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Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)07:04 No. 17119 ID: 265ae9

File anal3dRotTest.swf - (68.23KB )

Just for completion sake here's a dirty try at it using 3d rotation changes, though not all frames are modified (modified up to frame 90 or up to 3 seconds). It could be better but even then, I don't like how this works. I don't know, maybe someone can think of a good idea after seeing these experiments? If not that then either long hair characters are left out or new hair assets need to be drawn for them.

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)08:17 No. 17120 ID: b3e6cd

it looks passable methinks

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)13:16 No. 17121 ID: 9198cf

The ponytail idea sounds the best imo. It seems the least out of place.

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)18:31 No. 17122 ID: f1ce50

I personally disagree. I think a rapid switch of hairstyles would look strange.
Was Peach ever in a game with a ponytail? I feel from behind, it'd look very similar to Samus' without something like an appropriate change in clothes.

Anonymous 15/08/22(Sat)01:17 No. 17126 ID: f1ce50


One of those skin-tight spandex thingies. Would work pretty well actually.

Anonymous 15/08/22(Sat)06:25 No. 17129 ID: 505ca1


No gradient, just about 50% alpha transparency on hair. (and make the transparency go a little further up)

Gscot 15/08/22(Sat)11:16 No. 17131 ID: bd478c

File RosalinaPreview.swf - (52.36KB )

Anonymous 15/08/24(Mon)01:59 No. 17138 ID: a7464a


I'll do one soon. Having computer issues. Or rather, having issues with having my computer in my room because it's 92 degrees, and I can't edit porn flashes in the living room for my roommates to see! It's the first thing I'll do once I'm able. I have sounds ready and everything. I also want to do a Shantae one, but I think I'll wait until the game is released rather than mix random audios together that could be her.

I didn't disappear! Sorry for the wait!

Anonymous 15/08/25(Tue)20:17 No. 17146 ID: a7464a

Oh shit! If gscot is on the case, maybe I won't need to be making any more audio added videos!

The best lead I have on Isabelle audio would be finding a way to rip her voice clips from MK8. Shantae doesn't have a voice yet, unless someone has the beta for the new game and that has voice acting in it. Wish you luck!

Anonymous 15/08/27(Thu)11:19 No. 17166 ID: a7464a

fan of my rosalina and daisy videos provided me this just now-it has risky's revenge and the half genie hero demo


Anonymous 15/08/28(Fri)05:41 No. 17177 ID: 265ae9

File reversed_view_test.swf - (1.11MB , reversed view test.swf )

I'm still going but I've been running into mental blocks on how to implement some of the new features, so my progress has slowed considerably. There's also a few things that aren't as code heavy that I need to look into with how anchoring works (the position of the hair isn't where I need them to be, need to see if the code needs modifications or the method of determining the attach point needs to be re-examined)

Also I feel like uploading something so here's a dirty test flash from when I messed with depths. I changed how depths were handled to be reversed from their norm, essentially creating a reversed view version of the animations. It has a lot of errors though, some animations are messed up, the hair are not set right (haven't finished that yet) and others would need need new assets to work. The reason for upping this is my curiosity to see if others feel there's potential in this and if it's something to keep in mind for much, much later down the road.

Anonymous 15/08/29(Sat)02:54 No. 17183 ID: a7464a


First version of Shantae with audio. I decided this time to see how it'd sound without doing pitch shifting climaxy effects on voice clips. I worry the clips become way too repetitive without it, but some people requested I stop on my tumblr. If you guys could give me some feedback it'd be awesome!

Anonymous 15/08/29(Sat)18:47 No. 17191 ID: 1cb393

I liked the pitch effect you did, not sure why anyone else complained about it. That was probably my favorite part your audio added, an actual climax of some sort. And you're right, it does sound kind of repetitive now.

This however sounds the best out of all of them, if only because the grunting sounds much more natural. Maybe save having a grunt on every thrust for when it's doing the pitch change thing?

Gscot 15/08/29(Sat)21:11 No. 17193 ID: bd478c

That sounds pretty good. Every other beat probably works best.
I like to "ready" at the beginning. Maybe I should add that to the swf.

Anonymous 15/08/29(Sat)23:41 No. 17194 ID: 7dd745

Just in case requests are being made for the future, I'd like to suggest Jolene from Paper Mario TTYD. I realize right now we're just focussing on voices and anal, but when everything's mostly done it's nice to have a few other characters for future updates. I did see the new character teaser on Gescot's tumblr, and I'm excited for that too!

Anonymous 15/08/30(Sun)06:00 No. 17196 ID: 66ea1f

....Isn't that just the regular PPPU then?

Anonymous 15/08/30(Sun)07:08 No. 17197 ID: a7464a


Thanks for the detailed feedback. Did grunts on 2's with subtler pitch shifting than before.

Noted. Removed it from everything but the beginning. Added regular vocals to the beat after a blowjob.

Thanks! Means a lot coming from one of the big guys.

Anonymous 15/09/01(Tue)06:46 No. 17207 ID: a7464a

Did Daisy! I'll do Peach next most likely. I don't have prepared voices for the rest.


Anonymous 15/09/02(Wed)08:49 No. 17214 ID: 7dd745

If anyone's been keeping track of GeScot's tumblr, you are probably just as excited as I am for his latest post! Get pumped!! http://generalscot.tumblr.com/

Anonymous 15/09/03(Thu)00:26 No. 17218 ID: a7464a

Good idea! Buy and teach me how to use flash!

Maybe, and this is a strange concept for an artist but bear with me, maybe I want people to be able to find and see the other sound work and 3d art I do!

Scroll up and check out a few of the development SWFs, people are working on this very thing

Music Gscot 15/09/03(Thu)06:32 No. 17219 ID: bd478c

Hey, guys. I could use a bit of feedback in regards to music. For Pokèmon, I'm currently using Route 1 from the anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpALEsA6mV4
However, I would like to use something from Gen 3 or later. I've been out of the Pokèmon scene between Crystal and XY so my knowledge is extremely limited.
The other thing I'm looking for is a good Fre Emblem song. Again, the library is extensive and my knowledge is even less than with Pokèmon.
From what research I have done I've constantly run into issues with tempo and time signatures, so I'm turning to your collective knowledge to help out find some good tunes.

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