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Anonymous 15/06/08(Mon)20:37 No. 16813 ID: 2b7531

By restructuring the code hierarchy, I meant the actual classes.
They're pretty much in a flat structure right now, that could be improved for your editing comfort.
Right now you've got:
etc. Sitting at top level. Might be useful to throw in folders.

Anonymous 15/06/22(Mon)03:43 No. 16851 ID: 265ae9

Update time. Got nothing for you all unless people want to see the custom sliders I finished programming for the menus. Now I have to design and program the main menu.

Also I finally caved and created a blog. 2 in fact. Which one I'll use depends on how much people value anonymous asks. If that feature is desired I'll use Tumblr. If not I'll use soup io.

None so far. I haven't seen Gscot post anything on e621 or 4chan or tumblr.

Anonymous 15/06/22(Mon)10:58 No. 16856 ID: 2b7531

Even something as trivial as a slider can be a worthwhile update in terms of criticism etc.
Also, it might be worth adopting a game framework like Starling in order to guarantee performance. That being said however, this isn't a particularly intensive animation.


Updates are trickling through, slow but appreciated. Consider working with an artist. You're obviously quite passionate about coding but not producing art assets. Waiting on gscot is one thing, but you're limiting yourself to his vision and pace.

Anonymous 15/06/23(Tue)00:18 No. 16859 ID: 265ae9

File Slider_preview.swf - (10.08KB , Slider preview.swf )

Okay then, here's the slider swf. Also I used some of your slider example code in this, so I must ask: how do you wish to be credited in the next full release?

I'll keep those frameworks in mind but it shouldn't come down to needing them. As for finding an artist, I'll have to see. Currently there is no huge need for one (this isn't at the point where new assets are absolutely needed for things like new animation templates or new characters).

It's not used for much (there's only 2 reblogs there) but if you still want to see it, it's at generalscot.tumblr.com

Both blogs are still empty now but they are ppppuProgrammer.tumblr.com and ppppuProgrammer.soup.io

I'll try to update them both equally at first but the one that in a few weeks that has the most activity is the one I'll keep updated.

Anonymous 15/06/23(Tue)07:53 No. 16863 ID: 2b7531

If you plan to use something I've written I insist you work from properly tested and extensible code.
Try this example + framework out:


Uses the following:

Example here:

Yeah, it's a bit spartan but I like how basic it is.
I don't really need credit, keep doing what you do and we'll keep suggesting improvements.

Anonymous 15/06/25(Thu)09:15 No. 16875 ID: 265ae9

So it's on the blog but might as well post it here. I've opened the source and other related files to the public. Hopefully this will have the effect of speeding up development and refining the overall design of the program. If you're interested in contributing or at the very least curious, you can find it the repository at https://github.com/ppppuProgrammer/ppppuNX

Anonymous 15/06/25(Thu)20:34 No. 16878 ID: 2b7531


Confirmed. This doesn't appear to function currently. Compiling fails outright due to a bad reference to flash.display.Button.
Fixing this results in an apparently broken SWF anyway, which simply loops through animations quickly.
Perhaps provide build instructions or have a look in case you've missed something.

Anonymous 15/06/25(Thu)23:24 No. 16879 ID: 784dfa


someone added vocals to rosalina, hopefully he does the rest of the ppppu extended cast

Anonymous 15/06/26(Fri)09:54 No. 16880 ID: 265ae9

Well that's what I get for rushing that out. I had a reason for that (thought I wouldn't be able to work on it for a few days and wanted this done before that) but still not a good excuse.

Anyway, I didn't check to see that a button is a flash component (never used it) so I'll just remove that code until a better solution is done. There is already a custom button class for the flash but I want to need to re-examine it since it was designed for very limited use and it may not be suitable for the new need for a button.

Anonymous 15/06/27(Sat)01:24 No. 16882 ID: 265ae9


The issues with as3test and ppppuNX should be rectified. Please give it a try now and see if they work.

Anonymous 15/06/27(Sat)08:14 No. 16888 ID: 265ae9

Hm, I'll put something up on the tumblr later that lists all the tasks that are needed for a complete release. One I can mention is that a character edit menu is desired. While it'll be responsible for more in the future (accessories, costumes, etc.), it only needs to handle character skin, lip color and eye color.

For skin color, I wasn't quite sure how to handle the body parts that use gradients, such as the ears. Allow the user to make their own gradient? Force a limited number of color pointers and let the choose the color used at each pointer? Use blending for the gradients (I tried this and I was not happy with the results).

Anonymous 15/06/27(Sat)12:23 No. 16889 ID: 265ae9

Put up a list of the various tasks that are available at http://ppppuprogrammer.tumblr.com/tasks

Anonymous 15/06/28(Sun)08:06 No. 16893 ID: 2b7531

File ppppu_uiTest.swf - (356.52KB )

It lives!
Still getting used to your code, there's a ton of it.

Anonymous 15/06/28(Sun)08:08 No. 16894 ID: 2b7531


Apparently I forgot to return uint for HSVC, that's why you see the massive jumps.
Simple fix, uint -> Number.

WBGrock 15/06/28(Sun)18:03 No. 16898 ID: 704462

So are you going to have a different set of sliders for each character? or going to do this as 1 character at a time? in the former, you may want a character customization menu so you can adjust each character out of context with the others rather than having to quickly adjust at the last minute.

The third option i see is you are just going to do 1 character at a time, but with paper doll props like hair, crowns, and other clothing (maybe even heads)

This is more of a curiosity, keep up the good work

Anonymous 15/06/29(Mon)03:16 No. 16899 ID: 265ae9

Looking good there. Once skin color modifications are dealt with, the menus can be further integrated with the rest of the program.

The plan was to edit the currently displayed character since it is simpler from a coding and ui perspective.

Anonymous 15/06/29(Mon)03:46 No. 16900 ID: 2b7531

File ppppu_uiTest2.swf - (353.94KB )

Skin is probably gonna need more control than this, but it works.
If you want to define some kind of gradient a different control can be designed.

I've been meaning to properly get source control set up for FlashDevelop but haven't had the need.
Would you be happy to manual merge the changes?

Anonymous 15/06/30(Tue)03:31 No. 16903 ID: 265ae9

Skin is okay though the way it's set up now might need to change to be easier to work with for the other characters. Messing with HSV to get to "proper" color for Shantae and Daisy will be annoying.

I'm fine with manual merging in this instance but I'd prefer it not to become a common occurrence.

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