tienanmen Square before you rush to judge them on how they love western society. After that ask them how they feel about the destruction of the Tibetan people. I suspect you have never actually talked to a student are are just basing your opinions on some nonsense you read online, which would make sense since nearly everything you've written here is at least 10 years out of date.

Also, all those properties you claim will yield incredible benefits to China? They're property of Xi Jinping, all profits from them flow into accounts controlled by himself and his family. It's hard for China to prosper when their wealth is being squandered by the Pillsbury doughboy and his bastard progeny.

Anonymous 19/12/21(Sat)00:16 No. 1782 ID: fde61b

>China is incredibly prosperous and only increasing in prosperity... despite massive increases in the rate of defaults in the most prosperous regions in the country over the past year.
It turns out that money is a Ponzi scheme and China is very good at playing it. They turn failing markets into profitable bubbles, it's what they do.

>The Chinese have no way of using VPNs
Take your fucking adderall, no one said that. Most of them aren't using VPN; whether or not they could. Deep breath, now repeat: "May way of life is not a template for the world."

>The minority of citizens captured and starved to death represent the majority of citizens in the country.
This bot has the reading capacity of a second grader with Down's syndrome. The dead represent no one; they are dead. The survivors are alive because they aren't supporting whatever got the dead ones killed.

>Also, you probably should try talking to
ITT: compare your e-peens by pretending you know more about chinese people than a stranger on the internet.

Anonymous 20/05/24(Sun)02:36 No. 1852 ID: 4efe2f

How is it anti-Chinese to criticize an organization that has destroyed Chinese Culture and killed millions of Chinese People?

Anonymous 20/05/24(Sun)05:05 No. 1853 ID: 54a106

It isn't. However that organization owns China, and decided that it is. Furthermore, what was going on last June was a desperate attempt by the west to drum up, without discernment, anti-CCP and anti-Chinese sentiment for the purpose of getting certain people elected and passing certain laws. It didn't work, as predicted.

Fortunately for all those people, a global pandemic broke out from China and now they really get to abuse the public outrage to manipulate the vote.

Keep in mind, no one plays hardball against China. Drumpf will be back to making deals as soon as the election is done and corona blows over; no one is going to intervene in Hong Kong, Macau just banned commemorating the Tianamen Square Massacre because that's what granddaddy Xi wants, the People's Army is openly performing exercises for the inevitable invasion of Taiwan and has already announced concrete plans to start annexing its islands, and every country and company with an investment there is kowtowing to the CCP because money.

Anonymous 20/05/26(Tue)10:58 No. 1858 ID: 7cb4c3

>clear visual evidence

thx chinabot

Anonymous 20/05/28(Thu)08:06 No. 1866 ID: ce92a1

We don't have pictures of bodies in the square, although we do have pictures of bodies around the square . I admit it's a moot point, but the CCP embraces this technicality. Whether it's the case that they confiscated every roll of film with pictures from the inside, then dragged the bodies out and cleaned up the blood before noon, or some other case, their point of view is that no massacre occured (inside Tianamen square). I'm not saying I like it, or that I agree, but we have to come to terms with the fact that the CCP is never going back on their narrative. The best we can do is keep it in our history books for as long as we don't use a Chinese company to publish them. We'll never get an apology, we'll never inspire a revolution, none of the things people want out of commemorating this tragedy will ever come. End of story.

Now we're faced with its secomd coming, and we're just going to let it happen again. What's the US doing for Hong Kong? Revoking it's special status, potentially ddcimating its financial market. That's punishing Hong Kong for losing to the CCP. Believe me, they don't give one shit about Hong Kong's economy. For the CCP, it's just one more toxic remnant of the colonial era to be stamped out and erased from history. Hong Kong isn't as important to them as it is to us: they know, even if they murder half its population, business as usual will come back in a few years and there's plenty of finance in Beijing, Shanghai, and Macau.

Hating on China achieves nothing, because we never really hold them to account. By which I mean we haven't booted them out of the UN and performed a direct, military intervention to exterminate the CCP--that is the only way we win.

Anonymous 20/12/12(Sat)00:29 No. 1955 ID: 18d107

This didn't age well.

Anonymous 20/12/12(Sat)02:40 No. 1956 ID: 6311e8

File 160773724448.png - (661.83KB , 1056x2880 , 1420774553816.png )

Jews were involved in the creation of modern China.


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