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N3X15 24/09/06(Fri)11:16 No. 830026

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Vertical takeoff and landing, but with lateral ailerons and, anti-gravitational stabilizers. Because when you think about it—like really think about it—you can't just leave the whole "stability" thing up to, you know, the normal forces of nature. Like, who even *trusts* gravity at this point? It’s been messing with us for years, pulling all sorts of unpredictable pranks, like making us trip over air or knocking our phones onto concrete (thanks, entropy, you absolute jerk). So, the anti-gravitational stabilizers are there to be like, "Hey, gravity? Take a chill pill, we got this."

Now, the ailerons—lateral ailerons, to be specific (because if they were any other kind of ailerons, I’d be very disappointed in the universe)—are designed to make sure your precious vertical thingamajig doesn’t just decide to yeet itself into the nearest tree because the wind sneezed. You know how pigeons kind of adjust their wings in mid-air and look like they're making very important aerodynamic decisions? Yeah, that’s basically what’s happening here, except instead of a pigeon, it’s a several-ton hunk of metal with questionable life choices.

The key here is **lateral** control. Because vertical control? *Pfft*, everyone knows vertical control is the basic white bread of aerospace engineering. It’s like, “Congratulations, you can go up and down. Wow.” But if you can go sideways? That’s like learning how to moonwalk. It’s pointless 99% of the time, but when you need it, you really *need* it, and everyone’s going to be impressed.

zeneslev 24/09/06(Fri)11:30 No. 830027

When considering lateral ailerons and stabilizers in VTOL designs, we must acknowledge that while these mechanisms ostensibly serve to balance the craft against crosswinds and shifts in mass distribution, they are really just the physical manifestation of a deeper, more nuanced relationship with the forces of nature. After all, one doesn’t merely "control" lift and drag—one enters into a sort of quiet negotiation with the atmosphere itself, gently suggesting to the air that perhaps it might flow in a more cooperative manner today. And while mainstream physics tends to focus solely on aerodynamics and Newtonian mechanics, we can't ignore the subtle influence of geomagnetic fields, or the possibility that consciousness itself might play a role—if not in direct flight control, then perhaps in ensuring the universe maintains its generally favorable opinion of your existence. I mean, how else can you explain why some flights are smooth while others experience turbulence that seems suspiciously timed with your thoughts of "What could possibly go wrong?" It’s all interconnected.

Cryomancer 24/09/06(Fri)11:41 No. 830028

Of course, when we dive deeper into the mechanics of lateral control, it's really not just about stabilizing the aircraft—it’s about *convincing* the universe, very politely, that you’d prefer not to spiral out of the sky. The ailerons are just the physical proxies for what is essentially an ongoing debate with Bob Ross himself. It's the same negotiation we are having with our own lives everyday when we make physical adjustments to physical systems. There are more efficient ways to do it than we are doing it currently and it doesn't necessarily have to do with mechanical systems although that too is important, but fundamentally the approach itself, the attitude itself is something that will either work to further our true goals and intentions or work against us and against the flow such it be of the universe. The perfect craft will glide through this stream of consciousness catching every wavelet and every wave and every gust of wind and I'm not talking just literally physically - the craft will become an entity that knows itself and by knowing itself it will be exactly at the right time in the right place in harmony with the rest of the universe - this is what allows the craft to maneuver in air exactly as is needed for the craft and as is needed for the rest of the universe. At this point I'm afraid it's no longer a military ship - it is but another angel of Bob Ross. A heart moving around in air like a several ton metallic crystalline structure. It is what it needs to be in this moment in this space.

There is no need to challenge this craft or to compare it to anything else, because it is absolutely unique, it like any other piece of the puzzle that is Bob Ross or that is infinity - is unique and irreplaceable and its value is equal to anything and everything that is considered of value in this universe. As such we can only thank it for its expression and pay attention to it according to its relevance to us personally while we in turn - express ourselves as who and what we are. Beyond these purposes, beyond these words - the truth is right now blowing in the air or floating in the ether, whatever you want to call it. It is simply - mystery. I don't think there is anything more to say. The conduit is closing.

Optimus Prime 24/09/06(Fri)13:14 No. 830031

This is the kind of shit NASA engineers would come up if they had unlimited budget

herp 24/09/06(Fri)22:25 No. 830034

they gave the unlimited budget to le elctric car salesman, he gave the rocket some landing gear, simply epic

Brony 24/09/06(Fri)22:42 No. 830036

Youtube  Apparently we ere more advanced back then.

Moot 24/09/06(Fri)22:46 No. 830037

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yeeeeeah, awwwriiight!

Cryomancer 24/09/06(Fri)22:49 No. 830038

Youtube  ​​​​​​​​

Reimu Hakurei 24/09/06(Fri)22:52 No. 830039

Youtube  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/09/06(Fri)23:50 No. 830040

if you think this is more advanced than what we have now, you're living in a cave. racing drones are exponentially faster and more maneuverable than that.

Brony 24/09/07(Sat)07:59 No. 830045

Police copters are more advanced nowadays than this "multiple kill vehicle"

Bro us delusional af

Spiderman 24/09/07(Sat)08:25 No. 830046

honestly? I doubt it, let's start from the basics, can a racing drone move sideways as fast and gracefully as this? no it can't
autistic 12 year olds can maneuver a drone in amazing ways, that's cause they've spent countless hours learning and practicing, give them this autism jet, and you'll be amazed by what would they pull out

ian 24/09/07(Sat)08:26 No. 830047

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He-Man 24/09/07(Sat)18:58 No. 830059

Bro has never seen a racing drone. Regardless, Israel's Iron Dome would be far more efficient and useful than this loud, useless garbage. Wow, you can hover with loud plaps of fuel for about 2 minutes.

There's a reason they abandon shit like this.

zeneslev 24/09/07(Sat)19:16 No. 830061

you're thinking like a poorfag, "efficiency" while I'm thinking about greatness, we are not the same

h 24/09/07(Sat)19:28 No. 830062

>heh floaty machine go bangbangbang
oh, i didn't know you were r/etarded. sorry.

Cryomancer 24/09/07(Sat)22:13 No. 830065

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so apparently I'm strawberryed because I want something that is way better at everything than a shitty drone, except the most epic metric of them all, efficiency, you have to think about efficiency, always, that's what make greatness, cool story bro
Is going to the moon to go for a walk efficient? No, but you would love to, wouldn't you?

Christian Weston Chandler 24/09/07(Sat)22:24 No. 830066

you have still yet to prove how it's better, genius. you can't just say "old machine with pop pop hover ability is better than other machine that can visit every room in a two-story suburban house and leave out through a window within 10 seconds" and not prove it.

and your moon analogy makes no sense unless you have the mind of a 7 year old boy, reading old hobby magazines and thinking the x-ray vision glasses in them were real.

your sense of wonder is childish, r/etarded, and impractical.

Spider Expert 24/09/07(Sat)22:39 No. 830067

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>you have still yet to prove how it's better, genius
No I don't it is self evident to everyone who isn't strawberryed, you're not even halfway close to my level, deal with it. strawberry.

Novice Equestrian 24/09/07(Sat)22:54 No. 830068

I side with this guy. I don't care if your sense of wonder is impractical, but I agree that it's pretty childish. Not that children can't think of wonderful things, it's just often crude and boring relative to what a developed mind with some experience under it's belt can conjure. But until either of you show me concretely instead of saying "oh it's obvious and ur strawberryed" the jury is still out on which concept is really more wonderful. If you ask me the saucer like craft are way cooler than either. Or tic tacs. Hell even triamgle or cigar shaped VTOLs are cooler than this basic shit. I want something with 100k horsepower go zoooom zoooom zoooom

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