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Anonymous 18/11/07(Wed)14:19 No. 1076 ID: e2a530

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Red won!

Anonymous 18/11/07(Wed)15:05 No. 1078 ID: 9667b8

Yeah and Democrats will take control of the House in January, something people didn't think would be possible a short while ago. Whatever "agenda" Trump had, and especially the most controversial parts, can't happen through legislation. That's why I've been snickering at those "WE ELECTED A MEME HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP" idiots since 2016. Just as politics swung so hard right they are bound to swing just as hard left eventually. But go ahead and relish you win in Florida, the South's sewer line.

Anonymous 18/11/11(Sun)21:13 No. 1085 ID: 404e35

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As is usual in Florida, the lead has narrowed to the point that they're legally required to do a hand recount of all ballots.

And of course DeSantis is claiming that everyone should stop the recount and proclaim him god-emperor of Florida because he's got a little (R) next to his name and racists like him more.

Anonymous 18/11/18(Sun)20:54 No. 1086 ID: 74d36d

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Literally every president loses the house.

Anonymous 18/11/19(Mon)10:49 No. 1088 ID: 483806

The thing this proves is how the false two-party paradigm manipulates the American public into a pendulum of reactionary voting that serves no purpose other than keeping the two major parties in power.


They don't care about you. They don't have your interests in mind. They don't care about the country, or the world, or the future. They only care about staying on top.

Anonymous 18/12/02(Sun)08:30 No. 1098 ID: 93a5ef

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You really need to decide what you believe in instead of defining yourself by who you don't believe in.

Anonymous 18/12/02(Sun)18:52 No. 1099 ID: f12471

I'm not trying to convince anyone to think my way beyond getting them to realize both major parties are manipulating them.

It's not that I don't have my own opinion, but that I want to promote independent thought more.

Anonymous 18/12/06(Thu)07:18 No. 1101 ID: 2c88c0

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Promote independent thought while rejecting any thought that diverges from your own.

Anonymous 18/12/09(Sun)16:14 No. 1106 ID: 1ffb8d

>rejecting any thought that diverges from your own
Nope. How specific do I have to be? Does your mother still dress you? Stop voting for Republicans and Democrats; do and think anything you want otherwise.

I can't believe we even have to have this conversation. This is like trying to convince a heroin addict to kick the habit. This shit is killing you, and you know it, but you refuse to stop.

If it were just you, I wouldn't give a shit, but you're actively promoting your stupidity. No one is happy with the way things are, but nothing ever changes. Why is that? Probably because we kept the same two parties in power for over a century.

Stop trolling and do something. Vote other than the two major parties. If you look hard enough, you'll probably find a third party you like--and if you don't, then run for yourself. Stop thinking in terms like "but they have no chance of winning (because everyone votes for the major parties)" or "yeah but I'd lose (because I'd never get as much coverage as the major parties). Those are not reasons to vote for them, those are reasons to vote against them.

Every time you vote Democrat or Republican, knowing that the choice your are making isn't great but consider it better than the other major party, you are taking part in their subversion of Democracy. Find someone you trust, really trust, or become a politician yourself. Don't let the history books record that the United States died of complacency.

Anonymous 18/12/22(Sat)15:25 No. 1153 ID: f100db

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>rejecting any thought that diverges from your own
>Stop voting for Republicans and Democrats
Thank you for so succinctly proving my point in less than a paragraph.

Anonymous 18/12/23(Sun)02:38 No. 1154 ID: f84c7f

Get off the junk, dude. Some day I hope you wake from your bipartisan haze and see the forest for the trees. Maybe you'll vote for someone who appreciates it.

Anonymous 18/12/23(Sun)12:29 No. 1156 ID: 990684

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One day you'll get off the short bus and into a special needs housing facility.

Seriously, you claim in one breath that you want everyone to think for themselves, then in the next breath demand that everyone do what you keep doing.

You couldn't be more autistic if you actually tried.

Anonymous 18/12/23(Sun)15:58 No. 1158 ID: c8d9aa

So your proposal to deal with the division of the American people into hopeless factionism and the death of debate is to.... keep electing the same two parties that benefit from this in perpetuity?

Thank you, yes, now move along. Move along; we have a lot of other mindless protectors of the status quo to ignore today.

Anonymous 18/12/23(Sun)18:04 No. 1161 ID: abc48d

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>Does your mother still dress you?
You rail against partisan and hateful rhetoric in one breath and then use it yourself.

The ironic thing is that you've found the perfect philosophy to be able to do nothing and bitch about everything. Which third party should we endorse? Oh wait, it doesn't matter, because a third party candidate does nothing but split the vote even further. Look at the election of 1860, which had 4 major candidates that had enough support to get electoral votes. You don't even have to go that far back, just look at the election of 1992, where Ross Perot did amazingly well and yet all he did was ensure Clinton got elected with no majority.

You'll probably pull out the fact that parliamentary democracies have multiple parties. True, but there are still usually two major parties with broad support and if the other parties get enough votes they generally form a coalition government where the smaller players get a few compromises here and there but it's still one of the major parties calling the shots.

So what's your solution? Nothing, that's what. Because to change the system which you so hate you have to start by working within it. Hell even Trump knows that. You'd have to support candidates that align with what you want starting with state and local elections.

But you don't even want to do that, and don't even mention whatever bullshit no-name thirty party candidate you've supported, because even if they won and didn't split the vote they'd still be canvassed in with either Democrats or Republicans when it comes to voting, like Bernie Sanders is.

You're the equivalent of a fat middle aged dad who yells at the coaches and refs at Little League games. You feel like you're doing something, you're making a commotion, but you're not actually participating so no one gives a flying bird shit.

You made me remember this XKCD

Anonymous 18/12/23(Sun)18:13 No. 1162 ID: 97ad35

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Just like "independent", a label Republicans choose when they hate being called republicans but end up voting in lockstep anyway. Often slightly crazier than the usual Republican fare.

Anonymous 18/12/24(Mon)03:18 No. 1163 ID: c8d9aa

>Which third party should we endorse?
Stop fucking asking. Think for yourself.

>a third party candidate does nothing but split the vote even further
...weakening the position of only one of the two major party candidates? You're really this stupid? How many times do I have to say stop voting for Republicans and Democrats. Yes, the vote will be split, but as long as it's split Republicans 0 / Democrats 0 / Some other parties [greater than zero] then for once the people might win.

>So what's your solution? Nothing, that's what. Because to change the system which you so hate you have to start by working within it.
I have repeatedly proposed a very specific solution of that very nature: put third parties in power by voting for them. You don't have the balls to try it; democracy is wasted on you.

>don't even mention whatever bullshit no-name thirty party candidate you've supported
Stop asking me to hold your hand. No, I am not going to tell you what your values should be. I am not asking you to change your values, therefore I cannot tell you to endorse a specific party or candidate. All I can tell you is that the Republican and Democratic parties have no values.

>You feel like you're doing something, you're making a commotion, but you're not actually participating so no one gives a flying bird shit.
I vote. I propagandize. You think this is the only place I spam? I am not alone. All those people who didn't vote in 2016, they are as dissapointed with the major parties as I am--if not more. We have to motivate them to act against the status quo.

Anonymous 18/12/24(Mon)06:21 No. 1165 ID: b0c672

>Stop fucking asking. Think for yourself.
How can I expect you to understand political discourse when you can't get sarcasm?

>All those people who didn't vote in 2016, they are as dissapointed with the major parties as I am
Nah, they're mainly disinterested. Big difference. It's called voter apathy.

>Yes, the vote will be split, but as long as it's split Republicans 0 / Democrats 0 / Some other parties [greater than zero] then for once the people might win.
This will never happen. You will die of old age and bitterness before.

>I vote. I propagandize. You think this is the only place I spam?
You vote and you post on the internet. That counts for 1 vote and five football fields of dog shit. You're here on 7chan preaching the Gospel According to Mr. Neckbeardbutt McFedoraface (you) not realizing people are trolling you. Slow clap.

Here's the deal. Replace those in power with someone new and that will become the new powerbase. They'll be the new Democrats and Republicans. You want a silver bullet and those aren't real. You want a simple fix. There are numerous problems. An uninformed and misinformed voting populace. A large apathetic nonvoting populace. Legalized bribery. Clickbait news that often puts narrative before objective factual reporting. There are a myriad of problems with no simple solution. Your idea of "put new people in and the bad people will go away" will never and can never work because it is too simplistic and unrealistic to effectively change anything.

You remind me of the Bernie supporters who went to Jill Stein. First a vote for a candidate with no real support is the same as no vote, and if she did win and the Democrats stopped existing, then the Greens would in effect become the new Democrats, except that Jill Stein couldn't run a food truck, which seems to be a theme with third party candidates.

Anonymous 18/12/24(Mon)09:16 No. 1166 ID: c42380

>An uninformed and misinformed voting populace. A large apathetic nonvoting populace. Legalized bribery. Clickbait news that often puts narrative before objective factual reporting.
So let's do something about it. Inform people; get them to understand they only way their interests have a chance of being served is to vote. Or would you rather pretend to be tough and edgy while protecting the status quo?

>five football fields of dog shit
If enough people smell how bad the two-party system stinks, they might get motivated to clean it up.

>put new people in and the bad people will go away
Pretty sure I've been over this, more than once, but I'm not that naive. We need to show the two major parties that the people rule the nation, which we have not done in over a century. Putting a third party in power would level the playing field and make politics competitive again. Why is every election muckraking shitfest now? Because both major parties know they don't have to show any achievements to hold on to power--they don't fight over who got more done for the republic, just whose failures are more embarrassing.

This is a sick, sad state of affairs. The way to fix this is to prove that democracy is functional in the United States by putting a third party in power.

Anonymous 18/12/25(Tue)00:58 No. 1167 ID: 44916d

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>Nah, they're mainly disinterested.
Keep in mind those non-voting totals include all voters who legally should be able to vote.

Maybe most voters weren't interested in voting, but a sizable number of people who were interested in voting were unable to cast a vote due to efforts to strip voting rights from citizens.

It stands to reason however that a sizable percentage of the disinterested voters would also be prevented from casting votes.

And despite the false equivalencies cast about by our ever-present autistic contrarian, both major parties aren't trying to strip voting rights from citizens. Only one is.

Anonymous 18/12/25(Tue)16:43 No. 1168 ID: 31d802

>both major parties aren't trying to strip voting rights from citizens. Only one is.
This is true. The Republican party's strategy is to generally shut voting down, leaving only the highly motivated. Their gamble is that the most motivated voters are conservative, which appears to be a good bet. Of course, to make sure it's a good bet they additionally target minorities and poor people for disenfranchisement.
>ever-present autistic contrarian
See, I don't always contradict :)

Anonymous 18/12/26(Wed)17:41 No. 1169 ID: 71b6f0

>strip voting rights from citizens

Anonymous 18/12/27(Thu)12:01 No. 1172 ID: d4b8d9

In the United States, it is not only possible but has long been a traditional strategy of conservatives.

Anonymous 18/12/31(Mon)04:40 No. 1174 ID: ab7a2c

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You now realize that the reason Arpaio got in trouble wasn't because he was detaining non-citizens, it was because he was illegally detaining citizens.

The problem with racial profiling is it's not correct all the time, yet legally it has to be. Once they find out you're a citizen they have to let you go, yet he didn't. And when the court ordering him to stop, he didn't. Not because of the non-citizens. But because of the citizens.

The same shit is going on with voter registration purges in GOP states. They're purging citizens from the rolls simply because they won't vote for GOP candidates.

The GOP can't keep this going forever. Fewer and fewer people are voting for GOP candidates every election. Eventually there will reach a tipping point where the GOP will either no longer be in power or they'll have stripped voting rights from the overwhelming majority of citizens. Remember the old rallying cry of "no taxation without representation?"

Anonymous 18/12/31(Mon)10:14 No. 1175 ID: 2b7200

That image macro; it's perfect. F'kken sav'd.

Sadly, I don't think the Republicans mass-disenfranchisement will culminate in revolution. We're too fat and our attention spans are too short these days. If we're very lucky, it will lead to reform of federal voting systems--but only if a party that stands to benefit from election reform takes power.

The Democratic party is not that party; running Hillary (and rigging their own primary for her) in 2016 proved they are also betting on a small minority of available voters--party loyalists with no concern for an individual candidate's moral or professional failings--to lead the vote. They tell people to register, and to vote, but they never mention voting for anyone other than the two major parties. I would be more forgiving if they only ever told people to vote for their own candidates, but they are just as guilty of propagandizing the "binary choice" false dichotomy. You hear it every time they talk about "swaying independent voters"; they take absolutely for granted that these voters will vote for a major party. That is not independence, that is captivity.

Anonymous 19/06/01(Sat)12:57 No. 1463 ID: b0f049

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>they never mention voting for anyone other than the two major parties
Yes, because they don't want you to throw your vote away on a candidate who's not going to win, who most of the time doesn't even embody the ideals and goals you want.

Like it or not, contrarians like yourself aren't a sizable voting bloc, nor ever will be. We want to vote for someone who represents what we believe in, not just voting different than other people to prove how edgy you are.

Anonymous 19/06/15(Sat)17:52 No. 1487 ID: 2ec585

>We want to vote for someone who represents what we believe in
If the people you believe in are Republicans or Democrats, you must be pretty gullible.

Anonymous 19/07/01(Mon)06:51 No. 1522 ID: bd6755

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If you think voting for some random third party just because they're a third party is actually voting your interest, you're just as simplistic and idiotic as the american libertarian party.

Here. You want to vote for a third party? How about this. Actually get off your ass, leave your residence, and join that party. Do grassroots work for it. Find out what it actually stands for. Work for a candidate's campaign. Make an actual commitment to someone you believe in. Or, more likely, get disillusioned by them the same way you're disillusioned by everyone else and end up slitting your wrists. Either way you're set for the rest of your life.

Because you know what? That's what a lot of us have done. We're not wasting time on some half-dead site railing about how everyone else sucks because they're not throwing their votes away on unelectable candidates just to assuage your autism. That's why so many of us know that the whataboutism you've bought into, that both parties are exactly the same, is complete and utter bullshit.

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