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Gscot 15/10/16(Fri)08:59 No. 17629 ID: bd478c

I ran two votes on 4chan and collected suggestions from a couple other sources.
I didn't find this thread until well after Gardevoir was done.

Anonymous 15/10/16(Fri)09:51 No. 17630 ID: c4fbf4

Wow you made 4chan vote, not predicting that these weirdos would pick their fetish pokemon
That's cute

Gscot 15/10/16(Fri)11:25 No. 17631 ID: bd478c

Gardevoir was actually 4th for most of it. Hilda and Dawn were the top votes by a long shot for the most part.
Since I've figured out some tips to improve space efficiency, I'll see if I can add some runner ups. They'll certainly be easier to create.

Gscot 15/10/17(Sat)09:23 No. 17648 ID: bd478c

The next slot is already decided.

Gscot 15/10/18(Sun)16:28 No. 17659 ID: bd478c

May is not confirmed. I've had this slot in mind for months.

Ask and receive Gscot 15/10/19(Mon)19:57 No. 17676 ID: bd478c


To everyone else, I'm taking commissions through Deviantart during my break from this flash. I'm game for most things save a few fetishes.

Anonymous 15/10/19(Mon)23:47 No. 17682 ID: df9072

I think I know the problem: The program registers the buttons in order. Since I removed Rosalina (the second character) and her button, that place is empty. But now the game thinks that Daisy is the second character and registered that place for her button while it's still in the same place as before. It also does this with the other characters. Since Shantae is now my third character, Daisy's button (the one in the third position) activates her animations. E.c.t. Sorry for being such a hassle.

Anonymous 15/10/20(Tue)05:53 No. 17684 ID: 265ae9

Didn't plan on it but I looked into it a little. Not too sure what you are looking for with widescreen support though.

Oh man, that'll teach me to assume the workings of a program. Also sorry about the instructions, was never my strong suit instructing people. Anyway as you discovered, the buttons have a script in which they go to movie clips by their frame number and ffdec rearranges the frame numbers when you completely delete a frame. To prevent that, watch the video I uploaded at http://webmup.com/03235/. I will however still leave text instructions.
Hit the plus sign to the left of the frame you wish to remove to have the drop down list of various actions that occur on that frame. Delete the "Place Object" action and only that. Then delete the buttons as I mentioned in >>17677 then save. I actually tested the results of this, so you should be good to go.

Anonymous 15/10/22(Thu)00:22 No. 17708 ID: 265ae9

Close to finished with the interactive version. I didn't go crazy with it like having the alt expressions set for Peach (might change my mind though and also include the original expressions) or the extra little animation mods I included in previous versions.
Also I'm curious to know how people here would like it the flash to be uploaded. I can upload a low quality music version here (around 6 MB) and find another site to host the optional HQ music addon OR I can just upload a version with HQ music integrated on another site. Any preferences?

Anonymous 15/10/23(Fri)23:23 No. 17729 ID: 265ae9

File removed.swf - (6.50MB , ppppSuperWiiUv5RC_Interactive.swf )

Going to try something a little different. I uploaded a release candidate with the intent of having the flash heavily tested. If there are no problems discovered or small suggestions (doable in an hour or 2), then I will upload a release version and provide a link to the high quality music version.

New things with this version are the new settings saving/loading feature, the display cutoff from interactive v4.03 can be removed with the 'P' key (the cutoff will be forced on if you turn off the background though). Also the rather obtuse music select button (red music note) has been changed to now go to the character's theme.

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