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Anonymous 15/06/30(Tue)20:51 No. 16909 ID: 900508

Get a load of this.


Boy I sure would like more of that with the other characters... the moaning is kinda robotic but schlicking and slurping noises have always been my favorite thing.

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)00:10 No. 16911 ID: 2b7531

Adding SFX is pretty straightforward.
You add an ENTER_FRAME listener on the animation and trigger on specific frames at runtime or add the invocation to the frames manually at compile time.
These could even be local files or sourced from some "resource" SWF to allow for custom SFX.
It's trivial, but not a priority (riiiight?). As far as I know the project lead wants to get his basic checklist complete before moving on to extra features, if you want to see this done faster then you have two options:
Assist in the completion of current tasks or add the feature yourself. Source is freely available after all.

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)00:53 No. 16912 ID: 265ae9

I don't know how I missed that. Commit was pushed and I ensured it works.

I'll take care later today. Shouldn't be anything too complex, just a change to a couple motion XMLs.

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)03:57 No. 16914 ID: 784dfa

Neat, I made this! Didn't think anyone would like it that much so I didn't bother posting it here. I guess I should do versions for the other girls, huh?

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)04:02 No. 16915 ID: 2b7531

You sourced sounds from SDT and zone right?
If we ever get around to implementing SFX we could use those for convenience.

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)04:03 No. 16916 ID: 784dfa

whoa. apparently i DID decide to post it here, lord what a forgetful goober i am

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)04:15 No. 16917 ID: 784dfa

Yeah, I used sound files ripped from Zone flashes and SDT. Also a few mario games. I think Mario Kart 6/8 and SSBU.

The pack of the ripped sounds is on SFMlab, which is here: https://sfmlab.com/item/273/

There's also an SDT pack at https://sfmlab.com/item/271/

Pretty useful, but the Flash pack has got a lot of extra stuff (think music, UI sounds) that balloons the filesize. If it's helpful for someone I've bundled up all the sounds used in the final Rosalina video. I can also upload a Vegas folder if someone needs to see how they're strung together.


Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)10:25 No. 16918 ID: 265ae9

Pushed a tiny update for as3test. Fixed the issue with the earrings and a few other tweaks.

Thank you for this. Since seeing your video I've thought that voices would be nice to have in the future once basic features are completed.

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)14:07 No. 16919 ID: 2b7531

File ppppuTest_menu.swf - (346.57KB )

Since I'm not a contributor to this repo, fork, modify, make pull request.
Not a problem, but means I have to brush up on git.
Attached is a menu (bleak, I know). Hover the bottom of the screen and wait.

Anonymous 15/07/01(Wed)22:49 No. 16921 ID: 265ae9

The menu is coming along nicely. I think it's at a point where it can be integrated with the main ppppuNX side. I see what you're talking about with the knee but it's like that in minus8's original. I interpreted it as the lower leg just peeking out a bit, so I'm not sure if it's a misalignment or not.

WBGrock 15/07/02(Thu)04:55 No. 16922 ID: 704462

In the original, the knee also was cut off by the border, not actually showing up. it was never intended to be seen. If you don't believe me, look it up on SWFchan or even look at the border of the background. the offending appendage is outside the lines. The options i see are to fix it, or leave it. and as i am just a parasite rooting you guys on, i'll take what i get.

Anonymous 15/07/02(Thu)08:27 No. 16923 ID: 265ae9

That's a good point. Completely forgot about the border. With that acknowledged, the older flashes I worked on did use scrollRect to crop and that would have been used again for ppppuNX, so we shouldn't bother with fixing the animation. It'll get worked out later during the final stages before release.

Anonymous 15/07/10(Fri)05:56 No. 16931 ID: 265ae9

Well it's time for the weekly "this isn't dead" update. Template work was coming along good until I had to work with the eyes, which are not positioned right due to changes to them. Tried working on an automated positioning system for the eyes but that failed, so I have to manually edit all the eyes in the animation (120 frames x 9 templates) so they look right. Hopefully a week from now I'll have a new test version ready that can switch between all the templates and have the menu modify them.

WBGrock 15/07/12(Sun)09:10 No. 16937 ID: 704462

Unfortunately, what they are doing is a little more profound and subtle than just adding a character. They are trying to make it easy to customize, change hair color, eye color, maybe add clothing. like Konishon did with Super Deepthroat. (I am merely using this as an example of the ability to add things to a flash file. The last time i used it as an example someone took offense and claimed the person who was creating the mod was comparing himself to konishion. i mean no offense to anyone, and am not affiliated with the group making this in any way other than cheering them on, nor am i the person who made the previously mentioned mod. But despite all my efforts someone will complain about this. maybe it will be the disclaimer is too long so they chose not to read it. so fuck it. Penis.)

Anonymous 15/07/12(Sun)21:25 No. 16941 ID: 2b7531

Whelp, seen myself as a contributor for the repo so killed the fork. Only realised afterwards that I have no permissions still.
Still kinda rusty on that front.

If you set me up to commit it'll take a lot of the hassle out of making changes.


Pretty much this. Adding content is not a priority right now. As much as it would entertain you lot, it's far more valuable to create an extensible system that can eventually support all the shit you want well in to the future.
Bear with it.

Got banned for attempting to post an image link ending with "pw", apparently counts as spam or advertisting idk.


Anonymous 15/07/13(Mon)06:39 No. 16942 ID: 265ae9

You (should) have read and write access to the repository now.

No not yet. Gscot's lastest comment didn't have anything about a date but did indicate that it is still being worked on.

Give it time, I was really interested by sago's experiment and do want to implement that.

I don't know why someone got offended by that, though it seems that person doesn't post here or I didn't make myself more clear. This template version is heavily inspired by Konashion's SDT and is the basis for how it is designed. When the thing is finished, Konashion is getting put in the credits under special thanks.

Thing about that is the work being done now will make it much easier for new characters and animations to be done in the future. Ideally, there would be no need to rely on a extremely small amount of people for changes. If someone wants to, they'd be able to do modifications themselves or have someone from a much larger pool of artists do it. It also reduces the amount of work needed on animations, since the creator could focus on just the animation and it'll work for all characters added, even custom ones. Otherwise, they'd need to maintain a number of copies of the same animation, one for each character and this wouldn't (easily) allow for custom characters

I know this is taking a while and there is a demand for new content but when ppppuNX is feature complete, you will hopefully see that it was worthwhile. Hopefully Gscot's new version comes soon to tide people over.

Anonymous 15/07/13(Mon)07:43 No. 16943 ID: 568516

underrated post, someone do this

Anonymous 15/07/13(Mon)08:18 No. 16944 ID: 2b7531

Nice, pushed a change.
Speaking of which I have a few preferences on this:

I don't want to commit my version of the main project file, it points to a different "flash.swc" path and therefore isn't compatible with yours.
I don't like committing build artefacts, since these are created new every time they aren't meaningful or readable.
Updating directly is best, branching should be reserved for big changes, right?

Basic menu works, I guess that task is sorted. I plan to wait until you've got animation swapping and accessories implemented (even in a basic form) before I implement menus to control them.

Anonymous 15/07/13(Mon)12:57 No. 16945 ID: 265ae9

>I don't want to commit my version...

>I don't like committing build artefacts...
I'm assuming you mean files like the config files that FlashDevelop creates. If that's the case then I'm more than fine with that. I should probably create a contribute.md that outright says to never commit files like those.

>Updating directly is best, branching should be reserved for big changes, right?

Almost done with the default animations for the templates. There are still some rough patches with them (Mouth tweaks such as no major scale changes)

Anonymous 15/07/13(Mon)13:00 No. 16946 ID: 9e3680

when did Gscot last have a comment stating he was working on it?

Anonymous 15/07/13(Mon)13:45 No. 16947 ID: 265ae9

It was more implied than outright saying but the comment is the current bottom comment at https://e621.net/post/show/615848

Anonymous 15/07/14(Tue)04:36 No. 16949 ID: 6f21b9

Not to be rude, but I'm kinda with >>16938

I understand what you guys are doing, and I know it's going to be worth it in the end, but...

Anonymous 15/07/14(Tue)23:47 No. 16953 ID: 2b7531

Because neither of us are artists, and the one guy producing such assets (gscot) isn't part of this specific project IIRC.
Feel free to get involved with getting the art in to a workable form, it's open source after all. Otherwise I ask for your patience.

Anonymous 15/07/16(Thu)23:00 No. 16957 ID: af76ca

File fuck-your-champion-2.swf - (3.66MB )

I found the source, here.

Anonymous 15/07/26(Sun)18:01 No. 16993 ID: 265ae9

Alright it's been a while, longer than I like but info dump time. I'd show off the recent flash but I'm not satisfied with the progress made and an issue with it currently.

There have been quite a number of road bumps since the last update. Most of them have been dealt with now but there are some left. One of which is a dynamic layer management system, capable of changing a display object's depth while an animation is running (current system is limited in this regard). This is highly important for being able to re-include "cut" characters and to allow completely new parts to be added.

Another road bump I actually just ran into is with hair, which is currently very inflexible due to relying on a created file to define how it's animated instead of being this being handled during run time. This is more of a future issue with custom hair then the current hair but it'd help now, since I ran into an problem with Rosalina's hair, which is not synced with the template body for a few animations (it seems there are some body differences between her and Peach).

That champion flash is interesting and I'll take a deeper look into it but something's telling me that it'll have conflicts with what I already have set up.

Purple, if you're still hanging around here and still want to work on the menus, I push a few commits for the main project and that should be ready to have menus integrated with it. There are some differences in how containers are accessed, especially with the Eye. Also by chance do you have any handy references for those rope physics you mentioned a while ago? It'd greatly help with the hair issue I mentioned.

Anonymous 15/07/26(Sun)19:10 No. 16994 ID: 2b7531

I don't have any particular reference.
It's not too difficult to find basic solutions in the form of a few classes or entire physics engines, but again I don't have anything on hand.
As for the main project, I can't get it to compile, only the test plays nice.

Error: Symbol 'MotionXML.Rosalina:RosalinaReverseCowgirlMotions_HairSideR' is multiply defined in MotionXML\Rosalina\RosalinaReverseCowgirlMotions_HairSideR.as and \ppppuNX\lib\TemplateAnimationMotions.swc(MotionXML.Rosalina:RosalinaReverseCowgirlMotions_HairSideR).
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

I assume it means it has multiple definitions.

Anonymous 15/07/26(Sun)20:18 No. 16995 ID: 265ae9

When I get that issue, I usually have to recompile the template animation motions swc. Guess after compiling a swc there's something set so FD knows to use the swc definition. This particular fix is going to be cumbersome since that requires getting a FD plugin.

Easy solution that avoids that is for you to delete the motion xml folder. That should be okay though since you aren't doing any editing with the animations.

Anonymous 15/07/26(Sun)21:22 No. 16996 ID: 2b7531

Compiles with warnings, those can be dealt with later I guess.
Debugging isn't viable however, since running the resulting SWF takes way too long. Some startup code causes the entire thing to halt flash player for around 10-20s, I don't want to wait that long every time.
Upon load, it appears as if every animation is loaded and displayed at once, halted on the first frame.
If you could perform some basic config to:

Set a single animation to demonstrate the boilerplate for swapping animations.
Reduce startup time to something reasonable.

Then I can easily copy the menu over and begin adding control features.

Anonymous 15/07/27(Mon)07:15 No. 16997 ID: 265ae9

I have got to stop uploading/working on this when I'm sleep deprived. Okay, the startup time might be a challenge since that's all due to parsing xml. I think I got something that'll shorten it though, which is using JSON instead. This will require some helper script changes in addition to code changes though. As for the animations, I'll get on having a default startup.

Anonymous 15/07/27(Mon)19:34 No. 16998 ID: 2b7531

So long as the data doesn't change and isn't related to displayobject you can probably just (de)serialise it.
Try a dict or something, parse then serialise.
Compare against straight loading and deserialising the dict.

Anonymous 15/07/28(Tue)16:27 No. 17002 ID: 265ae9

I kind of went overboard with this and some of the changes probably didn't do too much in the long run and made this more convoluted but what's done is done. Xml is no longer dealt with at all outside the initial export motion xml process. describeTypeJSON is used instead of describeType. The animation motion classes now use an instance of classes that extend ByteArray that have a serialized object embed into them. Because of said serialization, I had to make a helper program in AIR to process information derived from the xml files into an object because as3 doesn't have (easy) file system access.

So after all this, it still takes 4-5 seconds in release and 10-12 seconds in debug to process all 10 animations for the default animations. A good decrease but I'm guessing that it is still too slow, so later I'm going to force staggered loading on a per demand basis(which I should have done in the first place but the optimization still helps with this.)

I'm still going to push the build with all this but there is still some "ugliness" to the code (improperly named variables, a few lingering test variables, etc.)

Anonymous 15/07/29(Wed)04:21 No. 17006 ID: 265ae9

Pushed a stable commit not too long ago.

Anonymous 15/07/29(Wed)04:56 No. 17007 ID: 2b7531


Menu is live, but doesn't play nicely. A lot of references that existed in the test don't exist in the actual main project.
Things like templateInUse.EyeR.eye etc.
Hair works, somewhat. The video above demonstrates that persistence is fine but some elements do not conform.
Commit pushed, for now.

Aaaand whelp, committed as3proj files too. Ah well, nothing disastrous.

Anonymous 15/07/29(Wed)09:20 No. 17008 ID: 265ae9

Thanks. This is some nice work you're putting in. Sorry about changing the references without a heads up. Just wanted to use a more easily understandable system when working with containers.

Now about why the skin doesn't work. A while ago (about a month, it might even predate the repo's creation) I changed the way elements work in the main project folder. The skin is completely black (0,0,0), with the intent being to color it using a color transform to allow a greater level of precision and control. Certain elements are unaffected because they are named SkinGradient, which I left the color of alone. This allows them to be filtered as one would expect.

I never did get around answering the question of how to handle skin color and now it has to be dealt with. I am leaning towards the use of color transform more but that might change after I do some heavy experimenting.

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