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Anonymous 15/08/10(Mon)10:40 No. 17042 ID: 9e3680

Any progress on Gscot's next version?

Anonymous 15/08/10(Mon)22:07 No. 17048 ID: 265ae9

Gscot commented on e621 recently about when to expect it.
> "Maybe in the fall. The pokèmon animation is done, but a couple of higher priority projects have come up that need to be taken care of first."
Additionally, it seems that the 2 other anal animations that were sketched are in the process of being added.

Gscot 15/08/11(Tue)12:51 No. 17052 ID: bd478c

File preview.swf - (270.02KB )

Well, this is interesting work. I like what I see.
I'm glad someone who can write code has picked up adding elements that are beyond my time and ability.
Keep up the good work!

Gscot 15/08/12(Wed)23:52 No. 17061 ID: bd478c

No, but I've been reading up on how to reduce the file size and if it works there will be an extra surprise.

Gscot 15/08/13(Thu)23:40 No. 17066 ID: bd478c

File preview1.swf - (146.42KB )

Anonymous 15/08/16(Sun)08:09 No. 17081 ID: d08338


That would be a bit too easy. The only way to make it hard would be show something like the midriff, in which case if it's black we know it's Iris.

...Or May with her huge breasts.

Gscot 15/08/16(Sun)17:02 No. 17083 ID: bd478c

The results of the vote will be kept secret until the launch.
I will say that out of about 50 entrants and over 260 votes, only 6 were real contenders and the winner had a clear lead on the runner up.

Anonymous 15/08/18(Tue)17:21 No. 17091 ID: 2b7531

JavaFX is going to be more of a struggle than C#.
I suggest some existing solution like LibGDX or Unity. Hell even phaser is more appealing here.

Anonymous 15/08/19(Wed)07:42 No. 17093 ID: cd7288

Is there confirmation it's a human character from Pokémon, or might it be an actual Pokémon? Personally, I'd prefer May.

Preview of new position Gscot 15/08/19(Wed)08:49 No. 17094 ID: bd478c

File anal1Test.swf - (61.35KB )

This is a rough look at a front anal scene. Minor changes are to come for it but it is otherwise final unless someone points out something glaring I missed.

Gscot 15/08/19(Wed)13:18 No. 17098 ID: bd478c

File preview3.swf - (113.27KB )


Gscot 15/08/19(Wed)19:35 No. 17101 ID: bd478c

These animations are a fairly simple modification of another one. Once it's all sorted out I can swap out the faces and hair of the other girl into place and do some individual clean-ups. The reverse cowgirl is a little problematic because of how big the hair is on some characters.
I'm still aiming for the Fall though.

Gscot 15/08/19(Wed)22:34 No. 17102 ID: bd478c

File anal2Test.swf - (39.05KB )

No hair...

Gscot 15/08/19(Wed)22:35 No. 17103 ID: bd478c

File anal3Test.swf - (39.98KB )


Anonymous 15/08/20(Thu)08:22 No. 17107 ID: 505ca1

ugh I think transparency on hair is the best way to handle this

Gscot 15/08/20(Thu)14:04 No. 17111 ID: bd478c

File anal4Test.swf - (41.04KB )


Anonymous 15/08/20(Thu)15:07 No. 17112 ID: 3d48db

This doesn't appear to be working.

Anonymous 15/08/20(Thu)16:29 No. 17113 ID: e1277a

Maybe try and modify the hair to be split in some way? Or change peach\s Hair style to ponytail? I dunno how difficult that would be, it's just a suggestion. Nice work, though. c:

Anonymous 15/08/20(Thu)21:59 No. 17114 ID: f1ce50

I'd just reserve that animation for characters with compatible hair, to be honest.

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)01:31 No. 17115 ID: ac0aaa

Why dont you try something like what was done with the reverse cowgirl position? Im sure that could be done.

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)07:04 No. 17119 ID: 265ae9

File anal3dRotTest.swf - (68.23KB )

Just for completion sake here's a dirty try at it using 3d rotation changes, though not all frames are modified (modified up to frame 90 or up to 3 seconds). It could be better but even then, I don't like how this works. I don't know, maybe someone can think of a good idea after seeing these experiments? If not that then either long hair characters are left out or new hair assets need to be drawn for them.

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)08:17 No. 17120 ID: b3e6cd

it looks passable methinks

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)13:16 No. 17121 ID: 9198cf

The ponytail idea sounds the best imo. It seems the least out of place.

Anonymous 15/08/21(Fri)18:31 No. 17122 ID: f1ce50

I personally disagree. I think a rapid switch of hairstyles would look strange.
Was Peach ever in a game with a ponytail? I feel from behind, it'd look very similar to Samus' without something like an appropriate change in clothes.

Anonymous 15/08/22(Sat)01:17 No. 17126 ID: f1ce50


One of those skin-tight spandex thingies. Would work pretty well actually.

Anonymous 15/08/22(Sat)06:25 No. 17129 ID: 505ca1


No gradient, just about 50% alpha transparency on hair. (and make the transparency go a little further up)

Gscot 15/08/22(Sat)11:16 No. 17131 ID: bd478c

File RosalinaPreview.swf - (52.36KB )

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