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derp 24/06/16(Sun)18:11 No. 828385

File 171855426848.jpg - (5.14KB , 345x146 , PatrickBatemanHoldingAGlock.jpg )

>Be me
>Still a virgin and have no girlfriend.
>Always shower and brush my teeth everyday, always use perfume and liquid deoderant whenever I'm going outside, also comb my hair every now and then.
>Always rockin' classic middle class suburban shit like the knit wool sweater and tie combo, or the tropical pattern shirts with long black pants.
>Really didn't mind not having a girlfriend or being a virgin, never thought of it as anything bad or particularly unfair and mainly held it against myself and blamed myself for it because of past mistakes that I'll never live down.
>Have an extremely annoying older cousin that is a strawberryed sperg that constantly has autistic episodes where he screams and shouts random things and makes grunting noises
>This guy doesn't airwolfing shower or brush his teeth, doesn't use deoderant or perfume so obviously he really airwolfing stinks
>He spends most of his time chronically online watching his autistic entertainment and playing Gacha games all the time
>Horrible sense of fashion, never dresses properly to public places
>Motherairwolfer still somehow gets a girlfriend before I do.
>I kind of feel bad for the girl for being with him but at the same time I want to beat the everliving airwolf out of her for being such a dumb bitch.
>Mfw a strawberryed autistic sperg airwolfing mogs me
>Mfw nothing will ever make my situation any better.

It's actually airwolfing over. I'm airwolfing pissed right now, life can be so unfair sometimes. You overcome so many challenges and hardships just to be met with this shit on the other side. I'm actually considering pistol whipping my autistic sperg of a cousin and airwolfing robbing him at gunpoint and shooting him. I really want this motherairwolfer dead. He's an absolute embarrassment to the family. What should I do in this situation, anons?


Weeabot 24/06/16(Sun)18:15 No. 828386

File 171855450043.jpg - (36.93KB , 736x736 , PatrickBatemanWojak.jpg )

OP here. I am never using this absolutely stupid shitty autistic website ever again for censoring the swear words in my post and replacing them with autistic, dumbass terms like "airwolfing" and "straberryed". Screw this place.

W. T. Snacks 24/06/16(Sun)19:17 No. 828387

Yeah! Why did you come here in the airwolfing first place?

N3X15 24/06/16(Sun)22:50 No. 828393

>Goes on the most autistic website on the internet to complain about autistic people
Bro is a strawberry

Steve 24/06/17(Mon)04:19 No. 828398

you can talk shit about soy boys but they get pussy. no one cares about the snarky chan guy anymore, it's a stereotype that has fallen to the wayside.
notice how deadpool became huge but spider jerusalem faded into obscurity. I didn't even read comics back then but I knew those characters because people talked about them so much.

Weeabot 24/06/17(Mon)08:28 No. 828403

File 171860573073.jpg - (154.95KB , 600x1375 , Oh wait.jpg )

p4ch3c0 24/06/17(Mon)12:49 No. 828405

>You can talk shit about soy boys but they get pussy
Said literally no one, ever. I constantly see people on chan websites like this complaining about how they're 30 years old and virgins with no girlfriend, and honestly I feel really bad for them because most of them actually talk like sane, normal people who just got dealt unfortunate hand in life. I imagine how miserable that must be for them. however, at the same time, they definitely can do something about it, after all, it's never too late to get into a relationship.

But of course since these websites are also filled with worthless autistic morons who got lucky once they decide to slam on these people saying that they're pussies and strawberrys and a load of other bullshit that really doesn't airwolfing help anybody.

4chan user 24/06/17(Mon)12:52 No. 828406

I imagine if this happened to you, you wouldn't find it very airwolfing funny you little niggger

Mudkip 24/06/17(Mon)13:45 No. 828409

File 171862471166.png - (390.36KB , 720x405 , Lucy Lawless.png )

OP, really how does this any more
It's 2024
Have you even read Bret's last book?

tee 24/06/17(Mon)18:54 No. 828412

kek, airwolfing strawberry

Cryomancer 24/06/18(Tue)08:17 No. 828421

File 17186914346.gif - (3.25MB , 360x270 , 90j9x.gif )


Conductor Cat 24/06/18(Tue)18:34 No. 828430

7chan's immune system is surprisingly resilient.

Reimu Hakurei 24/06/19(Wed)19:01 No. 828447

File 171881651528.png - (41.80KB , 300x300 , 1654690831803.png )

I remember when anons didn't start their stories with "be me".

OP 24/06/19(Wed)20:18 No. 828449

File 171882109087.png - (971.32KB , 1200x1200 , 03918-3491357908.png )

>be me
>clinging to old memes
>nostalgia of leeching off parents
>bills and boring weekends all that's left
>retirement a pipe dream in this economy
>lucky if stopping work by 70

>post angry reply to newfag
>pretend to remember when things were good
>tfw things were never good
>tfw brain whitewashes the past
>tfw idealized version of chans never existed
>tfw tfw

Christian Weston Chandler 24/06/19(Wed)21:25 No. 828451

File 171882510853.png - (189.72KB , 500x362 , tumblr_mu45nifT971r7qczio1_500.png )


> be (you)
> the end

tee 24/06/19(Wed)22:23 No. 828452

>be (((you)))

Spider Expert 24/06/20(Thu)00:12 No. 828455

Idealized version of chans DID exist, we just didn't know it at the time and screencaped insufficiently on a scale that is literally cosmic

I guess some things are meant only for those who we're smack dab in the middle of it and the oblivion, but no one else besides that, so beautiful, so fragile, so perfect and elusive.

O.P. 24/06/20(Thu)01:43 No. 828456

What the fuсk are you talking about, retаrd?

No wonder you get no bitсhes.

Anonymous 24/06/20(Thu)08:19 No. 828459

imagine being this mad over pussy

Cryomancer 24/06/20(Thu)13:37 No. 828463

>tfw idealized version of chans never existed
I'll take my infinite supply of 18yo cumdumpsters every night though

zeneslev 24/08/01(Thu)23:59 No. 829179

Have you tried TALKING to any women?

Literally just download tinder and upload a pics of you in groups, doing activities or whatever. You'll eventually find a fatty desperate enough and then you'll no longer be a virgin. If you're older than 23 you might as well just take the plunge because male virginity is seen as disgusting while female virginity is heroic and virtuous.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/08/02(Fri)03:44 No. 829186

The airwolf am I reading? "I shower and brush my teeth and wear clothes, that means I DESERVE pussy and I want to airwolfing beat women who would choose someone else over me and also murder the man they chose?" How do you faggots end up here??

OP 24/08/02(Fri)04:48 No. 829187


Oh dam, I skipped read that. The pic was enough of a warning.
Now thinking maybe they were trying out trolling.
If not shit is............

Cryomancer 24/08/02(Fri)04:55 No. 829190

Our mods gave up keeping them out.

These wayward children are too young to remember why 7chan is here. They think everything that has a "chan" in its name is their personal pissing ground, and that it has always been that way. They lost their containment site, and now they've spilled out all over the internet, bringing their sad, lonely, delusional point of view everywhere they go.

It is a flood of small, stupid, dickless glass sorters who think they own US politics and that women should bend over for them anywhere, any time they feel like wetting their micropenors.

They think their conspiracy theories make them strong, because they don't see the very obvious fact that they themselves are the victims of a much larger conspiracy to destroy any sign of intelligence in the human race, starting with the American populace.

The best we, the users of 7chan, can do is make them feel unwelcome here, which I think we have generally been doing well; but there's always a new one coming in however many are going out.

OP 24/08/02(Fri)05:39 No. 829192

Who is incel, is incel. We can't change it.

Anonymous 24/08/02(Fri)19:21 No. 829207

Oh, I did post in this thread early
I remember my Lucy Lawless pic

I don't bet as very often, like once last year.
I'd bet that 'it' has ain't read 'The Shards'
Probably has read American 'Psycho either'

Right to much time wasted

Closet Furry 24/08/02(Fri)19:57 No. 829208

>Still me dicking around
>See a nice girl online >opps
>Dick in hand and jork it
>airwolf her lets move on
>Jelque it for good measure
>Not a single minute wasted
>Today was a good day
>Proceed to fall asleep completely unbothered

Idk guys, for me it's all about turbos and audio systems

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