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Anonymous 18/12/09(Sun)03:24 No. 1103 ID: e13277

File 154432227250.jpg - (35.73KB , 640x320 , Trump-Army-Navy-AP.jpg )

Federal law requires that any payments that are made "for the purpose of influencing" an election must be reported in campaign finance disclosures.

77 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 19/02/18(Mon)14:18 No. 1255 ID: f05193

Just keep those red herrings coming. Maybe one of these days you'll try an actual argument, until then I'm going to move on with the undermining of the false dichotomy and the two-party system of repression. You are welcome to admit how wrong it is to defend the status quo at any time.

Anonymous 19/02/19(Tue)07:00 No. 1256 ID: 9aecd3

Good luck with that.

Anonymous 19/02/19(Tue)22:32 No. 1257 ID: a870df

File 155061192952.jpg - (64.76KB , 815x1296 , Rootin.jpg )

Pic related.

Anonymous 19/02/20(Wed)04:45 No. 1258 ID: 57ee7f

LOL, nice macro, but I think you misunderstand Russia's strategy. They are intervening in US elections to encourage bipartisanism. Just like the major parties benefit from dividing the american people two ways on every issue so they can never effectively vote in their own interest, Russia benefits from dividing american politics into a contrarian mess. As long as the two major parties stay in power and can't get anything done together, Russia wins. As long as every other eight years one of the two major parties takes the presidency and rewrites amercian foreign policy so no one trusts its promises, Russia wins. Russia is very happy with the status quo in the United States; and also that Putin--indisputably--owns Donald Trump.

Anonymous 19/02/27(Wed)02:55 No. 1262 ID: a870df

Its funny how everything somehow relates to the topic you can't stop talking about nor change your opinion on to any meaningfully measurable degree.

Anonymous 19/03/01(Fri)08:33 No. 1266 ID: a0cb14

I have yet to be confronted with evidence that I am wrong; and it's called thread derailment--you can roll with it or you can ride on it.
TL;DR: 2 parties 1 people should make you nauseous.

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Click on crosswalks, chimneys and buses.

Anonymous 19/03/01(Fri)16:04 No. 1268 ID: acdf76

e pluribus unum

Anonymous 19/03/02(Sat)09:48 No. 1269 ID: b0f049

File 155151649940.gif - (968.21KB , 400x166 , Fudge.gif )

You've been confronted, you just don't accept them as valid.

Have you ever considered therapy?

Because the path you're on certainly could end with you in a clock tower.

Anonymous 19/03/02(Sat)18:57 No. 1271 ID: 337a05

File 155154947181.gif - (841.76KB , 500x288 , nobodygivesashit-handopti.gif )

>you just don't accept them as valid
No u; besides, they weren't.

America in 1776:
>e pluribus unum
America in 2016:
>e duo nihilo

Anonymous 19/03/03(Sun)06:55 No. 1274 ID: 275742

File 155159252398.png - (692.77KB , 768x768 , Spoilsport.png )

Do you know of someone who can alert authorities if you buy a rifle and head to a book depository?

Anonymous 19/03/03(Sun)08:11 No. 1276 ID: e808a0

Oh, the old "you must be mentally ill" is it?

While we're back on topics we've already discussed ad naseum, I'm advocating a peaceful, unarmed, within-the-system approach to making the US government functional and representative of the will of the people.

I think gun nuts are strawberried (these days, they just call you a "homegrown" terrorist on the evening news and everyone is happy that you are dead, no matter how underhanded your killing was).

Anonymous 19/03/03(Sun)12:10 No. 1277 ID: 275742

Your inability to understand anyone else's point of view certainly seems rather unusual. That kind of mental inflexibility can lead to... issues... later in life.

Just because we most often see it in gun fetishists doesn't mean it can't occur with other groups.

Go talk to a therapist before the court forces you to.

Anonymous 19/03/04(Mon)07:22 No. 1278 ID: c57385

>anyone else's point of view
How many people do you think use /civ/? Three? Four?

If you want to have your point of view considered, enter it as an actual argument for the status quo you love so much, ie:

>The benefit of the status quo is _______________.
>We should uphold the false dichotomy because _______________.

All I've been confronted with in this thread is a lack of hope. No hope that third party candidates can stick to their principles or campaign promises, no hope that the American people can be convinced not to vote for their Republican or Democrat overlords, no hope that we can do anything to stop the erosion of the system of checks and balances, no hope. Those are not arguments against my proposal; those are the cries whiny, brainwashed faggots--too afraid of failure to risk doing the smart thing or too inundated with bipartisan propaganda to imagine politics in any shades other than black or white.

You know the two party system is bad. You can see how it undermines the system of checks and balances--so much that we have to have a Speaker of the House in the opposition party to the President in order for any checks and balances to exist.

We shouldn't see the government as a game being won or lost by two teams. The power struggle is supposed to be between its three branches. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial cannot function ethically if one group can hold sway over any two of them--until the mid-terms we had effective one-party government as Republicans dominated all three branches (Judges aren't supposed to be partisan either, yet they inherently are--which should come as no surprise as they are appointed by a partisan president and approved by a partisan congress).

Replacing two-party rule with multiple third parties in control of the government is just the first step (even if it takes twenty years). We need our federally elected officials to be free of party influence so that our government may also be so. Sooner or later, we're going to have to expel not only the lobbyists, but political parties (who are basically another kind of lobbying agency these days, and a proxy for their lobbyists) in order to have a government that represents the unperverted, unsubverted, unrepressed will of the people (ie, the way the founding fathers designed it).

Don't just say "keep dreaming" without giving any consideration to how this could be achieved. I think you underestimate the potential in the United States for political change. Of course we'll probably re-elect Donald Duck in 2020, but in 2024 it has to be someone else: will the pendulum of the reactionist American voting public swing all the way back to the Democratic party or could we at least get started on breaking this cycle? We don't have to take the presidency first, but we need to show the major parties that we have both the power, and the enlightened self-interest, to vote them out when they disappoint us.

Anonymous 19/03/05(Tue)06:12 No. 1279 ID: f614c1

File 155176276126.jpg - (241.48KB , 1000x1000 , Labels.jpg )

>How many people do you think use /civ/?
Far more than you think. For several weeks you were having conversations with other people. And not just one person, 3 or 4 people were responding to each other was well as you.

The first step towards getting help is admitting you have a problem.

Anonymous 19/03/06(Wed)01:41 No. 1280 ID: 2bcd01

File 155183290783.png - (181.83KB , 800x800 , 7chan_shuriken-lhnl.png )

Aren't you just adorable, presenting your ad hominem and existential fallacies as logical arguments and pretending to be half a dozen people.

Also, you're welcome: >>/gfx/6867

Anonymous 19/03/07(Thu)11:19 No. 1281 ID: b0f049

File 155195395631.gif - (876.81KB , 448x290 , Super Squishee.gif )

I was wondering where Davespiracy ended up.

That's right, we're all Dave.

Anonymous 19/03/07(Thu)12:02 No. 1282 ID: f7ad75

File 155195657930.jpg - (11.74KB , 480x360 , picalm.jpg )

>Accuses someone of being Davespiracy.
>Posts a SImpsons gif.
Sometimes I forget just how unhinged you are.

Anonymous 19/03/08(Fri)03:16 No. 1283 ID: a870df

To be fair, the guy is having conversations with multiple people and then claiming he's only talking to one person. Which sounds like a certain resident nutjob we like to call Davespiracy...

Anonymous 19/03/08(Fri)09:51 No. 1284 ID: ddbdf1

File 155203510573.gif - (479.84KB , 480x360 , Not.gif )

Glad to see you're still shitting up 7chan, Davespiracy.

Anonymous 19/03/08(Fri)12:20 No. 1285 ID: 7b20f8

I'm willing to accept the possibility that there are multiple people making the same argument in the same way over and over; I just find it a little unlikely. More importantly, let us not forget Davespiracy's penchant for Simpsons and Futurama gifs. These >>1281 >>1284, are very likely Davespiracy's posts--where he is trying to insinuate that he is not himself and another person is, because he's mentally ill.

Anonymous 19/03/08(Fri)22:14 No. 1287 ID: a870df

So there's only one person on all of 7chan who likes Futurama and The Simpsons?

Just say that out loud. Notice how nutty that sounds.

Anonymous 19/03/09(Sat)14:39 No. 1288 ID: 9d09ae

File 155213878819.png - (880.81KB , 592x768 , Say No.png )

I found a candidate for you, Davespiracy.

Anonymous 19/03/09(Sat)23:02 No. 1295 ID: 2b9a5a

I'm reasonably sure Davespiracy is a MAGA-hat wearing Duck supporter.

I would vote for dog. Dog is honest, sympathetic, protects his people. Dog would be a great president.

Anonymous 19/03/10(Sun)20:49 No. 1300 ID: 317519

File 155224735151.gif - (964.93KB , 383x252 , rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.gif )


Anonymous 19/03/11(Mon)02:10 No. 1301 ID: 317519

Well, I like Trump only in the sense that he's right that there are way too many illegal Mexicans in the US and need to be deported.

Anonymous 19/03/11(Mon)10:51 No. 1304 ID: 31d802

Says the 8chan refugee who refuses to leave.

Anonymous 19/03/11(Mon)12:11 No. 1305 ID: 71a48b

1. Don't act like you're not in love with me, you creepy fuсk. You fags constantly thinking each other are me and getting into arguments about it. IT'S FUСKING EMBARRASSING!

2. I never liked Hotwheels. Not even once. Creepy little lesbian crippled bastard...

3. There's this thing called lurking that you have never once in your life done and I hate you for it.

Anonymous 19/03/11(Mon)13:35 No. 1306 ID: 8a528a

There he is.

Anonymous 19/03/11(Mon)21:59 No. 1307 ID: a870df

File 155233794728.png - (322.30KB , 497x526 , Irony2.png )


Anonymous 19/05/26(Sun)20:09 No. 1451 ID: 5eab37

File 155889419238.jpg - (35.29KB , 640x480 , 1308.jpg )

That song is undiluted Nietzschean master morality. But then, so was Freddie. He was 30 years ago. He's not some modern-day trainwreck on tumblr.

Anonymous 19/05/29(Wed)16:59 No. 1455 ID: f682f1

Everything you think you know about Freddy Mercury comes from a movie published nearly three decades after his death.

Anonymous 19/06/01(Sat)03:55 No. 1462 ID: a115ac

File 155935410567.png - (67.87KB , 495x599 , Goldblum Must Pay.png )

I don't think the movie mentioned that Reagan was personally responsible for his death.

Anonymous 19/06/17(Mon)13:09 No. 1492 ID: f8b7b4

Shut the fuck up, you willfully ignorant piece of shit. Keep your blatant stupid fucking lies to yourself.

Anonymous 19/06/17(Mon)19:58 No. 1493 ID: fb385f

File 156079432288.jpg - (31.52KB , 480x480 , R & R.jpg )

Go suck Zombie Reagan's cock.

Anonymous 19/07/05(Fri)12:33 No. 1527 ID: 97f293

Is that tweet making fun of leftists who are clueless about what their opponents think or was it really made by someone who actually knows nothing at all about the ones they hate so much?

Anonymous 19/07/10(Wed)04:36 No. 1532 ID: a115ac

File 156272618875.png - (333.84KB , 639x331 , Triggered.png )


Anonymous 19/07/11(Thu)11:55 No. 1533 ID: fcf120

Everybody wishes you were dead.

They can organize a bunch of fucking retards to fight each other in the street over fucking nothing, but nobody is capable of mobilizing 10 people to go kick the shit out of lobbyists racketeering at federal committee meetings.

We're really going about this the wrong way.

Anonymous 19/07/12(Fri)02:50 No. 1535 ID: a115ac

File 156289265212.gif - (316.66KB , 400x298 , Stable.gif )

You're thinking of Davespiracy

Anonymous 19/07/12(Fri)07:45 No. 1536 ID: 3d5778

File 156291035561.jpg - (33.76KB , 480x480 , Cult.jpg )

>nobody is capable of mobilizing 10 people to go kick the shit out of lobbyists racketeering at federal committee meetings
Maybe in Russia that kind of stuff is allowed, but here in the US they have these things called armed guards keeping peace at hearings so your master plan would fly like a lead balloon.

Not to mention giving anyone publicly threatened by your infantile response the moral standing to pretty much ask for anything.

Maybe you should just keep crying about how antifa has been punching your friends.

Anonymous 19/07/12(Fri)15:50 No. 1538 ID: ce6612

They have armed guards keeping peace at street protests, they're called police.

Are you a moron or a pussy?

Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)02:52 No. 1545 ID: 09c695

File 156306553766.jpg - (111.21KB , 640x681 , Memba.jpg )

>They have armed guards keeping peace at street protests, they're called police
And that's why protests are normally peaceful, although they do occasionally have incidents away from the police lines, like someone slamming his car into a group of people and then trying to drive the resulting wrecked car away to evade arrest. Like a fucking moron.

>Are you a moron or a pussy?
Said like a man with prison tattoos. Just how many men have raped your asshole?

Anonymous 19/07/15(Mon)17:42 No. 1551 ID: f0dbd4

Speaking of pussies, loved that bullet-proof glass your hero hid behind during his 4th of July public masturbation, Vlad.

President Pussy keeps Putin's dick in his mouth and Netanyahu's in his ass while his sons play with his balls.

Anonymous 19/07/16(Tue)06:08 No. 1553 ID: 80257f

I love how your only martyr is a fat white woman.

>bullet-proof glass
Like a little bitch like you would do shit. He's going to win again next year so prepare your anus.

Anonymous 19/07/16(Tue)07:20 No. 1554 ID: d9e95b

>He's going to win again next year
And he'll still be a pussy bitch fondling Mohammad bin Salman's balls while taking bukake from Kim Jong Un.

Making America Gay Again.

Anonymous 19/07/16(Tue)12:53 No. 1555 ID: 80257f

>Making America Gay Again

Except for kicking all the trannies out of the military.

Anonymous 19/07/16(Tue)18:48 No. 1557 ID: 0228e7

That's right! I almost forgot. He's not only a racist, but a homophobe--not to mention a climate change denier, a birther, a sexist, and a moron. Maybe you are too, you guys should hook up; you have a lot in common.

Anonymous 19/07/16(Tue)23:13 No. 1558 ID: 76cef1

File 156331160724.jpg - (66.71KB , 636x695 , Thumbs.jpg )

>taking bukake from Kim Jong Un
The real reason Kim killed all the staff who were present at their meeting

Anonymous 19/07/17(Wed)06:10 No. 1559 ID: f5cc8d

Save it for facebook, faggot

Anonymous 19/07/17(Wed)15:51 No. 1561 ID: bb2840

"It's sometimes a few Jews" vs "It's absolutely never any Jews, fucking nazi"

Anonymous 19/07/19(Fri)09:09 No. 1562 ID: 88d768

File 156352017457.jpg - (93.27KB , 720x692 , No Guilt.jpg )

Cry more, fascist

Also, /fag/ is right up there if you need to hook up on the down low. Again.


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