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RPG Scanning and Corrections Project Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)21:02 No. 122795 [Reply]

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Had some pdf troubles earlier but I think I got it mostly resolved. Had a crash and lost most I was going to say so I'll abridge it.

Planning to scan rpg books that haven't had official pdfs available. These are the books I have and I think haven't had pdfs made yet. Will try to buy the missing rpg books that people suggest as soon as I have the cash for it.

Abyss, Afterwars, Age of Ruin, Attack of the Humans, Batman- Role-Playing Game, BESM Anime Card Game, Chi-chian Roleplaying Game, Demon City Shinjuku Resource Book, El-Hazard Resource Book, Evangelion-RPG- The Descent of ANGEL & The NERV White Paper (Jap), Ghost Dog Roleplaying Game, Gregory Horror Show Card Game, Guardians of Order Ultimate Fan Guide for Fushigi Yugi #1-3/ Hellsing #2/ Parallel Dual!/ Revolutionary Girl Utena- Black Rose Collection/ Serial Experiment Lain/ The Slayers #1-3, Hahlmabrea, Heaven & Earth 2nd Edition- Game Master & Player's Guide, Link West, Silver Age Sentinels/ Champions- Reality Storm, Tenchi in Tokyo, Tenchi Muyo! GM Screen & Adventure, Tenchi Muyo! Character Diary, Tenchi Universe, The Lost World: Jurassic Park- Roleplaying Game (not actual roleplaying but it does have an Ian Malcolm card), The World of Tank Girl, Webs Basic Gaming System 1st Edition, Web of Horrors & Web of Stars, and Wyrd is Bond.

As I said some time before, you get to pick two I do for free. The others you'll get once I get certain digital pdfs released in relation to its value and verified authenticity. You have until tomorrow at 6 AM my time to decide which two is done first.

Long overdue for pdf collectors, some pdfs out there have varying quality or issues that need to be addressed and hopefully fixed. To ensure everyone is aware or has the right versions, I'm planning a checklist that goes over all available pdfs in a series to make sure they are complete or list issues that need to be fixed. I'll fix them if I have the book but many will rely on you people out there that have the books themselves to help fix these issues.

First one on list is Zero Corebook by Archangel Entertainment. 19.9mb-
PDF doesn't include Steve Stone Artwork and all images are greyscale when some pages are in color. I do have the book so I'll scan the artwork but I don't plan to do the rest of it since the pdf is okay and I'd rather focus on other books to scan. I'll scan it if there is demand and I get the appropriate payment of a digital pdf.

11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/08/14(Mon)04:48 No. 127978

Thank you for posting this...

Scanning Files CityofCarse 17/09/02(Sat)07:38 No. 129100


Twice I've seen this post, and so far, nothing.

What gives?


Yurg 18/09/24(Mon)20:31 No. 131425 [Reply]

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To all the guys in 7chan's resident gaming group I just wanted to let you guys know that I had a bang up time, despite the fact that the druid ran away, and I'm seriously pumped for next Sunday.

FFG Anonymous 18/09/02(Sun)07:27 No. 131402 [Reply]

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Members of the rebellion,
I wont post more links to the FFG books, the other topics was 404ed for Imperial copyrighted material.

But i urge to find a new place for our Rebel cell.

Save the Rebellion
Save the Dream

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
anonymous 18/09/21(Fri)02:32 No. 131413

Is there a good explanation of that interface somewhere? I've been unable to make "reply" work, and can't find any tutorials or help.

Anonymous 18/09/21(Fri)04:57 No. 131414

I need some clarification too...
Or a better place =/

anonymous 18/09/22(Sat)04:56 No. 131416


4plebs should be fine if/when ghost posting is re-enabled.

guidance on new char dnd 5e Hisfattness 17/04/22(Sat)10:47 No. 121152 [Reply]

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So my character came to an untimely death. this i accept as my own fault. Though knowing my dm i expected more roleplaying and an opportunity to have said more but alas I died. to my dismay. So i rolled. Now he's hardcore no reroll and rolls go in order no moving. So i got lucky and rolled well but not into my comfort zone of classes. I love rogues,not big on spellcasters but i can if i have too. so i'd love some help. Also we are running undermountain and he's totally radomizing it. So thanks in advance. Also i start at level 5. just to help and only nono is no dragonborn.
Strength 10
Constitution 8
Intelligence 13

Thanks osrry for shit spelling. to lazy to fix. Also totally down to play a hot chick who uses it to her advantage .

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Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)05:22 No. 121601

had a dm that did this, the result?
an awful lot of character deaths. Want to be a rogue? you play a melee wizard- then roll again
have a catchphrase, make the death memorable.

Anonymous 18/03/03(Sat)14:40 No. 131206

Or... play to the opposite of your abilities for fun (and possibly to piss off a super strict DM). Be the kid whose parents trained him to be a cleric, but who always wanted to be a thief, so is really shitty at it.

Anonymous 18/09/03(Mon)15:25 No. 131404

did you roll those stats on 3d6 or something? take a race with a con bonus and go cleric or druid so you're not totally squishy. if you die with that character, no big. you're likely to roll better especially if you're using 4d6 drop lowest. If i had a player roll like you did, i'd let them just do point buy as phb instead. I see that as the baseline stats for encounter balance.

Beta System needs feedback Weapons of Body and Soul 17/03/27(Mon)13:04 No. 120081 [Reply]

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Hey all. I have been working on a Martial Arts system inspired by Xianxia and Shonen settings. I have hit a bit of a road block so I could use feedback on the mechanics of it.

The PDF can be found here (http://www.mediafire.com/file/4f4nrlt6t3w819f/1.51.pdf)

The basic idea is that PCs are martial artist mystics (Supernatural powers and superhuman capabilities) in Fantastic Asia. Mechanically it is point based character progression and an additive dice pool resolution. On top of that, there is tactical combat with a unique timing based initiative system as well as resource management for Physical and Spiritual energy.

Weapons+of+Body+and+Soul 17/03/31(Fri)03:29 No. 120275

Now in google docs form


Anonymous 18/07/27(Fri)09:07 No. 131333

Using the style of the DnD book makes it seem like it's a DnD homebrew. Consider changing.

Your fluff sections and mechanics sections keep swapping between each other. Separate the two.

When going over your core dice mechanic, you immediately go through a list of terms. This makes it harder for someone who isn't already familiar with the system to learn it, and turns them off from it. This might suggest that your core mechanic is too complicated.

Separate point, I think your core mechanic is too involved. Just rolling the dice shouldn't have so much going into it. Also, rolling twice for a single task, especially for one you do every turn in combat, was already bad design in DnD.

Your explanation of Backfire could be massively shortened.

Explode mentions Intensify but doesn't explain what that means. Seems like more unnecessary complication.

Using the subsection names as part of the sentence was weird when I first saw it but a neat stylistic choice.

Under Core Skills, it's not clear what the Strike Types are.
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GURPS thread Anonymous 17/10/20(Fri)01:37 No. 130965 [Reply]

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Old thread was end, so maybe new one? ;)

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nail+bunny 17/11/09(Thu)07:11 No. 131054

Oops. Sorry opened the wrong link.... I'm getting "Folder Does Not Exist" on that one.

Anonymous 18/04/20(Fri)19:04 No. 131260

The MEGA folder is ... gone!!
They finlly caught them!!


Anonymous 18/04/21(Sat)23:39 No. 131261

fuck, it's apocalypse :( Anyone has other trove link?

Or know some place without pussy-admins? With active share threads?

What game systems are best for horror? Anonymous 17/12/12(Tue)08:54 No. 131099 [Reply]

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Hello, /tg/. I'm running a horror campaign for the DnD group I'm in, and I have the setting and plot all worked out (Underwater research base, mutated crew, etc.) The problem I've run into is what system to use.

Normally, I use FATE for campaigns I run, but that's not entirely appropriate for horror. I've used the old Afterschool Activities system and Call of Cthulhu in the past, but both were poorly-balanced for my purposes (In AA, the players seemed to always succeed, in CoC, they seemed to always fail).
My question is, what system would be best for general horror purposes in the modern-day? Preferably a simple system, since I don't plan to do too much combat.

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Anonymous 18/03/27(Tue)00:53 No. 131227



Uses a Jenga Tower, sets tone, is very suspenseful.

Anonymous 18/04/13(Fri)17:38 No. 131252

I use GUMSHOE and it's pretty good, and might answer some of your problems. The way modifiers work is instead of having a static modifier to a skill (we'll say shooting for example) you have a pool for each skill, and the player determines when they want to use each point.

Anonymous 18/04/15(Sun)00:53 No. 131254

noooo whyyyy


Advice on traveler Anonymous 18/03/21(Wed)10:23 No. 131219 [Reply]

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Me and my playgroup are interested in trying out traveler, however we are also rather new to the system and know very little about it. I know the publishing history and looked into it, and I know that midway through the life cycle of "the new era" GDW went under so it is less complete then either classic or mega traveler; as well, from what I understand, if you wish to use the default setting in classic traveler you have to read a lot of the supplements and JTAS articles given that a lot of it was made ad-hoc while other editions are betting about letting you play in the setting out of the box. Beyond this I don't really know that much.

I would like to know a few things before I decide which edition we use:

1) Is there any edition I absolute must avoid like the plague

2) How difficult is classic for players not used to classic RPGs

3) How different is each GDW edition from each other in terms of mechanics

4)How is the mongoose publishing version

5)How is the far future enterprise version

6)Are some editions better for space combat and are some better for more conventional combat
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Anonymous 18/03/27(Tue)22:09 No. 131230

So yes, if your group can only deal with d&d, then you could try the Traveller 20 (T20) version which I hear is quite popular. It's based on d20 Modern and has a number of supplements for it. I've never played it as I loathe d20, but I have heard good things.

Personally, I'm a Classic, Mongose, GURPS and HERO version player myself. ;-)

Looking for HiRes original DnD 5d art Anonymous 18/03/28(Wed)11:34 No. 131231

There's a source (or trove) of 5e books art in a good resolution to be used for cards, modules, etc?
Looking for Races and Classes, and at least the common, low level monsters....


Anonymous 18/03/28(Wed)19:11 No. 131233

I think you're in the wrong thread.

Askin for suggestion: the simplest medieval fantasy rpg system for childre Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)01:37 No. 120704 [Reply]

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As per title.
I wanted to introduce a group of 6 to 8 yo kids to classic medieval fantasy rpg, but I need a system that is very, very rule-light.
Pathfinder Beginner Box is already far over the top, I'd like something that gives them a minimum of customization and just requires them to add simple bonuses to their rolls.
Any suggestion?
And of course, if anyone knows of any system that is not only rule-light, but specifically designed for children, that would be even better.

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Anonymous 18/01/28(Sun)19:50 No. 131177

Dungeon Squad. 2 pages of rules and free.

collector 18/02/03(Sat)19:08 No. 131188

All Outta Bubblegum or Honey Heist could work, both are simple systems. I have run Honey Heist and it can easily be modified for almost any thing.

Anonymous 18/02/20(Tue)03:28 No. 131199

Golden Sky Stories:
Kickstarter delivered long ago, now on sale on drivethrurpg.
Original peculiar system, focused on story rather than XPs, looks pretty cute and is made mainly for children. Never played it, but looks like it could fit OP's needs.

Mage M20 17/10/24(Tue)11:10 No. 131021 [Reply]

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Guys, I'm the storyteller on a Mage campaign that start yesterday and my stories are usually quite random. I usually invent facts and events right in the heat of the moment and the stories are crazy and fun (but with a lot of action and mystery). To improve this random factor, I would like you to suggest events or strange things that I could implement in the game. What happened so far:
> The session ended with the car in free fall at ten thousand meters high; a burning driver (who is a clone of one of the characters), a white powder floating inside the car, fresh fish smashed inside the vehicle, $ 10,000 that is leaving through the glove box and a monkey is holding a pistol whose bullets can never be traced.

What comes next? It does not have to make sense. Then I try to find a way to connect all events.

Anonymous 17/10/24(Tue)11:11 No. 131022

OP here. How things have come to this:

> Characters have discovered copies of themselves (clones);
> Someone is killing the clones (another clone that is a clone killer manipulated by an obscure religion);
> Technocracy is interested in the clones, but in a conflict a Man in Black was killed and left a briefcase: inside the case was a sleeping monkey and a pistol;
> All clones have a serious genetic fault that will lead to death: the monkey has a genetic sequence that needs to be synthesized to get the genetic fault corrected;
> The pistol in the suitcase can be used to kill people or animals, but the murderer will never be arrested for the crime (and the bullets are never tracked);
> A clone of one of the characters appears with a car so they can escape;
> Inside the car there are 5 kilos of fresh fish and 4 kilos of a white powder (the clone says that the fish and the powder are important, but that will explain later). In the glove holder there are ten thousand dollars in 50's notes (nobody knows where the money came from);
> The car breaks the veil to the umbra during the escape, and to try to escape the driver (a clone) realizes a magic, that fails mizeravelmente and the car appears to ten thousand meters of height, in free fall;
> The paradox sets fire to the driver;

darth+sithicus 18/01/11(Thu)05:27 No. 131154

so, you have no chapter 2 or endgame? try this: the characters "think" they are clones, convinced by men in black, to get them to use monkey to find cure. they backtrack to the mad scientist lab where they find their own clones, and discover they are themselves REAL, but made part of an experiment from long ago, which is what originally triggered their awakenings. whatever teacher they had early on is part of the cabal to make the clones, in an attempt to split the magic of the heroes into fragments, creating clone magicks armies for an upcoming assault in other realms against the technocracy. Have men in black trace monkey to first lab for either giant battle, or a chaos screen the heroes can escape in. Oh, and since the car is already involved on a mage level, with an intelligent monkey, have a lever allow the car to fly, and the monkey have low level mind effects, like telepathy, to get its thoughts across.

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